There is almost no chance they are gonna lock him up. He could openly murder someone with his own hands, on stage, and he would still be able to run in the elections.
Unfortunately, I think you’re probably right. We keep seeing it over and over again. The judicial system continues to move slowly with as many delays and roadblocks as possible. When judgements are made, they are stayed during an appeal so they have no teeth. The farce of the Supreme Court will never let anything bad happen to their dear leader. They will delay, delay, delay until Trump is either reelected - in which case he’ll pardon himself. Or until a new president is elected in 2028. If it’s a Republican, they’ll pardon Trump on day 1. If it’s a Democrat, the Republicans in Congress will find some way to force a presidential pardon in order to keep the government funded or some other bullshit.
I think there’s a 0% chance Trump ever sees a single day in prison. Even if none of what I said above happens, he’d get a slap on the wrist at worst. I would LOVE to be proven wrong. But I’m not holding my breath.
At this point the only things between Trump and a jail cell are:
The courts must rule in the coming days (probably this month, Jan 2024) that Presidents are subject to criminal prosecution. We know Presidents are not subject to civil prosecution, but the courts are deciding about criminal prosecution now. (Trump argues it would be “bedlam” if Presidents were subject to the law).
A jury decision in mid 2024. If that jury says “guilty”, it’s over, Trump is a convicted felon.
Oh, you mean the court that trump himself stacked in favor of the GOP? The same court that has voted along party lines in like 98% of their rulings? Impartial my ass!
The case I’m referring to in #2 has a judge that was not appointed by Trump. (Tanya Chutkan)
Case #1 might eventually be considered by the Supreme Court though, and your criticism would apply there.
Also, Trump’s trial over mishandling classified documents is overseen by Judge Cannon, who Trump appointed, which is a sham. Cannon should have recused herself.
Trump may or may not eventually end up in prison, but it’s naïve after the past 8 years to assume that there are only two ways this could all shake out, and that you can predict them.
A possibility that will almost certainly be less absurd than whatever actually happens:
Trump wins a second term, manages to get the FedSoc 6 to rule that a sitting president can’t be imprisoned because it would violate separation of powers. So multiple states are just waiting for his term to end so they can actually arrest him. (Feds can’t arrest him because he has pardoned himself for all past, present, and future crimes)
Then in the last month of his presidency he takes a diplomatic trip to Russia and just never comes back.
I don’t mean there are 2 ways this can shake out. I mean there are 2 legal barriers in the way. Once the courts rule that Trump can be prosecuted, then the trial date is set for spring. The judge is motivated to hold to that trial date. The prosecutors have their evidence and arguments ready for the jury.
On the possibility of Trump pardoning himself, it’s not clear that a President can pardon himself and the supreme court would probably end up having to rule on that.
If Trump is a convicted felon, then he probably can’t get enough votes to win, but I don’t know, the cult is strong with this one.
Trying to prosecute him for his real crimes is honestly damaging the election chances of Biden, lots of voters with a vicarious persecution complex through Trump.
Most of the people I know who plan to vote for him think of that as a good thing. It’s the whole “drain the swamp” thing that he’s been rallying people behind for years; they think bad actors in the government are trying to hold Trump down, and him being in jail is just another attempt to do that - from their perspective, electing him even while he’s imprisoned would be a big “fuck you” to those bad actors.
It’s sad that they can’t see that Trump himself is the bad actor, but to most of them, Trump is their last hope to hold on to their beloved world of racism and misogyny, free of any “woke bullshit.” They’ll overlook anything he says or does at this point, since they don’t see any other way forward than through Trump.
Yeah right. If he wins, he’s free. Shame on the justice department for not completing a single trial in FOUR FUCKING YEARS. Have they even started any of them? No way any of them are wrapped up before the election. The wheels of justice turn slowly. Yeah, yadda yadda yadda. They’re barely turning at all against this fat fucking loser.
His lawyers have run out pretty much every option to delay trials, although several judges have seemed pretty damn complicit as well. I get wanting to make sure the case is as airtight as possible, but…the people they’re worried about pissing off with a case that isn’t entirely formed, were just going to be pissed off anyway.
