Tautvydaxx, My two sticks bring all the worms to the yard, damn right its better than slugs, damn right its better than bugs
TheOakTree, Guide to playing Silkbind Shockwave HH in MonHun Rise.
zakobjoa, Worms are centrists and loooove debating in the marketplace of ideas. You can lure them out with a makeshift political compass.
For some reason most of them turn out to be fascists though.
importedreality, Bless the Maker and His water. Bless the coming and going of Him. May His passage cleanse the world. May He keep the world for His people.
RedditRefugeeTom, How to clear out any excess debris in your leach field!
iAvicenna, Thumper prototype obviously
Geek_King, How-To: Teach Worms About Christianity for fun and Profit!
sirico, Tremors prequel
Laticauda, Worm Jesus is about to be crucified.
nis, Adjust garlic-infused crossed stake until sharp end is directly above the heart of a vampiric earthworm, then thrust.
rug_burn, Stephen King’s latest novel, “Worm Semetary”
Octopus1348, If you do this, the system will bug out and an explosion will happen underground which makes worms and other animals blast out.
x4740N, Earth Worm Concert
foggy, Running sticks together creates subterranean earth WiFi, which earthworms love.
Th4tGuyII, It's worm morse code, "my parents aren't home today"
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