@Dirk@lemmy.ml avatar

It’s actually pretty funny how many discussions about Reddit, Twitter, and Threads happening in the Fediverse.

I just deleted my Reddit account a few months ago (and my Twitter account years ago) and I don’t think I miss anything.


I miss reddit every day. The niche communities were large enough there to have content.

I said I’d leave at the end of June if they went through with the API changes bc and I did. But of they reversed course today I’d absolutely go back instantly.


The good news is now you get to help establish those communities you once loved


Exactly! Beautiful statement! 👍👍👍


Nah, for me Reddit made me understand centralization in exchange for niche communities isn’t worth the trade offs that vom with it. I’d rather start new communities on Lemmy than going back to Reddit. I do miss r/rimjobsteve though


This whole reddit thing has made me want more FOSS in my life in general.

Not that I didn’t understand monopolies to begin with, but Reddit and Unity and Twitter and Google searches with 25 useless SEO AI-articles that explain nothing and ads and ads and ads and ads and ads; it’s just gotten exhausting.


I’ve actually just found myself doing more stuff since I quit reddit.


same tbh lol, I only lost the tales from reddits but like those were usually toxic anyway at times.


I miss the hell out of my Twitter feed.

It’s dead though, half my community left but it really broke up the network.



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  • sheogorath,

    You can just use ChatGPT for the same effect because only bots post on reddit now /s


    Only time I think I’ve read it these days is when I have to look something up and the first result is a fucking Reddit page from 50 years ago discussing what I was looking up. Admittedly I probably still be using it if I hadn’t been banned from the whole site on a trumped-up charge.


    I’m curious what the trumped up charges were?


    Light treason


    Nothing wrong with a little bit of treason in my book, shit, it might even convince me to vote for him.


    I too, was fucked by a trumped up charge. Perma-banned by IP so any new account I setup without a VPN gets banned.

    My main account (16yo, “Charter Member”) got a subreddit ban. It was reversed a few weeks later by a mod. Then the original mod re-banned me and said “no ban evasion allowed”. Then Reddit banned me for evading a ban.

    I didn’t evade anything. I was allowed to post during a short period!

    @ShitOnABrick@lemmy.world avatar

    I too was perma banned :( rest in peace u/unhappy_grapefruit_2



    Mine was: I kept reporting people for being transphobic dicks, some of whom were straight up doing the “Let’s report this profile for suicidal posts and cite them being trans as proof. The automated system will do the rest”, non-joke, and eventually I had to start reporting people for other things…

    Instead of ya know, actually looking into the things I was reporting, Reddit took one look at the mass of reports I made and decided I HAD to be making the whole thing up and just banned me for “False Reports” and “Report Abuse” because that’s just easier than doing their fucking jobs.

    They also claimed it wouldn’t be reversed because it was a “Clear violated of the TOS”, and linked me a TOS which had nothing on “False Reports/Report Abuse”

    Ironically, this was my second Site-Wide Ban.

    My first? I was banned for promoting violence and sending death threats to people. The ban was reversed when I appealed it and pointed out that the post in question had no threats, and was just a heavily downvoted post in which I claimed to be glad Cara Dune’s actress being fired was a good thing… Bastards didn’t even check to see if an actual death threat was made.

    I’ve never seen a service more excited to exclude people from using it than Reddit.


    I think this is what happened to me. But rather than request an audience with the king, I want to be the king now. I want to have my own server.

    <span style="color:#323232;">Perma-bans are fucking crazy.
    </span><span style="color:#323232;">The correct way to think about them is as a death sentence.
    </span><span style="color:#323232;">Hatred speech in real life:
    </span><span style="color:#323232;">    what, like 2 years in prison?
    </span><span style="color:#323232;">    IDK actually...
    </span><span style="color:#323232;">Hatred speech on reddit:
    </span><span style="color:#323232;">    death penalty.

    More like lifetime sentence because you still can view the content without the account, no? It’s not like they come into your house and took all your computing devices.

    <span style="color:#323232;">Yeeeeah, that's a good point, kind of.
    </span><span style="color:#323232;">But even people serving life sentences can
    </span><span style="color:#323232;">    still communicate with the outside world from prison.

