Papyrus will forever be the “Ethnic font” for me. I worked as an entry-level graphic designer for some university foreign language departments and every region’s department would use Papyrus to represent their country in their material. Native American, South America, Africa, Eastern Europe, Asia, and if there was anyone that covered Australia, it would’ve been used for there too.
I love yes it is an amazing tool. I never had an actual use for it since any tool I might want to use it on (like apt) already has some kind of command line switch for it already
But I just once in a while stumble across yes again and run it for half a minute and have a chuckle.
Aw man that thing was so useful during University. The assignment submission tool required saying yes a million times as it explain how the whole thing worked for every submission.
Terminal has plenty of convenience benefits over GUI as well. For example you can queue up long-running commands to go one after the other, something I didn’t realise how useful it was until I was using Linux full time.
I use this one all the time for archiving stuff and moving it from my PC to my file server. Tar archive a folder, generate a checksum, move the new files over to the server, and then delete the original folder:
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