The man On the left is justifiably disturbed knowing what he’s about to run over. The man on the right is psychotically excited to see someone was tied to the rails that they almost ran over.
The guy on the left is sad because they missed the guy on the tracks, and the guy on the right is happy because he can see a train coming from the other direction.
The need to finish my backlog is also something that fucks with my enjoyment of some games too. Understanding you’re allowed to put it down and never play it again is also valid. Go watch the synopsis on YouTube if it has one after.
When you get old you have way less time to slog through the mediocre games like you did as a child. They also get more apparent when you play nothing but primo games with mids in your favorite genres.
Sometimes, you just gotta enjoy your CoD, D4, PalWorld, LoL, Slice of Life, idle, etc. You don’t need the next best thing in gaming every time.
Fwiw I also watch a lot of Fully Ramblomatic since what feels like high school two decades ago lol.
Pong is a table tennis–themed twitch arcade sports video game, featuring simple two-dimensional graphics, manufactured by Atari and originally released on 29 November 1972.
I think it is a reference to the first filmed “rage quit” by Ralph Baer which was in 1969 over an early table tennis game that then inspired Atari’s Pong.
If you think cleaning is picking up after yourself you haven’t actually cleaned. If I had just a tiny bit more disposable income I’d love to spend it on someone properly cleaning the apartment.
Between two full time jobs, commute, and a toddler there is not much time, much less energy, to clean beyond a quick vacuum, and wipe down of the bathroom once a week.
Sometimes I just don’t finish a game because I don’t wanna get that post-lifechanging story depression. Happens every time I find a game that I love. Currently needing to finish Dishonored 2 and Control
i feel that. and usually i end up obsessed over finding anything that could distract me but everything feels like trash for a while so it’s a whole downward spiral
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