    I need better moderator tools and then I’ll move my whole community


    Mod tools only became necessary when communities became larger. I’m sure you’ll be fine with what’s available when most communities start off small. Hell the Star wars prequel/sequel memes subs actually combined into one sub to keep their communities big enough to survive off Reddit and they’re doing just fine.


    I appreciate your optimism, but I’ve run the numbers and that’s always a sticking point. It might be a tenth of the subscribers that move over, but it’ll be a 20th of the number of mods that move over. And I moderate a rowdy bunch!

    @JPJones@lemmy.one avatar

    The only time I think about Reddit is when you degens bring it up. :|


    True, I wish people would stop posting about Reddit and Twitter. I don’t care about those platforms.


    The part of Reddit that I DO miss are the video subs. Like WTF, mildly interesting, why were they filming, etc. From my understanding, let me isn’t able to host videos but why not drop links to vids🤷🏿‍♂️


    Some of us do post links to videos. Check out these communities:

    Alternative Nation

    Full Movies On Youtube

    (I dont know how to type proper links)


    I loved r/idiotsInCars and r/idiotsOnBikes, the videos would be so funny and the discussions around them were great.


    Every time I felt like I wasn’t the best driver I would go there and feel so much better about myself.


    Not sure exactly when it happened, but sometime in the past 3-4 years reddit just became not-reddit. It seemed to draw a more Facebook-esque audience than in prior years. There is still some good content there, but its simply not what it used to be.



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  • EveryMuffinIsNowEncrypted,
    @EveryMuffinIsNowEncrypted@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

    Stop horsing around!


    I go on reddit for the TeachingUK sub and for the rugbyunion sub.

    If those communities existed here in any meaningful way then I’d be done with reddit properly at this point.


    The only thing that keeps me going back to Reddit is extremely niche subreddits having no mass here. Honestly if the Nuzlocke subreddit had more activity, I’d probably never open Reddit


    Yeah I still use reddit for football. Bluesky is getting better(still too little content), but mastodon was just full of spam for me.


    The best community for tea ☕ is on Reddit too, but it’s mainly that and Ukrainian news that I browse.


    I’ve returned to reddit a few times, mostly to just get an answer to a question I was trying to look up. But a few days ago I did make a new account, because I was feeling lonely and wanted to try and make new internet friends, and as far as I know, lemmy doesn’t yet have those penpal/chat/make friend communities. I had forgotten how ass the new account experience on reddit is, and how ass reddit itself is. I couldn’t get the verification email (tho that could have been due to trying to use a temporary email), posts got auto deleted due to account age and low karma, and random email and cookie popups that kept coming back. When one post miraculously did get posted (despite automod telling me it was deleted lol) and I got chat requests, I couldn’t even reply to people! I tried accepting the request, but kept getting an error. At this point I’m not sure if it is an actual error, or just reddit restricting new accounts from chatting, even if they are the ones the chat is sent to…

    I get that these are used to combat bots, but is it actually working? Mostly it’s just hurting people who legitimately want to join and enjoy the site. The karma requirements also bring in their own problems, like subreddits just focused on farming karma so that users can finally take part in the conversations they came for in the first place.

    I think people will get tired of the horrible new account creation and experience on reddit and look for alternatives. Lemmy seems to be more privacy orientated and without silly internet points anybody with a new account can immediately jump in on the action without restrictions, for better or worse.


    Revanced let’s you patch your own API key into old third party apps 🙈

    @robocall@lemmy.world avatar

    IDK what you just said or what it means


    There’s an app which can change a Reddit client so Reddit thinks you’re just another user with your own app.

    They are just limiting you if you offer your unique ID to many other users, which essentially every app developer in any store does.


    Wait so you can still browse reddit with third party apps


    some are alive like fatbird but there’s also joey for Reddit that shut down recently (mabye mandella affect)


    Boost still works if you were a moderator prior to the “ban.”

    Thank god for my teeny-tiny private sub; Boost is so much better than the unusable official app


    yeah I’ve still been using Sync


    How so?

    @vsh@lemm.ee avatar

    Sadly it wouldn’t change anything for me. I’ve been ip/hwid banned


    I’ll be honest, I am still browsing Reddit, though in a more limited fashion. I deleted all my submissions and comments and refuse to post or comment, no matter how strong the urge to correct misinformation regarding topics I am interested in is. Communities for those topics are generally non-existent, got created and withered within a month of the 3rd-Party-Exodus, or in the case of /r/leagueoflegends and its local mirrors, are generally carried by the eSport scene and there is generally no decent discussion to be had outside of that. And I don’t even know if one of the League communities here even does post-match threads.