That’s an accelerationist or a nihilist. If the status quo is pro-immigration and pro-LGBT rights, wanting to keep this status quo will make you a “conservative” because you want to conserve the status quo.
“Conservatives” haven’t wanted to conserve anything in a very long time. They want to prop up the rich with government subsidies, hurt the poor, control the women, and hopefully kill some sick people along the way. That’s a damned far sight from conserving traditional American values.
i’d imagine a part of the problem is that at least some of them do in fact see those things as “traditional american values” so from their perspective they are conserving their version of reality.
Genuine question as i don’t actually know the answer, is conservatism considered to be the conservation specifically of “traditional” values. Like, is there an agreed upon timeframe in which these traditional values were held or is it more of a moving target sort of thing ?
I’m no expert, but I always thought the American brand “conservative” stood for “fiscal conservative”, as in, to save money by limiting government spending.
That definition lines up well with their actual policies which tend to be cutting government spending, tax cuts, downsizing government jobs, etc.
Not really conserving traditions. Although there’s plenty of that in their cultural identity.
Edit: to be clear, the party has long since moved past being actually conservative. The most accurate description they might have now would be the party of spite.
This though. People love to harp about the good ole days but leave out that the good ole days were good cause only cishet white men could participate in the economy
Honestly, picking Trump again is a good thing for the rest of us. We know he can lose and because of the last presidential election and his base is just getting smaller.
It’s not like any Republican is a good candidate. All of them think abortion is a crime and will appoint shit supreme court justices. So give me the one I know loses because they lost before.
Biden BARELY beat him the first time around and conditions are WORSE this time around:
1: The electorate has a ridiculously short memory and aren’t currently suffering from Trump being president.
2: Related to but distinct from 1, Biden’s main strategy of “at least I’m not the other guy” is much less effective for an incumbent than a challenger.
3: Biden is currently alienating a large part of his own base by supporting two seperate genocides (Gaza and Yemen), one of which Democrats actually care about even when there’s a Dem president.
Don’t get me wrong, I REALLY want him to win since he’s by far the lesser evil, but for the above reasons and others, there’s a significant risk of him actually losing if the traitor isn’t disqualified as he should be
Biden won by nearly 7 million votes with a 62% of votes under 30 years old and 52% under 45 years old.
Actually the only age group he didn’t win with was 65+ and they’re the ones dropping faster and faster each month.
So you’re assuming people will take Trump over Biden because he was involved in genocide when he was involved in 8 years of drone strike champion before he ran in 2020.
He won the popular vote by a smaller percentage of votes cast than Hillary and the Dem candidate winning the sub-45yo vote is pretty much a given. In most elections, it would be by much more.
As for the 65+ group, a lot of fascists and people who don’t consider fascism more of a deal breaker than a (D) behind a name are aging into that group, perhaps as many as are dying off.
And no, I’m not assuming anything. I’m pointing out that there’s a big risk of the pro-democracy candidate losing if he and the rest of the DNC don’t stop thinking that “Not Trump” is enough and start listening to what the public wants.
Things are not worse. Life for the average American is significantly better now than it was in 2020. I guess everyone’s already forgotten the shambles our society was in during the 2020 election?
I meant that his ELECTION prospects are worse, in part BECAUSE life in general is better and many have forgotten just how awful it used to be.
It’s much easier to get elected on “we know he’s not the most exciting candidate, but at least he’s better than the one ruining your life right now” than on “we know he’s been underwhelming but at least he hasn’t been catastrophic like the one who used to ruin your life”
He’s not funding a “genocide thing”. The US has subsidized Israel for decades. Not yanking all of our support because they responded to a terrorist attack on their civilian population is not the same as “funding a genocide thing”.
You are partially right; the nation built on slavery and imperialism will indeed continue to support colonialism until its capitalist government is overthrown entirely, but an openly zionazi pos like Biden makes that support even worse, as we can already see with the ongoing genocide.
I’d be mad if reality was in staunch opposition to my narrative
Imagine being such a fucking loser that all you can think of in response to that is basically “nuh uh”. You could only come up with adding “Blah blah fucking blah” to that? What a child lmao
Are you shocked allies back each other?
Read the comment you’re replying to.
