KredeSeraf, I don’t disagree that water is king. But putting coke and pepsi in the same tier must be some kind of crime.
Kiwi_Girl, I agree, coke should be lower.
KredeSeraf, And forever more shall our families fued. On my blood do I swear undying enmity towards the PepsiApologist, Kiwi_Girl.
helpImTrappedOnline, (edited ) Fun fact: I’ve never heard of a Kiwi soda. It’d probably be delicious.
Siegfried, You mean, like carbonated pressed birds fluid? Please add ice to that
Kiwi_Girl, (edited ) O Holy One, Pepsiman, who blesses our teeth with holes shaped in your great symbol’s image.
Grant us the strength to drive these CokeCrusaders from our lands, led by the dastardly KredeSeraf.
May our rivers once again flow ripe with the chemical by-products of your majestic factories.
Dulcis. Immutabilis. Pepsi.
FluffyPotato, I have tried both and both taste like a lethal dose of liquid sugar. Among the American drinks only Fanta doesn’t outright taste like diabetes, it only has that as an aftertaste.
CyberEgg, Where teas and juices and coffee?
SuperIce, Tea and coffee A tier. Juice is D tier (basically the same amount of sugar as sodas but at least has some antioxidants).
tubaruco, and milk
spicytuna62, Good black coffee is a low S or high A tier drink. Sure, it makes me poop, but it tastes great and makes me productive.
variants, Coffee for breakfast water for lunch and beer for dinner, what else do you need
ReplicantBatty, The Hydro Homies have invaded! Nah but for real ice water is the GOAT
pancakes, (edited ) Imagine having to add solid bits of water to make it better. The audacity.
-This response was made by the Keep Water Liquid gang.
felixwhynot, This list is missing beer???
Macaroni_ninja, Make it a vote and see where sparkling water lands
stebo02, G
PatFussy, DAE drink water? Smash that like button
Wilzax, Unsweet tea gets a tier tho
96VXb9ktTjFnRi, (edited ) I drink 50% regular water, 50% herbal teas. Never drank sodas, if you’re not used to them they taste far too sweet. I used to drink a lot of coffee, but I have quit caffeine completely, with 1 exception. I drink 1 cup of coffee the day after my night shifts, because this helps me feel ok that day. If you don’t drink coffee regularly you notice two things when you do: 1. it’s very very bitter. 2. the effect of caffeine is really quite strong. I feel like I’m on drugs that day. After quitting coffee I got a little bit bored with just water, I missed drinking something warm, so I started with herbal teas. I now have a large collection of herbs and I started to appreciate all these different tastes.
Trainguyrom, I’ve been reducing my sugar intake and recently fully quit caffeine. I was never big on sodas but I recently had one at a work lunch because it was the only option available and it was shocking how overly sweet it seemed
fritobugger2017, Well made coffee should not be bitter
iforgotmyinstance, Yeah water is cool. But
She Mt Dew on my Baja til I Blast
PP_BOY_, RC cola gets a D but I agree other than that
tubaruco, i have never heard of RC cola
PP_BOY_, Imagine if Pepsi was still good
tubaruco, i only drink pepsi when its available and when theres nothing else, so i wouldnt know
(by available i mean someone already bought it and is giving some to me)
RalphFurley, I carbonate my own water and drink lots of tea
Gingernate, Really? How? Keg and c02? Do you add anything, like citric acid? Im a home brewer, I’ve got a kegerator set up with 3 kegs. I want to do one with carbonated water some time
MintyAnt, (edited ) Soda stream is just a CO2 bottle on cold water. It carbonates after an hour or so, or if you shake it.
A better option imo is to buy a big tank of C02 and connect it to a big tank of cold water which in turn has a tap. You probably have all that!
I personally found the taste of plain cold carbonated water… actually good on its own. Otherwise you can add flavor like a canned seltzer would have.
accideath, I’d personally place tea on S and water on A. Tea is far too versatile. Water is great but tea hydrates just as much and has the potential to be much much more.
itsralC, Piss water
accideath, I see you haven’t had proper tea yet
Trainguyrom, I didn’t like tea until very recently. Apperently it took about 20 years for me to start liking tea
Zoomboingding, I mostly agree, but I’m not drinking any sort of tea after a 10k. Water/tea/coffee is 95% of what I drink. Whole milk is 3%, and boba tea is another 1%. I’m ashamed to say I drink soda in social settings.
accideath, I’d argue though, after a 10K, you’re not drinking for any other reason than hydration and in such cases water is always the best. But I’d argue that’s an edge case unless you’re a professional athlete or live in a very hot environment
Zoomboingding, (edited ) Isn’t… the exclusive reason to drink… hydration?
I mean if I was an avid reader in Sweden I could get by on tea/coffee exclusively. Most people will, on occasion, need to drink water to rehydrate.
accideath, I also drink because I enjoy the taste. Some people drink coffee or energy drinks to stay awake. One can drink alcohol to get drunk. There are many reasons. Yes, hydration is almost always a present and desired effect but not always the reason.
BigBananaDealer, no shame in a good sodie pop once in a while
its everyday that it becomes horrible, for teeth and weight
Zoomboingding, I have the biggest weak spot for sarsparilla! Or if I find a microbrewery that makes any root beer~
Trainguyrom, I’m not a soda drinker generally but microbreweries sodas are always so much better than anything the big three put out
sag, (edited ) Something like this exist? Cool
itsnicodegallo, (edited ) Hydrohomies was a big sub on Reddit for a good while. Idk where it’s at now, but yeah, it’s like a whole thing.
DerpyPlayz18, What about milk?
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