
I left.




You too.

I do sometimes search Lemmy for subs I miss and when I don’t see them I feel sad I do not have time to start and tend them.

I’m coming up on a break and I think I will undertake one or two but if a person doesn’t have time to mod I don’t think they should mod.


im only lurking without an account from time to time

LainOfTheWired, avatar

I left reddit after a few weeks of getting any useful info off my saved list. Honesty I’ve been happier these last couple months. Now I only visit reddit( with an ad blocker, because they ain’t making a penny off me) to read help and old opinion threads when I need the info.


Haven’t logged in since Apollo stopped working. old.reddit + every ad blocked. May they slowly decay, someday existing in archive alone.


The guy that invented steel had to live and breath iron in order to create change.

Its not wrong to still use the old ways.

Hell. I hear some people still use the imperial system. Lol.


Because I still need it to access older repair guides and ask people on fixing stuff from cars and household things to study material and that community simply isn’t as big here. I use lemmy with boost much more but I still use some services on reddit outside of that nothing else to do on there. So no need to judge, you are expecting a 5m community to have as much information and technical knowhow as a 150m user base. You can have a ferarri 458 you occasionally use when needed for the track ay and still daily a toyota prius.


I’m at least on it a lot less since I can’t use it on my phone.

foxymulder, avatar

if one good thing came out of it, its that there’s now a wider appreciation for mods and how much work they do, as basically a free service. people seem a lot more understanding of slow mod reactions, and can see what happens when that free volunteer force stop doing it. several subs have become a lot worse simply because there arent enough people to keep up, and mods arent blamed as hastily, the community seem to get that its because it’s difficult without motivation & people-power


I deleted my Reddit account but there are some subs I greatly miss. Shame the majority of their members didn’t move over to Lemmy due to lack of care.


it really shows the percentage of selfish/spineless assholes on social medial.

At the very least if gave us a good way to filter them off our threads I guess.

DancingIsForbidden, avatar

I lurk the Reddit’s onion site using tor and turn JavaScript off. I don’t even have an account there anymore so I can’t comment on anything. This way they don’t get any advertising dollars from me. But it’s the best way for me to keep up with what’s new and upcoming in some special fields that I’m in.


I’m cool


I may protest the cost of groceries, but I still buy groceries.

And I’m finding the exact same type of BS here on Lemmy as I do on Reddit.


Holy false equivalence Batman. You don’t need reddit to live…


You can grow your own food, can you not, Robin?


Not entirely the same. We don’t have a apex dictator here


Honestly, I've found Lemmy to be generally worse than Reddit since it seems to be where all the banned redditors go once people get sick of their shit.


As per usual, it’s a matter of content.

I can’t (and shouldn’t have to) carry the entire weight of a fandom on my shoulders. Until there’s more activity here on those subjects, I have to at least keep an eye on Reddit.

What I always do when I can however, is I try to do POSEO to raise awareness: by which I mean, I post my opinions or ideas or stories in my own site (or in my Masto main) first, and only crosslink on Reddit. I was thinking of doing the same with reply comments as well, but dunno how much would that promote interaction.


Fandoms have trouble here as well. Take something like baseball. There are so many communities to follow across instances that even if a Fandom has a following, it’s fragmented across multiple sites.


It’s also the toxic community.

I was called a racist and holocaust denier because I asked someone how they expect YouTube servers to be paid for if you refuse to pay for premium, and don’t want to watch ads.

My comments were downvoted like crazy, and the person who called me a racist holocaust denier was upvoted…

Again, all because I asked a question about how servers should be paid for. What the actual fuck? Reddit is insanely toxic, but Lemmy takes the cake.

starelfsc2, were being a smartass and then got one-guyed. The community on lemmy seems generally positive with a few crazies, just like everywhere.

Look in that thread and there are plenty of people who ask “how will youtube keep the servers up without ads though?” with reasonable responses such as: torrent-esque video sharing people donating to creators and youtube taking a cut or reasonable issues like: ads cause me a lot of stress and I am not wealthy, does this mean I can never watch a video again? Or read an article or see any online content? Not wanting to support billion dollar megacorps

Getting responded to in kind by 1 guy is not a toxic community, everywhere I’ve seen people ask a question in a normal way 99% of the time they get normal responses


Yes, because calling me a racist Holocaust denier, and having those comments upvoted is very non toxic.

