I’m joking, but of my friends I’m the only one who brings a camera to stuff and takes pictures, and everybody groans when I do it. If I weren’t there there’d be no pictures, and there are no pictures of me because I’m behind the camera!
I saw a study from Finland that said that most men only have a few friends, a lot don’t have any. I guess I’m typical in the sense that I have a few friends and we don’t see that often. So not many photos of me taken by friends.
Of course there’s cultural aspect here, we Finns are what we are and also maybe other languages or cultures use the word more casually etc. But from what I’ve seen and read online, I don’t think having zero to only few friends is a Finnish peculiarity but rather pretty common at least in the West or maybe just Northern Europe and similar-ish cultures.
Joules is unfortunately a vector because it’s over a distance in a direction. Temperature is a scalar. Sometimes scalars are better than vectors.
Edit:Ok for those who don’t actually understand joules in its units J=KG•M^2/s^2 or N•D, it’s force which is a vector over a distance, this requires a magnitude and direction. This is because force is a vector and Joules is using force. All of you are starting to be confidently incorrect… Joules is a vector you can search it up.
I know a fair amount of girls from Minnesota and Oregon who would like that because they're into fishing themselves. They grew up fishing with their fathers.
Highly agree. I love fishkeeping, so finding a dude that likes it too would be great… as long as they semi-understand what they’re talking about. No tropical fish without heaters, or tanks that aren’t properly cycled for example…
Men on dating sites: Posting one of the few photos of themselves they have Posting a photo they have where they’re actually happy and feeling a sense of accomplishment
I was talking shit about this to a group of friends one day, saying that how the hell do you think that’s a good idea and one of them piped up that he had a picture of him with a fish he caught and justified it as “showing them they can provide food”. I might as well have a picture of me in the fucking grocery store with a cart full of food with that logic. I asked him to ask some of his matches what they thought about it but I dont think he ever did. Needless to say I don’t think that man has actually gotten laid in a decade.
Incel is a mindset, plenty of women will look past looks for people who make them laugh, or are interesting, or who do fun things with them.
When you show women 10000 photos and ask them to choose from them, yes they’ll go for looks, that’s all the signal they get.
My advice to incels is to find some fun hobbies, could be hiking or solitary things, as long as it makes you happy. When you’re happy, people will be drawn to you. If you focus on being butter and angry, people will sense that and avoid you.
You misunderstand. I am not excusing the incel community. Any sympathy I had for them died years ago, and frankly I think any guy who thinks women deserve retribution because they won’t sleep with them is a fucking coward.
But here’s the thing, I think it’s a horrific symptom of our societal ills, not a cause. Inceldom is an economic issue first and foremost.
We are a society that profiteers from human misery in so many ways. Men are judged quite harshly for their wealth, status and their ability to provide, even when we’ve made great strides to bring about equality between the sexes. Wealth inequality has created a predominantly male underclass. This affects many things like being able to afford a home, access to physical and mental healthcare, etc.
Another thing that I think doesn’t help is how we’ve commodified sex in so many ways, but that’s a very deep subject that would take me way too long to go into.
Online dating specifically is a monopoly headed by just two parent companies. They want your experience to be as miserable as humanly possible so that they can sucker you into paying the cost of several MMO subscriptions just to use the premium tier of their apps.
The problem isn’t women, it’s that Bumble Inc and Match Group couldn’t give a flying FUCK about the integrity of their platforms. Socially awkward people depend on these apps to find love and their world view is being poisoned by a lack of interest from anybody who isn’t a bot, sex worker, scam artist or a lady from the other side of the world seeking to marry their way into their country.
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