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Waluigi, in If you ask if I use Photoshop or Gimp to make memes, but I use my phone

Omg, first time seeing someone mentioning the same editor App I use

BirdyBoogleBop, in Great deal ngl

Well I’m glad Hexbears have stopped spamming pig testicles at least. But. First impressions mean a lot and they did not make a good one.

BurgerPunk, avatar

If you were more offended by PPBs than what the people we posted that in response to were saying then you deserved to be offended che-si


You sent it to everyone who said anything you didn’t like day one of you federating. news and politics communities basically just became a toxic waste dump for a month and a half because hexbears thought people weren’t left enough, or thinking that Russia invading Ukraine was bad.

BurgerPunk, avatar

Then it was already a toxic waste dump. You just agreed with the opinions we were pushing back on


By arguing in bad faith and throwing the baby with the bathwater.

BurgerPunk, avatar

Your principled critic

Our bad faith argument

shrug-outta-hecks you don’t agree with us. Don’t pretend like it’s anything different.

I don’t see how the baby bieng thrown out cliche applies. We see libs parroting bullshit we reply, there’s no baby to be thrown out when it comes to libs and their propaganda or brainworms


Don’t know your specific beliefs but no in all liklihood I don’t agree with you. I don’t think I even remotely preteneded that. We probably agree on some things but I expect our over arching political beliefs are going to be at odds.

Just for my knowledge is a liberal anyone who isn’t a Marxist-leninist? Are Fascists Liberals under your definition?

BurgerPunk, avatar

No, just liberals are liberals. People who ultimately support capital and liberal democracy. You don’t have to be ML. Hexbear is non-sectarian, but we expect internationalist, anti-capitalist, and supportive of intersectional struggle from people on the actual left.

Fascism is basically capital abandoning liberalism to defend itself from socialism. So, fascists arent liberals. But sometimes when they get scratched the fash does comes out. Ask the average lib about the homeless, or Roma for european libs.

If you care more about how we agrue than what we’re argueing about then you don’t agree with us on anything you wouldn’t abandon in a heartbeat

umbrella, in Hanging out with the funny lads avatar

CDs nutz



chaklun, in Great deal ngl

Death to all communist trash

BurgerPunk, avatar

frothingfash interesting point,

now come this way barbara-pit

ShimmeringKoi, avatar

Follow your leader

Flinch, avatar
ComradeChairmanKGB, avatar
PeriodicallyPedantic, in My bet is still with the Zuck!

It’s not that I don’t believe Zuck would do that. It’s that I don’t believe that Musk wouldn’t come up with something just as depraved.


Yeah I’d reverse them tbh


Nobody has done more for Zuckerberg’s rep than musk

NigelFrobisher, in Its about to be summer in Australia and cannot deal with it already

I’m all for Summer. Moved here in May and I just lived through two winters in a row.

keepcarrot, in Its about to be summer in Australia and cannot deal with it already

Not too bad on this side yet, but I am dreading it

Duke_Nukem_1990, in Poor dogo

Can we leave the fatshaming at reddit?

photonic_sorcerer, avatar

That dude on the right isn’t fat, he’s morbidly obese


So obviously that means he couldn’t possibly ever exercise, because people who lose weight just wake up suddenly skinny and are never still fat at any of the in-between points during which they still get constantly shit on for existing in a shape society disapproves of.


Acknowledging that they are obese is stating a fact. Claiming that they wouldn’t or couldn’t take good care of their dog because of their obesity is fat shaming. They’re not 600+lbs-can’t-leave-the-bed obese.


Maybe it is literally the point of getting a dog and thus be forced to walk more, good for them, good for the dog

jimmydoreisalefty, in im not anti-science im pro diversity of ideas

Well, COVID proved that “science” is as bought off as politicians.

We should be able to question everything, especially if push back is seen in the MSM and censorship is used to stop the counter to the mainstream.


Could you give an example of that?


Well, depends on what you believe.

The people I started to watch and learn from are more careful in what they belive from now on.

We know that their is a military induatrial complex, which means the more wars the better the profits.

While the pharma complex also, to a degree, has certain ways of doing things, to keep it simple.


*edit: oops, accidentally interacted with a right-wing and possibly paid foreign disinformation account.