It takes other users to upvote those comments.


:note: I know this isn’t the point of your comment but I wanted you to be able to have a non-insulting conversation on the topic.

Premium is more than it should be and ads on YouTube arent handled very well i.e. Obnoxious

I watch adless on my phone, but still use the default app to stream to my TV and generally let the ads play through.

23 dollars a month for 2 people on a family plan is just nuts, though. If they had a 2 person option that was like 17-18 then I’d probably get it.


I agree that the pricing doesn’t make sense unless you can split it, which is what I do.

Premium is $25 in Canada. You can add 5 people to your plan. That makes it $5 per month for each of us.

Personally I don’t buy cable or satellite TV, so I get most of my enjoyment from YouTube. So to me $5 per month is nothing, especially if you have something like Spotify which you can cancel and use YouTube Music, which is included in that $5.

If you have no friends and you’re the only one footing the bill, I agree that the pricing is a lot. At that point you just have to deal with the annoying ads.

I hate ads as much as anyone, but my question still remains for anyone who demands on blocking all ads and refusing to pay for premium, how do you expect servers and creators to be paid?

I know Google can technically afford it, but that’s not how businesses are run. You can’t take profits from one department to make up for the losses in another department, and as we know bandwidth is extremely expensive, and Google hosts an unbelievable amount of data, and free, too.

Like I’ve mentioned in the past, I have a bunch of videos uploaded to YouTube to share with family, and they are all private. Therefore Google is paying to store my videos, while making $0 from them, as they are not public and making any ad revenue.

I also know that Google is bad. Corporations suck. All that jazz. I just don’t understand why most of Lemmy users think everything should be free, but when asked about how these things are supposed to get funded, they go silent.

Lemmy itself won’t be around long if users refuse to donate to their instance, and refuse to view ads. Even if someone is hosting an instance in their basement, the cost of internet, replacement drives, maintenance, and electricity all add up.


I hate ads as much as anyone, but my question still remains for anyone who demands on blocking all ads and refusing to pay for premium, how do you expect servers and creators to be paid?

I’m pretty sure it’s 2023 and this has already been discussed and solved ad nauseam, so I’m also sure all I’m going to say here is just repeated from elsewhere, but:

First of all, “creators” (not artists! There’s a semantic difference) are not going to get paid better just because you pay for YT Premium. Premium pays Youtube, not the creators pleading not to be demonetized. If you’re asking how are creators going to be paid, the answer is simple: directly. If you set up a service without intermediaries, for example a direct wire transfer, or at least something close to it like a Patreon, you get all of the coins and people who want to pay you-but-not-Youtube (or whatever platform) face a better incentive.

Second, stuff like gift cards.

Third, and this is something I’ve never seen any naysayer deal with properly: the same methods that have existed before can still work now. I don’t remember ever paying rent for Usenet, or IRC, or BBSes, yet those things were literally plentiful, if I so much as lifted a rock in a cropped 8-bit-color grayscale PNG, the tranparency layer had a link to a BBS. And part of the issue is that there’s a “attention deficit oooh shiny syndrome” going on where instead of using vintage-timer, battle-tested, lightweight, low dependency, cheap payment, low maintenance protocols and services for ensuring persistence and continuation of communities, we are for some weird reason insisting that whatever community launches next is a Perfect Imitation fo Youtube, or else. Such is the case of Matrix: for all its promises, IRC and XMPP are much better battle-tested and for the monthly price (and monthly annoyance) of 1 Matrix server you can run about 25 XMPP servers, or likely over 300 IRC servers.

And the key here is that it’s the devs who have to take the turn return towards simpler, better tech. Devs gotta lead by example. Users (masses of) are obviously not going to be the ones to do it.


Creators can see how much they make from premium subscribers vs ad views. They do make more from people who pay for premium.

Why do you say they don’t? Like I’m curious where you got that from, when it’s blatantly wrong?