Did you make this same complaint before October 7th
Yes, as did anyone with half a braincell. Evidently you’re not one of them though.
Do you think I’m championing this behavior by stating facts?
Refer to the facts in the comment you’re replying to.
Yesssss, attack me personally with insults, I love it.
Your stance is so true and rock solid that you’re resorting to calling me names including (ironically, considering your behavior) calling me a child when your opinions gets any push back.
Also yes, imprisoning a civilian population in a location and then bombing that location is genocide. They are clearly and deliberately exterminating civilians. The fact that we didn’t remove all support the instant they started doing that is appalling.
Also before you even start with the whole “hamas is using the cavilians as human shields.” Yes, they are. But that doesn’t mean Israels solution of “kill them all and let god sort them out” is remotely acceptable.
But that doesn’t mean Israels solution of “kill them all and let god sort them out” is remotely acceptable.
I completely agree with you there. The whole situation is fucked up, and neither side is making any effort to take the high road. I get that the hamas doesn’t have that luxury, being underdog rebels and all, but it’s not like their goals are benevolent either. One of their stated goals is the complete destruction of Israel, and the Jews. Israel, being the well armed and well funded nation, should be taking steps to respond in an ethical manner, but they’re sinking to the goals of their enemies. Or maybe those were always their goals anyways, and the hamas attack gave them an excuse. I don’t pretend to be an expert on Israel Hamas relations. I just don’t think that Biden can be judged too harshly for not immediately yanking decades of history with Israel. For one, if the US stops supporting Israel, Israel will likely cease to exist shortly afterwards. Anyways, I’m going way off the original topic, so I apologize for that. The overall point I’m trying to make is that I agree with you, but acknowledge the complexity of the situation.
“16. Hamas affirms that its conflict is with the Zionist project not with the Jews because of their religion. Hamas does not wage a struggle against the Jews because they are Jewish but wages a struggle against the Zionists who occupy Palestine. Yet, it is the Zionists who constantly identify Judaism and the Jews with their own colonial project and illegal entity.”
And can you blame them for conflating zionists with jews, when the ethnostate that has been slaughtering and oppressing the Palestinian people has been trying to do precisely that for the past 70+ years, and is backed by the world superpower as they try to do so?
Hamas’s tactics aren’t much different from the Viet Cong’s; attacking villages, taking hostages, and using tunnels and guerilla warfare. These are simply the most effective methods of driving out an occupying entity, and wouldn’t be necessary if the colony wasn’t there in the first place.
Okay, so they want to destroy Israel, and Zionists, which they conflate with the Jewish people. It’s kind of splitting hairs. No? If their only issue was opposition to Israeli occupation, then it would be a lot easier to sympathize with them, but they are a Muslim extremist organization that wants the destruction of Israel.
Since its creation in December 1987, Hamas has invoked militant interpretations of Islam to spearhead a Sunni extremist movement committed to destroying Israel.
That comes from this website , but can be found just about anywhere. Even your own document lists this opposition:
The establishment of “Israel” is entirely illegal and contravenes the inalienable rights of the Palestinian people and goes against their will and the will of the Ummah
To be clear, I think the human rights violations perpetrated in Gaza are atrocious. The bombing of civilians and civilian targets is awful. But Hamas isn’t some benevolent organization that is taking a beating through no fault of their own, and they would perpetrate the same or worse against Israel if they had the power to do so.
It’s surprising to me that there’s so much pandering to Hamas on this website, from a group of people who are generally vehemently opposed to religion, and especially religious extremism. Hamas are religious extremists, with a violent perspective towards outsiders, and an abusive relationship with women. Ultimately what I’m saying is that what Israel is doing is wrong. Full-stop. Also, the goals of Hamas are wrong. Full-stop. That said, Biden’s involvement is circumstantial, since he inherited a government with a history of aid to Israel, and has merely not revoked it. I support Bernie’s proposition yesterday, to require the US Secretary of State to report on Israel’s humanitarian violations or withhold their aid. Unfortunately the Senate voted overwhelmingly against that measure, 71-11, if my memory serves correctly.
Zionists, which they conflate with the Jewish people. It’s kind of splitting hairs. No?