    I noticed a massive drop of quality after the api changes (though it’s been declining for a couple years now) and after a while I just realized there is no point, so I mostly only kept subreddits related to my country. The balance of repost bots/trolls/idiots/people who think saying the same joke a million times is funny vs. people you actually can converse with really started outweighing the latter ever since covid hit and Reddit got even more popular (it was on a slow decline regardless). The api changes just made everything even worse.

    I’d like to think things here will be better, and to be honest I’m really liking Lemmy so far.


    The quality of reddit posts outside of niche communities or events has tanked a lot. Most of the stuff at the top is AITA(H), the most basic questions, and reposts, with some short video clips and the occasional comic. Doesn’t help that it is known that someone is using LLMs for bot accounts.


    Agree on communities over here getting created during the exodis, seeing a small surge, and then kind of withering. I’m subbed to 15ish communities that aren’t even all that niche (3D printing, photography, woodworking) and it’s rare that they all get one post per day. There are obviously people lurking because posts will get comments, but I think we’re all a little wary of being the person to post a bunch of content for fear of no one else doing so.


    The people on here on are on mighty high horses but don’t realize they’re still in the children’s section. It’s so cringey. I want to hate reddit but the lemmings here are sometimes vomitable. Stop comparing redditors. Redditors are YOU, just earlier or later. You were a redditor before! If you weren’t, then you crawled out of some miracle vaginal and found your way to the lemmyverse.

    @troyunrau@lemmy.ca avatar

    This is me. I still go there for two or three subs that don’t have critical mass here (thus no conversation). The upcoming weighted sort algo should help a little, drawing people to smaller community content.

    But I also moderate a reasonably large sub there, and have stopped attempting to grow anything there – just spam removal, manually.

    But I don’t post new content there. Sometimes I’ll reply on a comment chain. Here I post new content and interact a lot more.

    I’m using Lemmy Connect as my app (like 98% of it). What’s interesting is, when I use Reddit I refuse to use their app, so I’m using old Reddit, in a browser. But I catch myself attempting to swipe on comments using the Lemmy Connect gestures.

    So I’ve definitely flipped to Lemmy first.


    I quit Reddit 2 years ago due to the content becoming more and more toxic (maybe it was always toxic) and I’m just so dang happy that my favorite 3rd party Reddit apps have a Lemmy client. I’m using Sync and it’s like coming home. Functionally identical experience but with a cooler community.


    I didn’t notice much degradation after the 2016 election enshittening. I set to work blocking all the power users and was able to to maintain the post-2016 level of quality right up until I largely quit.

    There are two subs I use that have no Lemmy equivalent (one of them probably never will) but otherwise Reddit is just a marginally better StackOverflow for me now.

    Also I must admit the Excel subreddit is simply too useful to quit. I’m a damn wizard at this point and these people still surprise me.


    Lemmy will dethrone reddit once you are able to google a question and the Lemmy link is at the top as opposed to reddit

    @rustydrd@sh.itjust.works avatar

    Even then, Reddit has accumulated so much technical advice over the years, I hope I can still find archived posts this way, if ever it truly does crash and burn.


    What’s stopping someone from just copying the reddit history and building that knowledge base as under the hood of Lemmy?

    @DannyMac@lemmy.world avatar

    Whelp, better get to asking questions… Someone ask me a question to an answer someone may want to search for


    What’s Ligma?


    Ligma baaawwllls lmao goddim


    Oh nooooo ya gawt me😭


    I’ll start with something wholesome:

    What’s the best way to make someone smile?


    Apply your thumbs in an upward motion to the corners of their mouth. Use force if necessary


    Punch someone they hate.


    Just punch Trump then. This will make a lot of people smile.


    I’m the leftest leftist ever to left but had to downvote for such low effort


    What is the average airspeed velocity of an unladen swallow?


    African, or European?


    Well I don’t know that




    Is there anyway to control how high I want my android phone to charge? I would like to set it to 90%.

