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meltylikecheese, in Show everyone what you got, honey.

“Show 'em everything you got, honey” -Joe Jack

Floey, in save it for later

This is why I like roguelike mechanics. Permadeath encourages me not to hoard and the hunger clock encourages me not to grind.

Urist, avatar

I still hoard and often just die on my pile of loot :(

OberonSwanson, in The best lemmy instance

If this was a gif, it would be perfect. 🤌

conorab, in The amount of memes on lemmy has come a long way

Out of curiosity, what do people mostly use Lemmy for? I’m 90% doom scrolling memes.


Memes, tech stuff, gaming, linux, and communist propaganda

Classic libertarian internet


Good enough for me. lol

Needs a bit more anime though, if I’m being honest.


Anime pops up here and there


Not that kind of anime, the other kind.

OttoVonNoob, in Its sad. .

An absoluteky outstanding song by Cash btw. If you haven’t checked it out, I suggest you do so. Even if you have zero interest in Country do yourself a favour.

axont, in Its sad. .

I can’t put into words how much I despise modern stadium country. It’s like the opposite of art. I grew up in the south around people who could only stomach country music like that. Everything else to them was too weird, or not white enough.

The closest analogy to country music are the movies fascists made, like the ones Hans Steinhoff and Goebbels directed. Completely banal plots and lack of artistic value. The only reason they were made as to communicate fascist rhetoric and fulfill a quota of cultural markers.

That’s all modern country music is. It’s the music of boring middle class white people who feel uneasy if their specific cultural touchstones aren’t constantly reinforced. There have to be trucks, land ownership, high school football, generic American jingoism, glorification of alcoholism.

The most common thread in this shit music is that anything outside of a middle class conservative white lifestyle is to be mistrusted. The girl from a small town who goes off to college in a big city, but realizes her home was truly out in the sticks. The song about how country values make a person more virtuous or fun. “Don’t go over that hill, don’t go looking for anything further.” It could possibly be a sweet sentiment if it weren’t for the target audience: comfortable white shitheads who drive a $80,000 Ford truck in the suburbs.

jabjoe, in I never understood this logic avatar

The logic is deterrence.

I mean it’s stupid, but that’s what the supporters think.

The thing they are missing is that no one commits a crime thinking they will get caught. So ever increasing the deterrence doesn’t help.

Drugs is a public health issue, no really criminal. Prohibition doesn’t work with things done at scales like drugs and alcohol. You’re just feeding the criminal gangs.


It’s not deterrence, that’s not the point. Deterrence does not work.

It’s about sending people to prison so they can do cheap labor. It’s also about racism because it’s disproportionately targeted towards minorities. It absolutely makes sense in that light.

jabjoe, avatar

I’m sure that is the motivation of some, those involved, but the vast majority of support will be voters who think deterrence works.


It’s the prison-industrial complex paying the politicians to push this stuff through. Voters don’t matter to the politics being pushed, they just get told later that they wanted them.

EveryMuffinIsNowEncrypted, in 😍😍😍 avatar

Screw the TI-80 series! All my homies love the TI-30X IIS!

GCostanzaStepOnMe, in Listen here, kulak... avatar

Haha, funny way to say “working in the lead mines”, comrade.


Comrade, we all know lead poisoning and the need for safety gear are capitalist propaganda! Now, get back in the mines! Production must increase 50% this year, and your state-appointed union representative says it can!


Capital successfully fought to put lead into American’s blood and lungs for a century after it was known to be poison. To this day they’re still fighting to keep it there.…/275169/…/90349256/

sub_ubi, in Listen here, kulak...

When you own the means of production it’s literally yours. I don’t understand the issue.

Clav64, in The repo man

Lol, find me a tattoo artist that takes credit card and they can have my skin, twice.

Auli, in Show everyone what you got, honey.

Isn’t that Mel Gibson?

The_Picard_Maneuver, avatar

It sure is.

MystikIncarnate, in The EU has finally won this one!

I’m pro USB C all the way, but I definitely appreciated the lightning connector. It’s smaller, fewer things to go wrong with it, less delicate… so to speak… at least the female side seems to be from my experience. The male side isn’t half bad either, but the cables apple used for their USB to lightning wires was basically trash. Every time I witnessed someone with a bad iPhone charging cable, the connector was generally fine and the wire was torn to shreds.

The biggest weakness of the standard was that it was stuck on USB 2.0. Beyond that it was pretty good.

I still like USB C more, both for speed and for how ubiquitous it is; but, being fair to lightning here, the center area were the pins are is a failure point, one wrong move and it’s toast. Granted it’s nestled in there pretty good and the chances of that actually happening is pretty small, but lightning doesn’t have this issue.

Lightning is far from perfect, but they did a good job… for the time. Right now the only benefit to lightning is twofold, it’s everywhere, and the connectors basically never broke with normal use. At the time micro-B was horribly fragile. C is way better than micro-B was, but I still think that lightning has the crown for durability IMO.

With all that being said, USB C all the things. Lightning was a shining example of a better way, and hopefully we learned from that. I don’t know what comes after USB C, but I hope the improvements are significant. It will be a while before C goes anywhere though.

