anhkagi, avatar

Water is so far above everything else that EVERY SINGLE SODA is forced to add around 80% water.

This comment was made by the water gang.

RootBeerGuy, avatar

You tell 'em, brother!

This comment is sponsored by the water gang.

darelik, (edited )

Do we have a waterni hydrohomies lemmy

Edit: found it


I actually think water percentage would be in the high 90s. 80% water sounds like it would be more like syrup consistency.


Google tells me 90-95% water, and 98% or more for diet

anhkagi, avatar

Then water is even further above what we supposed.

fkn, (edited )

Since soda is actually like 95-98% water, soda is basically water… Ipso facto soda homies are actually hydro homies confirmed.

anhkagi, avatar

So we’re just all part of a big family ?! 😲

Wage_slave, avatar

I’d fight the shit out of you but I am afraid you are just too well hydrated and I stand no chance.

email, (edited )

Water is very dangerous because 100% people that tried it, died


Not only that, but 100% of murder victims were found to have infested it within a week of their death


I think you mean ingested, but I will admit infested is much funnier


LMAO yeah I’m keeping it

eatham, avatar

Water is very dangerous because 100% people that have had it will die.

KingThrillgore, avatar

100% of people who don’t also die


Yep but I am addicted to it

spicytuna62, avatar

If I go more than a few days without it, I will literally die.


Actually about 7% of those that have tried it are still alive and well! 😀 (Our current global population represents about 7% of all humans that have ever lived)

spicytuna62, avatar

I feel like that number is slowly creeping toward 0%. Maybe it’ll take a billion years, but I bet it’ll get there.

stebo02, (edited ) avatar

if we never get to expand beyond earth or are exterminated then yes but without any of those limiting factors the percentage would probably stay the same because exponential growth

FartsWithAnAccent, avatar

As long as coffee and tea are A tier, we’re good.


Milk a tier


Milk can kill me putting it in S tier


When you think about it, everything on that list can kill you.


Milk S tier. Same with good pussy.


most humans cant drink milk, humans are the only species that drinks milk as adults, humans are the only species to drink anothr species milk. milk involves raping & killing cows. F tier


raping cows? what?!?!?!


Mammals produce milk for their offspring. Dairy farmers have to keep their dairy cows pregnant and having babies constantly so they continue producing milk. This involves bulls inseminating the cows or more commonly non-consensual artificial insemination. Either could be considered rape. I guess an ethical farmer could only choose to opportunistically collect extra milk at times when their cows have given birth and after the calf has drank their fill, but that’s not how it happens at large dairy farms.

AI_toothbrush, (edited )

Oh yeah because the bulls in the in the wild ask the cows for permission -_-


Letting nature do its thing is a whole lot different than humans doing a similar act. We generally don’t condone cruelty to animals in lab environments or everyday life, even though predators maul and maim other species all the time.


And the inseminated cows goes “o fuck, I’m late again! I can’t go thought this again. my career will go to shit”.

tubaruco, (edited )

i always thought domesticated cows were bred to produce milk all the time. i will search a little to know more about that

edit: i have searched and dairy farming indeed works the way the person i replied to said it worked. to add, that can be done so much to a single cow it can cause diseases and infections on the cow

edit2: i forgot to say that those things dont count as rape, since rape means forcing a person to do sexual things without their consent, so by letting a bull do the work i feel its completely fine. artificial insemination is a different story, and i just seriously dont want to think about it


This involves bulls inseminating the cows or more commonly non-consensual artificial insemination

Animals aren’t capable of consenting to anything. They lack both the communication capabilities and the mental facilities to make the kind of decisions that are involved in any kind of consent. This is similar to how the severely mentally disabled are unable to consent and must instead have a caretaker give medical consent.

I’ll concede that animal farming practices are generally difficult to justify and align with our modern morals, but farm animals can and often are treated with a level of respect to quality of life that is not far from some pets, just with the added expectation that they also provide for us.


Yes, I was leaving that exercise for the reader and you hit it out of the park. Being unable to consent, any sexual act performed on them by an able-minded adult human is rape.


This comment brought to you by Big Dairy


Milk is below F tier.


Water is S, Milk is A, and Beer might be D tier. It’s bad for you like the drinks in F tier, but you at least catch a buzz.


I mean, you didn’t include anything like tea, so it’s kinda just easy. Fizzy, calorie-pumped, nutritionless, cheap-dopamine-providing, overpriced and overpackaged water is pretty low hanging fruit.


available in abundance

Let’s hope it stays that way :/

Viking_Hippie, (edited )

You’re forgetting the fluid that nobody doesn’t love!

RealFknNito, avatar

That woman shouldn’t be alive. What is that barrel made of? So many questions…


It’s probably photoshopped. You can’t trust anything these days smh my head


Water is A, only coffee is S.


Water S; black coffee and tea without milk and sugar are A.


Cold water on a hot day is SS tier, no doubt


Water is a C

ICE FUCKING COLD water is S+++.

FlyingSquid, avatar

Oh hey, it’s just a girl.

I kinda always knew she’d end up my ex girlfriend, and that shit was bananas. B-A-N-A-N-A-S. Don’t speak, I know just what you’re thinking. It didn’t happen. Well. You’re right. It didn’t.

God, I wish I could stop but I just can’t.

FlyingSquid, avatar

Um… uh… uh… Spiderwebs Hella Good Simple Kind of Life?

I’m bad at this. :(

chemicalwonka, avatar

Water full of microplastics S+ Tier


Whiskey tho

StalinIsMaiWaifu, avatar

It’s a type of water so it’s S tier


Châteauneuf du Pape tho


Nectar of the God’s


Of the god’s what? Don’t leave us hanging!!

HEXN3T, avatar



Water is the goat but have you ever jad a soda pop made botanically? Modern soda is just synth flavors and sugar, but it used to be flavored with actual spices. It’s harder to find, but if you can find a truly classic soda brand it absolutely slaps modern corn syrup shit out of the universe

Imagine tasting cola, except it actually has a deep flavor palette and isn’t cloyingly sweetened subsidized corn liquid

dullbananas, avatar

Not as good as Reddit CEO’s tears


If one of the few ingredients listed is cane sugar, and no corn syrup in sight, you’re in for a delicious, probably better for you*, treat.

*[citation needed]


i won’t fight you about water but we can fight over something else if you’d like


How about whether or not the earliest-known literate civilizations in the ancient Near East were of each other’s existence?


I think you skipped the “aware”. If so, then I must argue that I don’t know enough about the topic, and since I don’t know then no body else knows and if they say they do it’s a conspiracy! So there.

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