
I’m at least on it a lot less since I can’t use it on my phone.

foxymulder, avatar

if one good thing came out of it, its that there’s now a wider appreciation for mods and how much work they do, as basically a free service. people seem a lot more understanding of slow mod reactions, and can see what happens when that free volunteer force stop doing it. several subs have become a lot worse simply because there arent enough people to keep up, and mods arent blamed as hastily, the community seem to get that its because it’s difficult without motivation & people-power


Only time I think I’ve read it these days is when I have to look something up and the first result is a fucking Reddit page from 50 years ago discussing what I was looking up. Admittedly I probably still be using it if I hadn’t been banned from the whole site on a trumped-up charge.


I’m curious what the trumped up charges were?


Light treason


Nothing wrong with a little bit of treason in my book, shit, it might even convince me to vote for him.


I too, was fucked by a trumped up charge. Perma-banned by IP so any new account I setup without a VPN gets banned.

My main account (16yo, “Charter Member”) got a subreddit ban. It was reversed a few weeks later by a mod. Then the original mod re-banned me and said “no ban evasion allowed”. Then Reddit banned me for evading a ban.

I didn’t evade anything. I was allowed to post during a short period!

ShitOnABrick, avatar

I too was perma banned :( rest in peace u/unhappy_grapefruit_2


Mine was: I kept reporting people for being transphobic dicks, some of whom were straight up doing the “Let’s report this profile for suicidal posts and cite them being trans as proof. The automated system will do the rest”, non-joke, and eventually I had to start reporting people for other things…

Instead of ya know, actually looking into the things I was reporting, Reddit took one look at the mass of reports I made and decided I HAD to be making the whole thing up and just banned me for “False Reports” and “Report Abuse” because that’s just easier than doing their fucking jobs.

They also claimed it wouldn’t be reversed because it was a “Clear violated of the TOS”, and linked me a TOS which had nothing on “False Reports/Report Abuse”

Ironically, this was my second Site-Wide Ban.

My first? I was banned for promoting violence and sending death threats to people. The ban was reversed when I appealed it and pointed out that the post in question had no threats, and was just a heavily downvoted post in which I claimed to be glad Cara Dune’s actress being fired was a good thing… Bastards didn’t even check to see if an actual death threat was made.

I’ve never seen a service more excited to exclude people from using it than Reddit.


I think this is what happened to me. But rather than request an audience with the king, I want to be the king now. I want to have my own server.


<span style="color:#323232;">Perma-bans are fucking crazy.
</span><span style="color:#323232;">The correct way to think about them is as a death sentence.
</span><span style="color:#323232;">Hatred speech in real life:
</span><span style="color:#323232;">    what, like 2 years in prison?
</span><span style="color:#323232;">    IDK actually...
</span><span style="color:#323232;">Hatred speech on reddit:
</span><span style="color:#323232;">    death penalty.

More like lifetime sentence because you still can view the content without the account, no? It’s not like they come into your house and took all your computing devices.


<span style="color:#323232;">Yeeeeah, that's a good point, kind of.
</span><span style="color:#323232;">But even people serving life sentences can
</span><span style="color:#323232;">    still communicate with the outside world from prison.

I was mostly on Reddit for hockey game threads. Lemmy sucks for that at the moment, so… I went to discord. Fuck spez

DancingIsForbidden, avatar

he’s a speze of shit


Eventually we should move to something like Matrix or at least Revolt (still waiting on an actual Android app for that one)


Oh, I hadn’t looked for hockey on discord Say what you will about reddit, I do kinda miss r/canucks, the happiest group of sad folks on the internet!

Any suggestions for a discord newbie on finding hockey communities?


The part of Reddit that I DO miss are the video subs. Like WTF, mildly interesting, why were they filming, etc. From my understanding, let me isn’t able to host videos but why not drop links to vids🤷🏿‍♂️


Some of us do post links to videos. Check out these communities:

Alternative Nation

Full Movies On Youtube

(I dont know how to type proper links)


I loved r/idiotsInCars and r/idiotsOnBikes, the videos would be so funny and the discussions around them were great.


Every time I felt like I wasn’t the best driver I would go there and feel so much better about myself.


I’ll be honest, I am still browsing Reddit, though in a more limited fashion. I deleted all my submissions and comments and refuse to post or comment, no matter how strong the urge to correct misinformation regarding topics I am interested in is. Communities for those topics are generally non-existent, got created and withered within a month of the 3rd-Party-Exodus, or in the case of /r/leagueoflegends and its local mirrors, are generally carried by the eSport scene and there is generally no decent discussion to be had outside of that. And I don’t even know if one of the League communities here even does post-match threads.


