Isn’t he talking about people talking about him in the cut verse? Referring to himself? He’s not calling anyone a bundle of sticks, he’s repeating what he’s been called
Nothing pisses me off more than googling some issue I’m having on my computer and all of the results are articles that have a bunch of useless steps to try (that I’ve already tried) followed by a suggestion to download their software.
Did you know? This is product placement and advertisement based on the trigger from search indexing. Drivereasy might actually be paying Google and these companies specifically to cater to this.
Yeah, smart phones fixed this. No one looks at anyone anymore anyway. I have zero hesitantions about dining alone. Fuck you I’m here to write a yelp entry on this place,.and also, yes, I don’t have friends.
I feel like that just draws an unnecessary amount of attention to the fact that you’re dining alone. Nothing wrong with dining alone, but I’d feel awkward if the staff were trying to “cover up” the fact that I’m alone.
I don’t think the headline here is true, but even so they aren’t “covering up” anything, they’re giving you a plushie so you’d feel less alone, or more comfortable, eating alone at their restaurant. Surely you could decline, but why eat at a moomin restaurant if you’re gonna decline the plushie?
There’s one restaurant in my area that has some tables for one. I noticed that, for me, those do feel more complete when I’m dining alone. Instead of extra, conspicuously empty seats around the rest of the table, there’s a table clearly designed for one diner to just enjoy a good meal.
And it’s not enough to have tables with only one chair. If such a table is amidst larger-party tables, I think it still makes the other usual places at the table feel abnormally empty. What makes tables for one feel “right” has something to do with their placement in the restaurant (so as not to feel odd or exceptional), their orientation (so as not to face the diner towards someone else’s gaze–unless mingling is the goal), and then the size and number of seats.
It’s probably difficult for some restaurants to accommodate solo diners due to a need for density, but when a restaurant might have some space that would otherwise not be all that useful (like a little extra space between a planter divider and a walkway, where larger tables just wouldn’t fit), it is an opportunity to attract solo diners who want to enjoy the solo experience of focusing on the meal and their own thoughts rather than bar seating. (And, on that topic, I think it’s becoming more normal for people to not want alcohol displayed prominently in front of them when they’re really just looking for a nice meal.)
The new swiping behavior is grinding my gears as well. With so many options for it in the settings, I’m surprised they didn’t just have the people in channel list as an option. I’m also not a big fan of the private message section, but it doesn’t bother me nearly as much. Overall a nice update though.
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