First, see my previous comment regarding the current Hamas charter. And second, you do realize saying that separating Jewish people from zionists is like “splitting hairs” is anti-semetic right? And that’s literally what the israeli government wants people to do.
organization that wants the destruction of Israel.
Of course. “Israel” itself is a western colony in Palestine, and colonies have no right to exist. Its formation used common british colonization tactics [III], with companies literally named “Colonization Commission”, “Jewish Colonial Trust” and the like.
Theodor Herzl, founder of the colonial ideology he called “zionism”, was himself also just a racist colonizer by his own admission, and saw it as bringing ‘civilization’ to ‘barbarians’ as the rest of Europe did when they were colonizing and enslaving Africa and Asia:
“We should there form a portion of a rampart of Europe against Asia, an outpost of civilization as opposed to barbarism. We should as a neutral State remain in contact with all Europe, which would have to guarantee our existence.” Source [II]
That’s exactly what’s happening right now, all for US and European capitalist interests in the region, no matter how many people die in the process.
Zionist leaders fully acknowledged that Palestinian demographics were a core issue to the Zionist project, that the Palestinian population had to be removed at any cost, which is exactly what Israel did. What lead to the Palestinians being defenseless in this situation? Colonial Britain abetted the formation of heavily armed Zionist militias with soldiers numbering in the tens of thousands. The arms of Britain’s colonial military presence were inherited by the Zionist forces that it supported. All this while Britain summarily excecuted any Palestinian found in possession of a firearm.
This is not to mention the enthusiastic support of european antisemites for the Zionist project, or its strict early opposition by antifascist jews.
The idea that Israel has any right to exist on Palestinian land is a lie that has been so heavily proliferated, it has to be debunked when it should be paid no consideration at all.
From the PFLP’s 1969 Strategy For the Liberation of Palestine (very good read):
The Palestinian liberation movement is not a racial movement with aggressive intentions against the Jews. It is not directed against the Jews. Its object is to destroy the state of Israel as a military, political and economic establishment that rests on aggression, expansion and organic connection with imperialist interests in our homeland. It is against Zionism as an aggressive racial movement connected with imperialism, which has exploited the sufferings of the Jews as a stepping stone for the promotion of its interests and the interests of imperialism in this part of the world that possesses rich resources (the middle east and its oil) and provides a bridgehead into the countries of Africa and Asia.
It’s surprising to me that there’s so much pandering to Hamas on this website, from a group of people who are generally vehemently opposed to religion, and especially religious extremism.
Because this is a lefty platform. We don’t like religions, but we’re not about to tell people that have been oppressed and killed for generations to not use it as an organizing and political tool to fight against colonialism and imperialism.
And second, you do realize saying that separating Jewish people from zionists is like “splitting hairs” is anti-semetic right?
That wasn’t my opinion. What I read in their charter that you shared is that they associate all of Israel with Zionism. So their statement that they don’t want the destruction of the Jews, only the destruction of Zionism and Israel, is semantics. If they state that all of Israel is Zionist, and Israel is the home of the Jewish people, then they are still advocating the destruction of the Jewish people. That’s what I meant by “splitting hairs”.
What do you propose? The Jewish people have just as much right to exist as every other people. They have a long and storied history in that region, and eons long conflict with Palestine. This isn’t their first time occupying that region. So how is Palestine’s claim to the entire region of Israel more legitimate than Israel’s claim? Just because they have been there without Israel more recently? I do agree that Israel should pull out of Palestine, but I don’t agree that that includes the entire territory of their whole nation.
The Iranian Islamic revolution of 1979 overthrowing the US-backed monarchy was also deeply religious, and resulted in a drastically improved quality of life for everyone in the nation.
I strongly disagree. Women lost the majority of their rights because of that revolution, and live heavily oppressed now. People lost a lot of their liberty, and they’re subject to religious law, which is imposed upon them. My best friend’s wife is from Iran. Her parents still live in Iran. She has a very large family, all of whom I am close with, and not a single one of them views the Islamic State of Iran as an improvement to the conditions in the country prior to the revolution. Granted, their opinions aren’t necessarily representative of every person in Iran, but they’re as close as I can personally get to that situation. I trust their judgement and intellect, so I tend to believe the things they tell me.