I noticed a massive drop of quality after the api changes (though it’s been declining for a couple years now) and after a while I just realized there is no point, so I mostly only kept subreddits related to my country. The balance of repost bots/trolls/idiots/people who think saying the same joke a million times is funny vs. people you actually can converse with really started outweighing the latter ever since covid hit and Reddit got even more popular (it was on a slow decline regardless). The api changes just made everything even worse.

I’d like to think things here will be better, and to be honest I’m really liking Lemmy so far.


The quality of reddit posts outside of niche communities or events has tanked a lot. Most of the stuff at the top is AITA(H), the most basic questions, and reposts, with some short video clips and the occasional comic. Doesn’t help that it is known that someone is using LLMs for bot accounts.


Agree on communities over here getting created during the exodis, seeing a small surge, and then kind of withering. I’m subbed to 15ish communities that aren’t even all that niche (3D printing, photography, woodworking) and it’s rare that they all get one post per day. There are obviously people lurking because posts will get comments, but I think we’re all a little wary of being the person to post a bunch of content for fear of no one else doing so.


The people on here on are on mighty high horses but don’t realize they’re still in the children’s section. It’s so cringey. I want to hate reddit but the lemmings here are sometimes vomitable. Stop comparing redditors. Redditors are YOU, just earlier or later. You were a redditor before! If you weren’t, then you crawled out of some miracle vaginal and found your way to the lemmyverse.

Kedly, (edited )

Tbf, now that I’ve jumped over here and gotten comfortable, its nice that lemmee itself isnt abusive, but good god are the communists here fucking retarded. And I say this as someone who liked the ideals of communism. Its like how I liked the Idea of Telsas until I met Tesla owners

Edit: Lmao the most controversial part of this statement is merely one of the words I used. One of the things I appreciate about Lemmy is that it shows both the up and downvotes

Edit 2: Look at me! IM the controversy now!

Speculater, avatar

To be fair, your use of the R word as a pejorative reduces your credibility as a moral compass. I do agree with your overall point though.


Lmao I know you are trying to help but this is Lemmy in a nutshell to a T hahaha. Yeah that word needs retired for sure but man, put it in a dm lol.

be_excellent_to_each_other, avatar

Public shaming is entirely appropriate in circumstances such as this.


Public shaming only works if the target is shamed ~.^


Since I have been a child the word retard has NOT been used for people with developmental disabilities, it has only ever been used to describe people who’ve done something incredibly stupid that they had the capacity not to do. In fact, I have worked with low and high functioning people with developmental disabilities, and one of the high function people actually told me to use the word when he’s being stupid, as I was using the word goof before, and that had unfortunate prison meanings that the resident didnt like.

Stumblinbear, avatar

My roommate is autistic and was in the special classes. He thinks it’s funny to be called a retard when he’s, you know, being retarded. He actively tells me not to stop doing it. Hell, he’s the one who told me it was fine to begin with, haha


Hey! It doesn’t matter if people say they are ok with it! White people are fixing the world by doing nothing but creating limitations to how we speak! Can’t you understand how that’s better?
Look at Latin-x and how it isn’t usable by anyone that actually speaks Spanish and was entirely conceived of by rich kids in universities in America! It’s just obviously better when we let others define our entire interactions with the world and immediately get upset to try to shame anyone not conforming to the point that shame isn’t even usable because no one feels it anymore.

This is better this way. ¯⁠\⁠⁠ಠ⁠⁠ಠ⁠_⁠/⁠¯


No matter what it meant when you were a kid, it is still an ableist slur. Also if you aren’t neurodivergent, then please just shut up.


I fucking am and its ablist of you to assume I’m not. Get bent white knight

Neato, avatar

Your experience is not absolute. It's still abelist and offensive.


Nah man, I’m just not down for constantly keeping up to date with the treadmill of what words are and arent appropriate… especially for insults, which have never been meant to be appropriate. I dont fucking care if your feelings are so fragile that relatively tame words can hurt you

Neato, avatar

I’m just not down for constantly keeping up to date with the treadmill of what words are and arent appropriate

Then be prepared for people to rightly call you a bigot. Sorry you're done learning, grandpa but the world keeps turning.

And the fact that you now know better and still choose to hurt ableist language just means you're embracing your bigotry.

Stumblinbear, avatar

Calling someone a bigot based entirely on the words they use instead of the intent behind them is a great way to be wrong 80% of the time

Neato, avatar

Someone knowing using hurtful, bigoted language and claiming they didn't "mean it like that" is asinine and disingenuous. Using deliberately incorrect terminology nearly everyone will misinterpret and then complaining when they do is placing yourself upon a cross. It's a pathetic level of discourse usually outgrown by middle school.

