altima_neo, So a Wellington is a sushi or calzone?
Mok98, A calzone, the ends aren’t open. A wellington is usually shown cut but that doesn’t change its identification
ThatWeirdGuy1001, So a burrito is a calzone?
Tja, Until you bite it, then it becomes a quiche.
Draegur, This classification system is deeply flawed but one of the most obvious ways is failing to recognize that quiche is an arbitrarily over specific example of what its category should ACTUALLY be called, which is obviously PIE.
PIZZA IS PIE TOO. The crust puffing up elevated at the edges contains the ingredients within.
And in this case, a stuffed crust pizza is indeed a PIE SURROUNDED BY A CALZONE.
Alternatively surrounded by a burrito.
Lodespawn, (edited ) Wouldn’t stuffed crust be toast surrounded by sushi?
meekah, if you’re looking at the whole pizza pie, the crust doesn’t have open sides so it’s a calzone. if you’re looking at a single slice, it’s sushi.
stratosfear, Til cutting a pizza turns bread into fish
Draegur, then again, this is a a loop-shaped calzone… topologically, a torus. the chart doesn’t even have an entry for that, but i’m ok with provisionally classifying it as a calzone
Lodespawn, (edited ) I feel like the chart needs a torus entry like some kind of filled doughnut, but I also think a rolled, filled torus is closer to a sushi roll than a calzone. I think everyone is just settling on calzone because we are talking about pizza and ignoring the structure and shape which is what this is about. How does a torus fit into the cube rule anyway? You can only consider it as the base structure which is a tube, ie sushi.
beefcat, the stuffed crust is prepared as a calzone but becomes sushi once the pizza is sliced.
daemoz, This was my exact assessment. I like how u think
dpkonofa, I just questioned this elsewhere and am in full agreement. Should be a pie.
Kase, What’s your opinion on thin-crust pizza? Is it toast? I feel like it’s toast.
Draegur, you know what, yeah actually, i think i agree with that too!
sukhmel, Your comment makes me think that we’re missing (at least) one of configurations on the diagram, the one where two bases are perpendicular to each other. A slice of pizza will have that configuration, but I am too culinary-challenged to imagine anything else by that shape to name it after 🤔
pruwybn, So bread is toast I guess.
Mostly_Gristle, (edited ) And all cake is comprised of at least three toast layers.
BananaPeal, So Subway sells tacos? You learn something new every day.
dpkonofa, I feel like taco is too specific and that there is a better word that covers tacos and submarines. I just can’t come up with the word…
Allero, A slice of pizza is, indeed, a toast! With a lot of stuff on top.
DAMunzy, The crust makes it a pie!!
ForgotAboutDre, According to this diagram it makes it a quiche. The definition should be a tart, a quiche is a savoury custard tart.
That would make the pizza a tart.
A pie would be a calzone according to this diagram.
dpkonofa, Is a pie a type of quiche or did the OP choose too narrowly? Is a quiche a type of pie? Should they be reversed?
Allero, (edited ) The hardened browned crumb of a toast is, essentially, a small crust! That’s how pies get it too!
DAMunzy, Noooooo!
PolandIsAStateOfMind, Yes. Pizza was always a lie.
I_am_10_squirrels, Pizza is toast, not cake.
pinkdrunkenelephants, Imagine people thinking food cam be categorized consistently like that.
Food is cultural and historical; nothing outside of its preparation is scientific or internally logically consistent, so stop trying to force it to be.
A hot dog is a damn hot dog. Now stop arguing about it, and get this crap off of my feed
xor, Sir this is a meme
getoffthedrugsdude, I will continue to shiptoast, have a day
GreyEyedGhost, The usernames add a whole new layer to this thread. “Pink drunken elephant” having a serious and sober look at the conversation and how stupid it is, and “get off the drugs dude” happily continuing this bizarre and pointless conversation.
getoffthedrugsdude, Adding fuel to the fire I see
Ascend910, No it is more strictly a cake
troglodytis, An enchilada is sushi?
yimby, Yeah that topology is probably better described as burrito
MeetInPotatoes, Burritos are closed on the ends, my Mexican food-challenged amigo.
brianorca, Sometimes only one end, making them a quiche.
tigeruppercut, (edited )
Tlaloc_Temporal, I would find it a tad odd to refer to a hotdog as simply a sandwich, because we have a more precise and common word for it, but I would understand nonetheless.
Not just because of this debate, but also because when you use the ingredients separately you get weiner sandwiches and hot dog bun sandwiches.
It would be odd to call champagne wine, but still understandable. Same for calling a lava lamp an incandescent light. Actually, this would probably work for lots of genericized tradmarks, like jello, bandaid, dumpster, zamboni, kleenex, zipper, velcro, and so on.
sukhmel, Well, in the case when a table is empty except for the hotdog sandwich in question, I would maybe understand. But I imagine myself to be quite dumbfounded with such a naming
Tlaloc_Temporal, At this point, it’s pretty hard to find a natural opinion on hotdogs as sandwiches sunce everyone has heard of the great sandwich debate, but I don’t think it’s a big leap. I think calling a hamburger a sandwich is about as weird, for example.
agitatedpotato, Oops my sushi fell on its side and turned into quiche.
dpkonofa, No it didn’t. Quiche is open on one end. Sushi is open on 2.
ook_the_librarian, Goddammit. Quit leaving the croutons off my salad. I want to see some floating blue specks in there.
Tier1BuildABear, 1: this dude doesn’t know how calzones are made 2: calzones are sushi
Fridgeratr, The air all around me is salad!! Ahhhhh
Sarcasmo220, I guess the air is a mixed salad of gas molecules…
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