As someone who rarely ever uses YouTube, $25 would be fucking bonkers to pay monthly for no ads. Imo a decent idea to explore would be x amount of minutes that are ad free per month, then after you hit that limit you get given ads. You’d have to be signed into an account, any instances with no account logged in get ads by default.

Another idea is to add lower tiers to the available plans. 5 people can sign in on the current option? Is there a cheaper plan that only allows linking 1 account? This could even tie in with the previous idea and have certain plans that give you x minutes of watching adless per month.

I’m sure there are plenty of other options out there. In fact I wouldn’t be bothered having to watch an ad before a video (or a midroll in a longer video) but the experiences I’ve had with using YouTube frequently involve me pulling up a certain scene within a movie or something and getting 2-3 ads that are a minute long each, unskippable, and potentially midrolls in there if the video is over 5 minutes. It just makes me close the video and think “yeah fuck that, I don’t need to watch that scene anymore”.

Overall point: the ads would be fine if they weren’t so excessive and intrusive


There is a cheaper option for just a single account. 13.99 in the US. I think that’s a reasonable price and would pay it if it was just me. I just wish there was an option between 1 person and a whole family.


as we know bandwidth is extremely expensive

No. You very obviously don’t know how bandwidth is handled for large providers. They don’t pay per gb, and instead have peering agreements with other networks. Google generally doesn’t have to pay these other networks, as Google has the web applications that the other networks’ customers expect to be able to use.


Sorry I meant storage, which was apparent by my following sentence “and Google hosts an unbelievable amount of data”


Peering agreements are in no way free no matter what company you work for, what the hell are you on about?

XiELEd, avatar

Wow they sound like they came straight out of Twitter. Though one reason why I use FOSS and barely donate is because our currency isn’t that powerful. I see it in the way people say that self-hosted is cheap (probably from Europe or America) but it’s actually crazy expensive for me (Philippines). Our average monthly income is around 400$. Even if I were to donate a substantial part of it, anyone in the first world would barely gain anything and I would have lots to lose. Unless if they’re from another developing country.


Even if you barely donate, you’re donating more than most users. Everyone should help in whatever capacity they can and there isn’t any shame in not being able to contribute as much as others. I’d love to see how many donations some of the FOSS purists here make haha. I bet a lot of the real toxic FOSS bros don’t contribute anything.


Well I’m like 70% here, and the last 30% is through a cracked Reddit client without ads or tracking (shhh, I’ll never admit that it exists again)

Mr_nutter_butter, avatar

Still a lot of stuff that’s not moved over either as fedirated isn’t as esay to use yet or reddit being established


I was mostly on Reddit for hockey game threads. Lemmy sucks for that at the moment, so… I went to discord. Fuck spez

DancingIsForbidden, avatar

he’s a speze of shit


Eventually we should move to something like Matrix or at least Revolt (still waiting on an actual Android app for that one)


Oh, I hadn’t looked for hockey on discord Say what you will about reddit, I do kinda miss r/canucks, the happiest group of sad folks on the internet!

Any suggestions for a discord newbie on finding hockey communities?

etuomaala, (edited )

<span style="color:#323232;">I still feel a strong pull towards r/worldnews.
</span><span style="color:#323232;">c/ is juuuust not quite as good,
</span><span style="color:#323232;">    content-wise.
</span><span style="color:#323232;">edit:
</span><span style="color:#323232;">    !
</span><span style="color:#323232;">    Still new to lemmy, lol...

ah yes c/

also why are you typing in codeblocks


<span style="color:#323232;">Look there is a peasant beneath us!

<span style="color:#323232;">Because
</span><span style="color:#323232;">    it
</span><span style="color:#323232;">        preserves
</span><span style="color:#323232;">            whitespace.
whoisearth, avatar

It’s also pretentious. Just saying lol


Do you know of another way to preserve white space?

whoisearth, avatar

Unless you’re typing code why is it important?