Stumblinbear, avatar

You’re assuming barely anyone keeps up with what the minority of people decide isn’t okay to say anymore. Twitter isn’t the world. Lemmy isn’t the world. Reddit isn’t the world. There may be millions of users, but the average person doesn’t give a shit about any of these platforms.

Neato, avatar

If you think ableist pejoratives targeting neurodivergences and metal impairments are only present on social media, you need to touch some fucking grass. That shit hasn't been OK in decades. South Park even did an apologetic episode on it more than a decade ago which means the discussion was mainstream. And you should 100% not be taking social cues from that show.

be_excellent_to_each_other, avatar

Then that's a more honest response than your earlier one. It's not that you don't understand that others may be hurt by your language even though it's not a word you personally ever used to describe developmental disabilities, it's just that you don't give a shit.

Good on you for owning it (on the second try), I guess.

I dont fucking care if your feelings are so fragile that relatively tame words can hurt you

You mean like developmentally disabled people you work with who may have good reasons to be sensitive about certain words? I guess since one of those people said he was cool with it he speaks for all of them. I'm sure none of them have ever been hurt by hateful people using the R word about them.

Nah man, I’m just not down for constantly keeping up to date with the treadmill of what words are and arent appropriate… especially for insults

50+ years old and in my entire life this isn't something I've found to be mentally taxing to keep up with. This is truly the flimsiest excuse I've ever seen for using shitty language. Just stick with "I don't fucking care."


Do you really not know that people can have multiple different reasons and motivations for their behaviours and actions? I’ve been honest this entire time, there are slurs I absolutely wont use because of their history and the immediate harm they cause, but retard isnt one of them, so my earlier explaination still stands. Its also true that people that get offended on others behalf annoy me and I dont care when I offend them. If I PERSONALLY offend someone for something that they PERSONALLY struggle with? I care in that scenario and I mark it down mentally to adapt to their needs and not hurt them again. You are a stranger on the internet, I dont care about you, I dont have the emotional space to. I didnt casually use the spicy word, I used it specifically as an insult towards people who I’ve been dealing with dogshit takes from. To be clear, I NEVER called any of my clients Retard, and this client I only did for them, after they requested it, and even then it made me uncomfortable because using that word to refer to someone with developmental disabilities IS gross. Nuance exists. And yes, I’m tired of the treadmill. I have Aspergers syndrome and now the treadmill is trying to tell me that not only did the DSM take that diagnosis away, I’m now not allowed to refer to my high functioning autism as Aspergers since the guy whom it was named after was a nazi, even though my autism has NEVER BEEN about that guy, and IM THE PERSON WHO HAS the diagnosis.

be_excellent_to_each_other, avatar

I don't fucking care.


xD Ok. Have a nice day!

Frog-Brawler, avatar

2023 now… doesn’t matter what it used to be.

Stumblinbear, avatar

God I fucking hate “it’s current year stop doing x”

The year isn’t a fucking argument, dipshit retard

Frog-Brawler, avatar

It’s generally intended to mean “pull your head out of your ass, what was once acceptable is no longer.”

Glad I was able to spell that out for you.



Frog-Brawler, avatar

And probably about 23 years where it’s been frowned on to use the word as a pejorative. Don’t use your capital letters with me dipshit.


I can capitalise whatever letters I damn well please, and like I said in another reply, insults by their nature have never been appropriate, and by their very nature are frowned upon.

Frog-Brawler, avatar

Yet, you’re cool with doing it… okay.


Yes, yes I am. What a fucking gotcha that was. Oh no, my insult insulted people, whatever should I do

Frog-Brawler, avatar

Whatever should you do? Probably stop being a cunt.


You know, not too long ago the same argument you’re making was made for the word cunt with regard to sexism instead of ableism. Just food for thought is all.


In this instance being a cunt to the idiots was my exact point. I dont care for their stupid ass opinions, and I dont for yours. IRL I make it a point to avoid people as sensitive as you as its more rewarding to spend my time around people who arent as fragile and sensitive

Frog-Brawler, avatar

Go back to IRL then you dumb cunt.


lmao, if the word Retard is too scary for you, what makes you think cunt will scare me off the internet. I’m perfectly capable of just blocking you when I get tired of thos conversation

Frog-Brawler, avatar

It’s not the word that I give a shit about; I just abhor people that opt to not attempt to use a modicum of respect when talking to other people. That word offends people for very specific reasons, and I (and most other people) phased it out of using it as a pejorative a long time ago.

If you want to act like a fucking child; keep on keeping on. You should block me now.


I mean, you could also block me, that works too. I’m not tired of this yet =D

Frog-Brawler, avatar

I’m not the weak of personally sack of shit that used “blocking” as my solution. That was you.