We’re getting further away from the actual topic of discussion though, which was that Biden is funding and supporting genocide. I think I’ve already made my position on that clear, so I won’t burden you with it again.
I appreciate you taking the time to share your perspective with me, and discuss this in a civilized manner.
So their statement that they don’t want the destruction of the Jews, only the destruction of Zionism and Israel, is semantics.
A government is not the people, specially not when it’s the government of a colony.
What do you propose?
My opinion is the same as that of the PFLP’s book on the subject (again, great read, I suggest you go through it); until the inherently colonial and imperialist “state” of Israel is abolished, the oppression of the Palestinian people will not end.
The Palestinian liberation movement is not a racial movement with aggressive intentions against the Jews. It is not directed against the Jews. Its object is to destroy the state of Israel as a military, political and economic establishment that rests on aggression, expansion and organic connection with imperialist interests in our homeland. It is against Zionism as an aggressive racial movement connected with imperialism, which has exploited the sufferings of the Jews as a stepping stone for the promotion of its interests and the interests of imperialism in this part of the world that possesses rich resources and provides a bridgehead into the countries of Africa and Asia.
The aim of the Palestinian liberation movement is to establish a democratic national state in which both Arabs and Jews will live as citizens with equal rights and obligations and that will constitute an integral part of the progressive democratic Arab national presence living peacefully with all forces of progress in the world.
This isn’t their first time occupying that region
That was 1400 years ago. You do realize this doesn’t at all justify colonialism in the modern day, right? By this logic, could Chinese Americans and Indian Americans return to China and India and lay claim to those countries?
Even the racist colonizer that founded zionism didn’t try to use that as justification, and admitted full well that this is just colonization, as per my previous comment.
I do agree that Israel should pull out of Palestine, but I don’t agree that that includes the entire territory of their whole nation.
Again, the entirety of Israel is an irredeemable fascist, imperialist ethnocolony founded on slaughtering natives, has been ethnically cleansing them throughout its entire existence, and is currently committing a genocide. Would you support the existence of Nazi Germany in any way, shape or form? Though it arguably does somewhat live on through modern Germany, seeing as how they’re also supporting the ongoing genocide.
Muslims, Jews, and Christians were already living in Palestine before Europe stated colonizing it. Decolonization of the region doesn’t necessarily have to mean the displacement of people already living in the colony. It would simply mean the removal of the fascist state and any control that the US and Europe have over it; as long as a separate government exists, these imperialist nations will exploit it. Again, referring to the PFLP:
The aim of the Palestinian liberation movement is to establish a democratic national state in which both Arabs and Jews will live as citizens with equal rights and obligations and that will constitute an integral part of the progressive democratic Arab national presence living peacefully with all forces of progress in the world.
The aim of the Palestinian liberation movement is to establish a democratic national state in which both Arabs and Jews will live as citizens with equal rights and obligations and that will constitute an integral part of the progressive democratic Arab national presence living peacefully with all forces of progress in the world.
That sounds great! That sounds like a solution. Unfortunately it’s not a very realistic one, especially since they’re a religious extremist group, and I don’t imagine their view of democracy to be actual democracy, nor can I imagine them supporting a separation of church and state. If that’s the case, then it just results in the same situation, but with the actors swapped, and the Jewish people living under Muslim oppression. Idk about you man, but I feel that the Jews have suffered at the hands of extremist groups enough for one people. But hey, maybe my assumptions are wrong, and they would legitimately establish a free and fair democracy. That would be an amazing resolution to the problem. But since we know it’s a multi-national problem, with Europe, the USA, and several Middle Eastern countries all wanting a piece of the pie, it seems very implausible. It’s a nice hope though, and I think most actual people would support it.
Yeah if your response to that is to keep bringing up their “religion” (the last avenue for liberal internalized racism; as conservatives bring up “culture”) of the people currently being slaughtered, you’re too far gone.