    @DannyMac@lemmy.world avatar

    Not without rooting it or the manufacturer including a custom option for it, but if it has adaptive charging, you can set an alarm and it will charge the phone up to 80% and then wait to charge it the rest of the way to coincide with the alarm so that it isn’t at 100% for a long time.


    I was so insulted when I realized I could never root my phone. Fuck Verizon!


    Samsung phones have an option in the battery settings called “charge protection” and it makes your phone stop charging at 85%. Look through your battery settings to see if you have a similar option.


    If you have root you may want to use something called ACC (Advanced Charging Controller). You can use its official app, ACCA, to install it. Very customizable.

    @Schnitzel_bub@lemmy.ml avatar

    Why is my poop green?

    @DannyMac@lemmy.world avatar

    Your poop is green because you consumed something with food coloring in it.

    @CileTheSane@lemmy.ca avatar

    Reddit also had the ability to just type in my address bar “/r/obscurefandom” and be taken directly to the subreddit for it. Lemmy doesn’t have those smaller subs yet and you have to hunt for the right instance if it does.


    Even TV shows that have been off air for a decade often have a thriving community. Merlin, the BBC show, has several posts per day. Similarly with Smallville. Lemmy’s communities are smaller and tend to be broken up across instances.

    @CileTheSane@lemmy.ca avatar

    Reddit will have active subs for specific board games. The general board games magazine on Lemmy has 1 post a month.

    So ya, if I want to read comments on the latest episode of Loki to see what things people picked up on that I missed Reddit is currently the only place to find that.


    I feel like there needs to be instance aggregation for Lemmy to really work in the long run (and really this is probably true of the fediverse in general). Having to add communities across multiple instances, and not being able to browse them in a centralized way, really detracts from the experience. On Reddit, I subbed to the stuff I wanted and just lived off that feed. With Lemmy, I feel like I have to stay in unfiltered view to get anything of interest–the fragmented niche communities are just too limiting.


    Add in people posting the same thing across the various “same community” on all the various instances for extra silliness.


    Yes, Lemmy is Reddit with extra steps as long as you can’t click this /c/books And see, by default, every books community , on every server at once in a single place.

    The Redditors who made it here, saw this and realized the fediverse promise, was just bait.


    alternatively r/obscurefetish


    I just started using lemmy today, so I definitely could be wrong. But doesn’t the website browse.feddit.de kind of do this for you already?


    This illustrate the fatal flaw with Lemmy.

    The fediverse is made pointless because now a community only exists on one server at a time, instead of on every server.

    It is Reddit, with extra steps


    Since lemmy instance are hit and miss. Some popular ones are already talking about shutting down or have shut down. I highly doubt lemmy will get there.


    Which is never going to happen because you can’t click this /c/books

    And fine an agglomeration of all /c/books on all lemmy servers Ina single location.

    This cripples any network effect and any benefice of decentralization and federation


    Bro, it’s so fucking frustrating that I need to be subbed to 5 different Android communities just to get my news.

    I can’t sub to just one because I miss news if I do.

    My only hope is that Boost brings multi-reddit support to Lemmy, so I can just click on “Android” and get the news from all 5 Android communities.


    “multi Reddit” like feature do not fix the problem.

    First, like on Reddit, less than 5% of users will use it as a non default feature which needs to be configured.

    Second, even of those people who use the feature, they will have different sets of differently configured “multireddit”.

    The end result is a fragmented audience that has no shared experience and never aglomerates to critical mass.

    If you have 1725 /c/books communities, that does not make one cohesive books community. These people have nothing in common.

    Practical end result, one books community on one Lemmy instance, is “the one big community” and almost every other gets 1 post per year on average, which is never seen by anyone.

    For every big community, every once in a while, the moderation dictators sell out or otherwise piss off the community enough that it fragments. That works as well as the current transition from Reddit to Lemmy.

    Each schism doesn’t create a new, better community, it creates a smaller, less active community at the expense of the larger one.

    There needs to be a single point of agglomeration, which works by default for any community name.

    And moderation needs to be something dive by every user and moderation needs to be a filter that you subscribe to.


    And Linux will dethrone windows.

    I wish they were true but reality is that people will accept just about any and all abuse and stay with the crap despite sometimes getting angry about it.


    I am now using Lemmy and Reddit like an addict.

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