This really hit home. I have to play games I can squeeze a half an hour to an hour into every now and then now. No more online multiplayer stuff, more zelda and puzzlers.
I have a mITX tower i built in 2015. Feels very obsolete nowadays for games. Don’t have much time to play anymore after getting kids etc but I might just do like my friend and lease a gaming rig for two years then decide if I want to keep it and pay the remainder, return it no questions asked or lease another one.
Oh, spicy depression. Is that the exciting variant? If so, would you recommend over vanilla why-should-I-get-up-for-any-not-immediately-lifesaving-task depression?
Yes! It’s the new and improved depression with anxiety and panic attacks! It still includes the paralysis of normal depression, but now you can’t relax either! Highly recommend! ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐!
Hey, I had a great PC when I was a kid! Top of the line, no expense spared. Heck, my parents even bought a fancy solid-wood roll-top desk for it.
…and boy were they pissed when I asked for a new one a couple years later, and they found out that obsolescence was a thing! From then on it was bargain-basement PCs until I was old enough to build my own, LOL.
(Only one of those subsequent computers ever fit properly in that roll-top desk, by the way. That thing was designed to hold a desktop-desktop (i.e., flat, not tower), fairly small CRT monitor, and a dot-matrix printer.)
That’s really a modern thing. It used to be that you’d buy a nice PC and 3-4 years later it can’t play new games at an acceptable frame rate and resolution.
That’s a good point. I was born in the 90s but I don’t remember upgrading my computer that often in the 2000-2010 era when I would have started playing. Maybe I didn’t play intense games or something.
I’ve never felt so imaginary jacked in my life. Like, multi jacked if you think about it. And I’m really Goro from Mortal Mombat, so that helps the jacked multiplier…
I can’t play fast paced shooters anymore. The kids these days are too jacked up on caffeine and trickshot you while jumping around like they are a clown on meth.
Use your experience to dominate them tactically. I found it when playing high TTK shooters like Overwatch 2 I can still hold my own against them young’uns.
One of the reasons for this is that you already experienced a lot of games and there are less of those “first” experiences. Another reason is that AAA and AA has been very same-y for a while (I almost wrote ‘trash’, but not really, it’s pretty cool how far technology has come). AAA doesn’t try anything new, AA tries to be AAA. I tend to go back to older games I’m not familiar with and I follow the indie market, there are pretty cool niche games out there which sometimes bring back the spark of that “first-experience” feeling.
it’s been almost a decade for me to “digest” this truth. But to be honest, I don’t even miss or regret it much anymore. I end up cooking, going out, cleaning up or resting instead. and doing those with the same openness to let them absorb me the way games used to,… man, they sure can be enjoyable
I have been feeling the same. I only really enjoy gaming with friends now because I like the social aspect. Otherwise, I’m filling my alone time with reading. It’s much more satisfying.
I highly recommend getting jobs adjacent to social media with full time contract. Sometimes it’s insanely busy, much more than a person can handle, but if you can manage the stress, there’s many slow days where you can just play games.
Relatable. What I kinda hate about it as well is that I can’t use my own PC for work, but at least this time around I have a decent work laptop - and I can still use my own peripherals.
I never understood why someone would want this. I would never want to use my personal pc for work. They give me a device, install everything for me and I just work with it while not having to deal with anything. I see that like a company’s car. You drive it and don’t have to deal with it in any other way. Isn’t that great?
The point is more relevant when your work hardware is trash. My work machine has 16gb of ram and a quad core, my personal pc is a 12core, with 64gb of ram. If I could get at least 32gb of ram at work, I’d mind less, but it’s a pain in the ass with my current setup.
This, plus the fact that if it’s a laptop and you put a bit more load on it, it can get loud, whereas a desktop PC can be pretty quiet and performant at the same time; a work desktop might be better in some regards if they let me build it myself, but it’s usually just an OEM machine that’s might not be assembled with low noise in mind; on top of that I don’t want to have two cases right next to each other.
So you work from home, right? May I ask what you do for a living? Just curious
Btw I asked my company for a MacBook Pro as work device. It’s absolutely silent, because it’s fan free and hooked up to my 49“ ultrawide monitor. But as I said in another comment I only use the device to connect remotely to other devices, so I don’t need much power locally.
I’m a software developer. Previous times I’ve had instances where for one reason or another I’ve had to work on pretty terrible machines; needless to say that at one point this gets on my nerves and I just can’t work as well. Right now I have a pretty recent Dell Precision with 12th gen Core i7 and that CPU is surprisingly good for a model with just two P-cores; still, it’s nowhere near the 5900X I have in my desktop. On my previous job I had a laptop with I think 10th gen i7 that was generally good, but from time to time it would decide that it would just throttle down to like 800 MHz and stay there for no particular reason (temps were fine and everything).
Still, I get that being able to work on your own hardware is rather an exclusion (unless you’re a freelancer).
Ah okay, then it makes sense to have a bit more power locally. I absolutely get what you mean. I worked in onsite IT support the first 10 years of my career and in the beginning I had an absolutely crappy hp notebook with some dualcore processor and like 500MB RAM (don’t remember the reals specs, but it felt like that). There has to be a minimum device requirements to be able to work without getting stressed by your device :D Yes it’s an exclusion and most of the time I think it’s good as it is. I also worked in an IT department of another big company and you can’t imaging what user are able to do. I - and pretty everyone who did this kind of job - could easily write a book about how dumb users can be. So it’s the easiest way just to tell people what devices to use, installing them with some MDM Software and keeping their rights as locked up as possible. I get nightmares only thinking about letting some of these guys use their personal devices in company’s network :D
Good question. I work in IT and most things I do take place on server or more like datacenter hardware remotely. So my work device itself doesn’t need that much power. But I totally get that there are jobs that need powerful devices, as I remember from the days I worked onsite for many different customers. I am just curious
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