It is a huge driving force and a major part of their motivations. You can’t ignore it, and raising concerns about it is not racist. It’s not even a statement about race, it’s about religion. Rather than acknowledging it is a valid concern, you call me a racist? Okay then. I guess the conversation is over. Thanks for sharing your viewpoints though. You did raise valid points, and I felt that we were communicating well, and pretty much in agreement at the end there. Cheers.
Edit: and in case it was somehow unclear, I already stated that I think Israel should be held accountable for their human rights violations, and I think the situation over there is an enormous tragedy.
Not possible. Desantis is too intelligent. No one can be like Trump. No one would risk being so immature and childish. Trump doesn’t risk it because he is that way naturally. Ramaswamy tried but he is a mature person trying to act like Trump which never works.
Trump’s stupidity is his saving grace. People think he’s the worst president we may have ever had. But people also fail to recognize the fact that Trump would never have gotten anything done, if not for Republican assistance. Trump is a clownish symptom. Not the problem. Republicans are the problem. And they have been ever since. FDR cut a deal with fascist Republicans back in the 1930s.
Desantis has the veneer of sanity, and actually has a clue regarding how to make things worse. He knows exactly what he’s doing. Trump just flails about and expects underlings to figure it out.
My only hope is that people as morally insane as Trump are rare, and there may be a correlation between his sociopathic traits, and how seemingly incompetent he is.
What this hopefully means in practice is that even though this time around he will surround himself with yes-men over which he will have more control, few of them will be precisely like Trump and so not immune to actual concern for the future, and to Trump’s surprise will not all follow his insane ideas without question, as Trump clearly wants everyone to do. He can’t rule on his own. He does need some people, and people needing people requires at least a semblance of regard for others.
In this same way, even his stacked Supreme Court I think will still be likely to put America itself ahead of Trump and a victory that would make a mockery of their own institution, the constitution, and just general common sense.
It’s only a shred of hope, but one which might enable civil society to survive another Trump presidency, and if we’re really lucky, avoid it.
I know nothing of DeSantis outside he’s running. Can you or someone share a tl;dr. It’s hard for me to imagine someone worse than Trump. But then again, never thought we’d have someone worse than George W…
Desantis is basically a competent Trump. They both have terrible ideas but Desantis would be able to pull it off because he already has in ruining Florida.
The short version is that he’s gutted public services in Florida and made life worse for nearly everyone there - while engaging in massive culture war bullshit to distract his base
Not to downplay that, it includes laws and discourse such as ‘Dont Say Gay’ and attacking school curriculums that are incredibly damaging. He’s the guy that flew refugees to Martha’s Vineyard to ‘make a point’
Please learn to identify and complain about the things that are actually increasing fascism and not just be like “bad people might make the country bad if they’re in charge” Trump is a symptom not the disease.
As empires collapse imperial violence turns inward. For a more in depth analysis I would read anticolonial theory or Marxist analysis of Nazi germany, like “economy and class structure of german fascism”
It’s possible to be more than one thing driving fascism.
In the absence of a general worker uprising to bring about revolution (this isn’t going to happen before the election) stopping Trump is a fine alternative to stem fascism.
We know that fascists need a charismatic leader with unquestionable authority (Trump) may as well cut that head off the snake now.
Does that stop capitalist interests? No, their money and power is still there but it at least won’t be manifesting through a dictator.
Capitalist interests have operated just fine without a dictator.
I mean we don’t have a dictator and we’re involved in killing tens of thousands of Palestinian civilians over the course of a month. Even if Trump is never elected again we keep sliding into fascism, and liberalism doesn’t really have a response to that besides to join in.
So…threatening to retaliate against those who didn’t vote for him last election? Removing rights from various classes of people? Those kinds of things?
netherlands, denmark, maybe germany, maybe finland. i’d most rather live in the netherlands or possibly denmark, although it’d probably make more sense for me to want to live in germany or finland because i don’t speak dutch or danish lmao. regardless though getting permanent residence in denmark or finland is practically a hopeless goal for a majority of people, so they’re basically out of the question
i can get slovak, maybe german citizenship based on descent (i’m in the process of getting the stuff i need from the slovak government to apply for citizenship but they really take their sweet time) and i’m mostly a software guy so it’d probably make the most sense to move to one of those, however the netherlands probably holds way better opportunities for me
for most people getting into another country (especially europe) is out of the question though, you either have to have extremely marketable work experience (like 3-5 years as an engineer or developer) or you have to happen to qualify for citizenship by descent and have the birth/marriage/death/citizenship/residence documents for it (e.g. anyone who had italian citizenship since 1860, anyone who lived in an area controlled by hungary ever since hungary existed, anyone who was polish 1920 or later, anyone who was czechoslovak or german for the past century, an irish grandfather)
They’re both right-wing parties that don’t give a fuck about the working class lol; they’re on the same side.
