With the French guy on this. Weed is expensive even when legal, and if it’s not, you really don’t want to share it with any rando because you can get pegged for distribution.
My old ass is struggling trying to understand all this.
Capitalism has gone off the rails and is grinding us down, especially the most vulnerable. I get that. Seen shit IRL over the decades that astounds me. If you’re young, it’s hard to truly grasp how much has been stolen from you. And you should be mad as fucking hell.
OTOH, I don’t understand how young people expect to gain anything. The world runs on money, always has, always will, no matter the government or financial system. The world won’t give you money for merely existing, you have to provide value back to the world. That means skills, education and experience. Things you don’t have when you start out in life, things you have to “grind” for. TANSTAAFL.
It’s also hard to grasp the opportunities and freedom you’ve been handed. Worldwide conversations like this were not possible when I was in my 20’s. A computer, with no internet or interoperability, was beyond the scope of most families. Education of any sort is basically free.
Again, no one needs to explain the plight of the youth to me. You’re either old enough to understand, young enough to understand, or you’re out of touch.
Which part confuses you specifically? I can’t understand your complaint here. “No kids need to focus everything on money because simply enjoying life won’t change the world (nothing ever will)”??
As someone not affected by this, I am curious. Are gay people offended by this song? My guess was no because the lyrics are making fun of the people who called them that, but now I am uncertain.
It’s literally impossible to be offended when the guitar is that good. You wanna know what happens to Money for Nothin when your sound system gets twice as good? it doubles in quality. This rule applies for any sound system ever invented.
By that logic black people cringe in pain listening to every other hip hop release for including that word. Which I also doubt.
Point being, radio stations censoring themselves preemptively because someone, somewhere, might take offense isn’t a good indicator of how the affected people actually feel about it.
bisexual. was bullied with the f-slur intensely in school. I can’t reclaim it because it’s too painful for me. Happy when other people can, but it makes me too uncomfortable, so in the remit of “would I enjoy hearing a song that uses it”
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