Owner Class: “Watch out! That White Tree is trying to steal your nutrients.”
Mushroom: “…”
Mushroom: (•ˋ _ ˊ•)
White Tree: “Whoa hang on there, fun guy. I’m not trying to steal your nutrients. I worked hard for these, I deserve my share.”
Mushroom: “Let’s fight, bitch!”
White Tree: “Them’s fighting words! You’re on!”
Scuffle Intensifies
Emperor Palpatine Owner Class: “Good. Good! Everything is proceeding as I have foreseen.” Sticks a straw in the nutrients and starts sucking all of it.
Owner Class: “Hey everybody. We’ve had an excellent season this year, so we wanted to pay our success forward. Hold out your hands, we’re gonna share our harvest!”
Mushroom and White Trees hold out their “hands”.
Owner Class trickles a pittance of nutrients on Mushroom only.
White Trees: “… Wait, what?! How come Mushroom got this?”
Mushroom: “Yeah that’s weird. Let’s go ask Owner Class what happened!”
Owner Class: “WTF? That’s so weird! Hey, Mushroom! What happened here? Why did you get some nutrients and White Trees didn’t get any?!”
Mushroom: “Hey, I deserve this! I worked so hard this season, I have to eat, too!”
White Trees: “Give us some!”
Mushroom: “Make me!”
Scuffle Intensifies
Emperor Palpatine Owner Class: Laughs in Reaganomics
Sticks more straws into the nutrients and starts sucking.
I didnt finish the core of the mountain in celeste, i planned to play the starlight river terraria mod but never did, i recently received dead cells for my birthday and i forgot about the sevtech ages Minecraft modpack after reaching the point where you could get oil and i gave up on my t1 only btd6 challenge
Instead of playing any of these, i play on a modded server that recently rebooted
There’s always been an invisible 4th dimensional peg that’s not talked about in most USB-A connectors, and you are required to flip your plug around so many times to get it in to the correct position.
Some of us have that inherent knack to sense the 4th dimensional peg without perceiving it…and thus we do not have this struggle. Meanwhile others completely lack intuition of the aforementioned 4th dimension and struggle endlessly with that peg.
This magazine is from a federated server and may be incomplete. Browse more on the original instance.