Gorilladrums, in A not-so-friendly reminder

I know this is a meme sub, but I firmly believe that the trans movement is going to either collapse or severely regress over the next few years. I think it’s already starting to happen. Hopefully I’m wrong.




I don’t know where you and the other brainlets are brigading from, but what I said is not that complicated. Being trans isn’t a movement, but there’s a trans movement. That movement isn’t doing too hot, and the evidence is supporting that notion. Anti-trans views are spreading more and more, and if the issue is goin to continue to be ignored by people, do you know what’s going to happen? Anti-trans legislation is going to find it’s way into the law, and civil rights are going to regress. Idk about you, but that’s not a good thing in my book.


Good job for insulting me within the first sentence.

turtlepower, in A not-so-friendly reminder

I have no problem respecting them as living, breathing people, but I will not feed their delusion. It is not a physical gender issue, it is a mental health issue - some sort of mental abnormality, like AD(H)D, BPD, Schizophrenia, etc. It is just an extreme form of body dysmorphia (they even call it gender dysmorphia). So why are we being forced to feed this delusion? Why are we mutilating people because of their mental illness? When someone has a mental illness, do we help them hurt themselves or others? No. We give them medication and therapy to try and get their system to function correctly. So why do we not do the same for trans people? It is not the same as being gay/les/bi/etc. That is physical and/or romantic attraction. That is not mental illness. Thinking your body is wrong or that you’re in the wrong body is. We need to stop treating it medically, and start treating it psychologically. Regardless, they are human beings and should be treated as such, with all the rights that go along with it.

Edit: How about instead of downvoting and telling me to fuck off, you answer my questions? I’m serious. I want to know why so many people get hostile when this shit is asked. Is it that hard to accept reality?

Oh, and as someone that’s part of LGBQA, I find it really strange that Trans is included in that since it’s gender and not sexuality. Especially when so many trans people complain about being fetishized.

miss_brainfart, avatar

Regardless, they are human beings and should be treated as such, with all the rights that go along with it.

And what rights are those, according to you? What human rights do you want for yourself?

miss_brainfart, avatar

Good, you know your sources at least.

So, these rights protect a persons will to be who they want to be, and to do what they want to do. They aim to let a person live their life, unbothered.



Yes. So why are they bothering everyone else with it?

Remember a handful of years ago when all of a sudden everyone and their mother had a gluten allergy? That’s what this shit feels like. Yes, there are a lot of trans people out there. But I have encountered so fucking many, both on- and offline, that are just doing it to feel special.

miss_brainfart, avatar

To feel special, or to feel like themselves, which makes them feel excited and happy in a way they haven’t been in a long time, maybe ever?

People are feeling more and more comfortable to come out and be public with who they are, and that’s a good thing.

If you misinterpret that as a weird fad or trend to feel ✨special✨, then I don’t know what to tell you.

Maybe you should take a closer look at yourself, to figure out why it’s bothering you so much. I’m not trying to insinuate anything here, I don’t know you. Only you can come to a conclusion that makes sense.

But whatever that conclusion is, please find it. Take a step back and evaluate what you feel from a neutral distance.


No, I know the difference between someone being giddy over finding themselves and someone doing it for attention. Unlike the fucking hexbears you see here throwing hate around, I know how to be introspective and self-reflect. I imagine it’s not uncommon for people to wonder what it’s like to be the opposite gender. My wife occasionally asks me what it really feels like to have a cock and balls. Hell, I’ve wondered what it really feels like to have a vagina and clit. But neither of us is going to change genders just to find out. It’s just natural curiosity. Trans people don’t bother me. Being browbeat is what bothers me.

Stamets, avatar

Earlier in this thread you claimed to be part of the LGBT community. Now you’re saying you’re in a heterosexual relationship with your wife. My guess is that you’re “bi” because you kissed a dude in college and didn’t hate the concept. Now you just believe that you’re bisexual and get to involve yourself in the community when you don’t have a place in it.

Even if you are legitimately bi, I’m here to inform you that the community wants nothing to do with you. You’re a small-minded and hateful bigot who keeps spreading lies. Nothing will change your mind because you believe you have full understanding. Immediately you have put yourself in a place of total ignorance on purpose because you’re afraid of your world view being shattered.

Now. I want you to think. Are you angry? Pissed off that I decided to take something about you and crumple it up, showing that it means nothing and using that against you? Awww. That sucks, huh? Then maybe you should stop doing it to other people when you are beyond clueless.

miss_brainfart, avatar

You know what’s curious about this whole exchange? Your orignal comment clearly went against trans people in general, but as soon as you got some well-deserved pushback, you backpedal and try to specify only disliking a certain type of person, like that makes it any better.

But anyway. Yeah, natural curiosity is perfectly normal. What’s it like to have this or that bodypart? Never boring to think about.

I don’t see what that has to do with anything, though.

While we’re still on the topic of wanting attention, I reckon I gave you enough of it, more than you deserve.

So again, if you know how to self-reflect, do that.

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