<span style="color:#323232;">It's an experiment I've been trying for about two weeks, now.
</span><span style="color:#323232;">I am using whitespace to make written English easier to read.
</span><span style="color:#323232;">I put one sentence per line.
</span><span style="color:#323232;">Long sentences are broken into multiple lines
</span><span style="color:#323232;">    according to natural breaks in the sentences.
</span><span style="color:#323232;">(I try to aim for an 80 column width.)
</span><span style="color:#323232;">Indentation is used to signal the continuation of a sentence.
</span><span style="color:#323232;">Basically, I am treating English like a programmer would treat code.
</span><span style="color:#323232;">As an interesting and unexpected corollary,
</span><span style="color:#323232;">    the English is much easier to edit, and
</span><span style="color:#323232;">    diffs are way cleaner.
</span><span style="color:#323232;">(I'm editing this in an external dedicated text editor.)
xetem, avatar

Yes, but reading this on moblie is complete and utter ass. Rule 1 of formatting, don’t force others to adhere to your formatting style.


<span style="color:#323232;">What is this mobile thing of which you speak?
</span><span style="color:#323232;">But seriously, if your screen can't fit 80 columns, then
</span><span style="color:#323232;">    what am I supposed to do about that?
</span><span style="color:#323232;">My phone can do that easily.

It’s less readable on mobile clients because code blocks don’t linebreak automatically. I have to side-scroll your comments to read them in full, so the only feeling I get from your experiment is slight annoyance.

Raw text preserves whitespaces, so if I wanted them, I’d just show that instead. I don’t get it.

whoisearth, avatar

And it’s still pretentious AF lol


Why is it pretentious?


The whole air of " I know what’s best for you and you don’t"


And what if I found this useful? Wouldn’t you be deciding for me what’s best?

whoisearth, avatar

I’m special and because of that my comments need to look different than everyone else

Furthermore I’m doing this for reasons you won’t fully understand because I’m cooler than you

It seriously comes across like some autist green text from 4chan. Imagine if you had a buddy that only conversed in Olde English. You still understand them but Jesus Christ.


Oh, I get it. You’re just mad.

Never mind, then.

whoisearth, avatar

Lol you realize we are on The Internet right? They can do them I’m simply stating it’s dumb AF. Anyways, you do you too.


Can your web browser zoom the text out?


I’m not a programmer, but I think I see what you’re trying to do. I have ADHD and less-than-ideal eyesight. This is easier to read, comprehension-wise, in that I’m not getting “lost” in the text and losing my place and having to re-read paragraphs; but the font you’re using is a little blurrier than the default (I think it’s the serifs) and is a little more difficult for me to physically read. Maybe increasing the font size or changing to a different font would work better?

etuomaala, (edited )

<span style="color:#323232;">Lemmy uses the system default for monospace font.
</span><span style="color:#323232;">Try changing the monospace alias in /etc/fonts/local.conf:
</span><span style="color:#323232;">
</span><span style="color:#323232;">
</span><span style="color:#323232;">That's for system-wide effect.
</span><span style="color:#323232;">For just firefox, go to Settings > General > Fonts > Advanced and
</span><span style="color:#323232;">    change the default Monospace font to a monospace font you like.
</span><span style="color:#323232;">
</span><span style="color:#323232;">Source Code Pro and DejaVu Sans Mono are both very good.

I find it amusing, thank you


The 80-column width, as some have pointed out, can’t really be counted on, unfortunately. But I think this is neat. Reminds me of greentext.

I might try something like this in my own notes for work.


What is greentext?


In what way do you consider it easier to read raw HTML than it is to read properly-formatted text? This text displays all of its tags on kbin and it's a nightmare to read.


<span style="color:#323232;">That's a problem with kbin, then.
</span><span style="color:#323232;">There are no tags in lemmy.

<span style="color:#323232;">Aw, gross.
</span><span style="color:#323232;">kbin is written in php.
</span><span style="color:#323232;">Thanks, but no thanks, lol.

Why are you wanting to preserve white space in your comments? Maybe it’s just how it shows up on my screen, but I’m not seeing or understanding why or what the usage was in your initial comment here, or what the benefit was.

To be clear, I’m not judging or anything, especially since it’s not like you’re hurting anyone! Ultimately, you do yo thang! I’m just curious and interested to understand where you’re coming from. Is it just for funsies?


Meanwhile I’m here on dark mode and none of you have any white space so it clearly doesn’t work


Okay how did you make the text Like that?


Start and stop the message with three backticks on a line on their own:

This stuff gets rendered in fixed width with preserved whitespace.

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