And the supposedly “lesser evil” one is currently openly funding and supporting a genocide (even going as far as to bypass congress to do so) and is openly a zionazi.
There is no representation of the other (leftist) side in the US, and there will never be until the system itself, that’s specifically designed to prevent that and serve Capital instead, is overthrown.
It’s all one side. I know fans of each party like to twist themselves in knots to find daylight between them but outside of the culture war nonsense & which brand of idpol they subscribe to, the distance between them has only gotten smaller with every passing election in my lifetime.
The supposed solution to trump and the gop (who was labeled a dangerous madman that would get us into ww3) was to elect Biden and the Democrats
What has happened since?
Provoke Russia
Provoke China
Provoke Iran
Arm Nazis in Ukraine
Aid “Israel” in their genocide
All while their own citizens continue to struggle with basics like food & shelter.
Will republicans be happy to continue all of these? 100%. But let’s not pretend there’s some grand meaningful difference between them unless your most important issues fall within the category of the culture war in which case you must be doing pretty well.
If you actually compared the policy positions of both parties around foreign policy, taxation, healthcare, education, gun control… the list goes on – you would know that this argument is disingenuous at best.
At least one of the parties isn’t trying to wipe LGBT people off the map. What you call “culture war nonsense” is a very real threat to those affected by the hundreds upon hundreds of legislation being proposed and passed every year
History. Since 1972, the Iowa caucuses have had a 55% success rate at predicting which Democrat, and a 43% success rate at predicting which Republican, will go on to win the nomination of their political party for president at that party’s national convention. Source: Wiki
Not just the Midwest - there was one weather station in WV that was reporting a colder temp than one of the stations in Antarctica for a bit earlier this week.
Yes. we are the point that both parties are Nazis’s.
Following this course of sliding right into Nazism we’ll have Adolf Hitler running for the Republicans and a Trump figure running for the Democrats. And then you’re all going to vote for the Trump guy because he’s not the Hitler guy.
this fucking guy again. every single comment is some form of Biden genocide. we get it. we don’t like it either. but we aren’t so stupid that we think trump would be better. he would be so much worse. he would probably be genocide plus fascist.
You’re all sticking your head in the sand pretending that only Trump would do genocide while Biden is actively committing genocide. It’s real time Holocaust denial here.
trying to sound cool isn’t exactly an argument-winning tactic. you have no leg to stand on when the simple fact is that one candidate is FAR worse than the other.
yes the suffering in Gaza is severe. but gazans are not more important than everyone else and there is plenty of evidence to support the claim that trump in power will harm many more people than gazans.
unfortunately your skull is too willfully thick to accept or at least address this obvious point. so why not just resort to more insults if that’s all you got?
Oh right, let’s support Republicans, they are the party of peace!
GTFO with your disingenuous bullshit. Republicans started TWO illegal wars, killed hundreds of thousands DIRECTLY and have supported Israel’s bullshit just as fervently.
Pretending like if Trump was in office he’d be stepping on Israel’s neck to stop is some of the biggest bullshit I’ve read online in a while.
Not to mention they Trump supports Putin a full on dictator currently engaged in ethnic cleansing.
I don’t know if you are a troll or just incredibly ignorant.
Honestly, if you’re a republican, Trump is the only pic. I’m no fan of Republicans, but this is clearly the Republican party punching the Republican populace in the face.
Best polling to beat Biden. If you want to win or to get conservative laws passed, that is the way. Last time Trump was president, he put in a bunch of conservative judges, he has a track record.
You haven’t been paying much attention to the Republican party as of late, have you? “Circle the wagons and toe the line” has been their schtick for a while now.
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