I was up at an Airbnb in Boston years ago and I still very much remember one entire third of the bed I was given being covered in different throw pillows. It was bad enough to actually be funny, and more intrusive irl than the photo I had to take would have you believe. Where the photo cuts off is the edge of the mattress.
I had to move them every night in order to go to sleep, and put them back every morning when I made the bed. I counted. There were sixteen of them. Everyone else's beds were the same way.
My hatred of throw pillows is so extreme that it borders on psychotic.
“They don’t serve any purpose besides getting in your way! What if you want to sit on the couch, but there’s already someone else on it? You can’t just put the throw pillow in their lap. You can’t toss it on the floor, either. That’s rude. I HATE THEM SO MUCH.” 🔪 🪶🪶🪶
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