Didn’t you read the meme? He gets offended when you ask for evidence , his theories are so stupid he is the only who believes on them.


For fauci/the cdc:

  • The whole mask are useless lie is probably the big one.
  • There’s also the immediate dismissal of lab leak theories.
  • Continuing to recommend cloth masks after studies showed they were either useless or became saturated and may exacerbate spread.

For state actions:

  • Lockdowns were never part of the recommended approach, that wasn’t a scientific recommendation.
  • There were the arbitrary rules like wearing a mask in a restaurant unless you were sitting that had no science behind them.
  • There were rules like no motorized boats, but non motorized is acceptable.
  • Closing schools despite most experts citing the long term affects harming development, also little evidence that kids were at any significant risk from covid.
  • Classifying tents with walls and igloos as outdoors to avoid mask restrictions.
  • Keeping mask rules while outdoors for well after it was established there’s basically 0 chance of outdoor spread for covid.

More generally:

  • The obsession with surface cleaning despite evidence for surface transmission being nearly impossible being established very early.
  • Criticizing anti mask protests for not being safe, but completely ignoring the same issue with blm protests.
  • the overwhelming save all lives at all costs advocacy, which isn’t even policy in normal times.

So you’re a straight-up Qanon cultist, correct? Nice work.


It’s much h easier to say that then attempt any refutation of a single argument. I must have missed the ad hominem step of the scientific method.


The correct answer was “no”

darcy, avatar

yep. sad so many sheep see someone questioning the system and downvote without thinking


Jesus Christ you’re an npc. I feel like I could write an AHK script that mimics you exactly and I’m not eveb a coder.

wetnoodle, in im not anti-science im pro diversity of ideas avatar

Yeah vaccines are bullshit get me the ivermectin/s you doofus

darcy, avatar

im not antivaxx. although the covid one imo has not been tested nearly enough, at least back when they were shilling it. i believe in vaccines dont get me wrong, though people should be given the choice to not.


Yeah, but the decision on if vaccines are mandatory or not is a decision made by politicians and not scientists… the scientists only provide the data, its the politicians job to interpret it and make decisions.

Also, I hate this claim of “not tested enough”. They were tested enough, and even if, we just didn’t have the time to wait for more thorough testing, because people were dying left and right because of covid. Don’t you remember the mass graves in New York?

balderdash9, in im not anti-science im pro diversity of ideas

There’s a nuanced view to be made somewhere in here, but this ain’t it. We do have a reproducibility crisis because everyone wants to do a new study instead of retesting to verify old results. And there are some worries about post hoc statistical analysis. But this meme just sounds like general skepticism about science.

Hyggyldy, in im not anti-science im pro diversity of ideas

Not even a good meme. It reads like every conservative mass of buzzwords they call a joke.

Ilovethebomb, in im not anti-science im pro diversity of ideas

Strawman argument.

darcy, avatar

yes its called a joke

PerogiBoi, avatar

Jokes are usually humorous. This is just word salad by someone delusional.

darcy, avatar

jokes are also subjective. i guess i misjudged this audience as having critical thinking skills

PerogiBoi, avatar

I think you’ve got a very warped and incorrect interpretation of “critical thinking” in this context.


Schrodinger’s Conservative Asshole:

Option A: the cat thinks you’re witty and accurate! –>Thank you, I am an observant and urbane man of the world

Option B: the cat thinks you’re an offensive and deeply wrong asshole! –> Jeez, you upright jerks just can’t take a funny joke

Johanno, in im not anti-science im pro diversity of ideas

This is not how science and the scientific method is working!

There are flaws in the scientific method and the peer Review. Mostly that it is done by humans.

However you should use evidence and experiments everybody can redo to base your argument on.

Also everything that is currently a fact may be disproven by the next scientific break through.

To err is human. Not changing your mind given obvious evidence is stupid.

Unfortunately we rarely have obvious evidence for sth.

Ignacio, in Ask a stupid question, get a stupid answer avatar
  • Can you explain this gap in your resume?
  • Yes. I can.
  • ...
  • ...
  • So?
  • So what?
  • Why don't you explain it?
  • Because you didn't asked me to explain it, you asked me if I could explain it.
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