It absolutely was used to refer to development disabilities in the US during the 80s - as well as anyone acting like they were disabled.


I’m cool


Well I’m like 70% here, and the last 30% is through a cracked Reddit client without ads or tracking (shhh, I’ll never admit that it exists again)

JPJones, avatar

The only time I think about Reddit is when you degens bring it up. :|


True, I wish people would stop posting about Reddit and Twitter. I don’t care about those platforms.



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  • sheogorath,

    You can just use ChatGPT for the same effect because only bots post on reddit now /s


    I need better moderator tools and then I’ll move my whole community


    Mod tools only became necessary when communities became larger. I’m sure you’ll be fine with what’s available when most communities start off small. Hell the Star wars prequel/sequel memes subs actually combined into one sub to keep their communities big enough to survive off Reddit and they’re doing just fine.


    I appreciate your optimism, but I’ve run the numbers and that’s always a sticking point. It might be a tenth of the subscribers that move over, but it’ll be a 20th of the number of mods that move over. And I moderate a rowdy bunch!

    Mr_nutter_butter, avatar

    Still a lot of stuff that’s not moved over either as fedirated isn’t as esay to use yet or reddit being established


    Instead of complaining about why people stay on Reddit, perhaps you should focus more on improving Lemmy communities, so that people don’t feel a need to return.

    While I do like it here, it is very quiet, even when it comes to popular subjects like football, pro wrestling, anime, etc - the sort of stuff that Reddit still excels at.


    What I miss are the gaming communities. There is no talk about games I play on Lemmy, just general gaming communities and I never browsed r/gaming either. Biggest let-down: PoE even has a dedicated Lemmy instance but it’s empty and abandoned.

    There is just not enough demand because only a minor fraction of reddit users got hit by the 3rd-party app slaughter. The vast majority doesn’t care and still stayed on reddit. It was the expected outcome.

    Hot take of the day: What doesn’t help with this is how fractured communities are throughout the instances. What I mean by this is if I subscribe to “World News” on, I won’t see the posts from the same type community on other instances, like “World News” on beehaw, in my subscriber feed unless I subscribe to them too (or someone crossposts). This adds an unnecessary level of micro-management and probably also drives people away from Lemmy. The biggest strength of Lemmy is so-to-speak also its biggest weakness.


    Wow, is that last point true? I guess I misunderstood how federation worked big time. I thought by subscribing to something like “news”, I was supposed to receive all posts and comments to those posts from all whitelisted instances like some kind of syndication. Is that not actually how it works?


    I only get the posts from communities I am directly subscribed with. So if there is something like syndication, it does not work for me.


    Oh nooo


    Idk if that’s even a hot take. It’s something I’ve talked to several people about and honestly one of the reasons I don’t think lemmy will end up growing much past its current user base. Too much micromanaging when most people just want to see content that interests them.



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  • toaster,

    That’s okay, we can change that! Be the person who posts and interacts with the community. :) the same thing happened on reddit once upon a time.


    That doesn’t work, though. If I add posts and comments to, let’s say, a Brazilian Jiu-jitsu community on Lemmy, that’s just one more number. That isn’t going to improve.

    Reddit had a huge boost from Digg, and even then, it was a different time when fewer numbers were fine, and people were more willing to engage in social media at lower numbers.

    If Lemmy instances are to grow, that engagement needs to be directed. It needs popular communities to be highlighted, and once consistent interaction is there, growing communities need instance owners to direct traffic/engagement their way. That’s how subs like /r/soccer got off the ground, and it’s probably the only way it’ll happen on Lemmy.


    I’ve been fighting to get my community off the ground and even though I do get a small amount of engagement no one else has made any posts and I honestly wonder if it’ll ever get anywhere. I need to come up with something more interesting to do than I have been.


    I personally have not seen very many Lemmy posts return on Google searches, if at all. It’s not apparent whether or not they are indexed at all, and I would imagine that’s a big vector for new user engagement.


    Many of the subs I spent a lot of time posting on are completely dead, bar maybe a few people that contribute 90% of all posts and comments. Others simply don’t exist, and given that they were quite niche (local subs, anime subs) there’s absolutely no way that they’ll ever get noticed on Lemmy if something like pro wrestling has next to no posts/comments.

    IMO, the only way this will improve is a combined effort from Lemmy instances to highlight great communities, and to drive people towards ones that are growing.


    Not sure exactly when it happened, but sometime in the past 3-4 years reddit just became not-reddit. It seemed to draw a more Facebook-esque audience than in prior years. There is still some good content there, but its simply not what it used to be.



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  • EveryMuffinIsNowEncrypted, avatar

    Stop horsing around!

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