


Where I would love to see micro-transactions be a thing is news articles, videos, and other creative works. I’m happy to pay for someone’s work, especially if I’m not paying a bunch of overhead to some shitting credit card company. At the same time, I have no wish to pay for a $20 monthly subscription for the local newspaper in Middleofnowhere, Montana just so I can read one article.


Whoa whoa whoa, are you posting a meme that’s tangentially political to the Marxist Leninist meme community?

I’m a capitalist shill and this offends me because it challenges my worldview and I don’t like that.


This is outrageous.

It’s not like there’s a perfectly functional meme community at that is suitable for properly sucking off the “job creators”


Clearly this should go on some other community with no subscribers. That way your message is neatly filed away somewhere nobody else will see it, especially me. I’m just in favor of proper sorting, that’s all! /s


Unfortunately it’s not really a step by step guide

CileTheSane, avatar

Step 1: Don’t purchase or play games with micro-transactions


Alright coo- ah fuck they just updated it and now it has micro transactions.


I was gonna come in with the obvious “see step 1” joke. But what if they added it to a game you paid for? That’d be some bullshit.


That was the meaning I was going for. It has happened.

CileTheSane, avatar

Step 2: Don’t purchase micro-transactions (see step 1)


I think a lot of Eastern European socialist states had ton of bribes (or sometimes “gifts”) to get anything done, including in some places “gifts” to your doctor.

Unfortunately Marx didn’t eliminate all the micro transactions


Is it like that in Cuba?


I don’t know what’s their situation with corruption/bribery.

Are you asking rhetorically meaning they don’t or seriously asking? Because if you are asking I could try to look it up but don’t know offhand.


I don’t tend to trust anything I hear about Cuba tbh, one way or the other.

End the embargo and let’s see how things stack up.


We don’t have an embargo afaik


Of Cuba?

They are famously embargoed by America, except for food and medicine. Which is a pretty big deal, considering how important the US market is for any state in the American continents.


I’m not from America

Justas, avatar

Or you had a friend who worked at the store or the factory and could get you stuff because they liked you. A hundred friends could get you further than a hundred roubles.


I’ve heard that too. Connections being everything. I think those “you help me I help you” is sorta like micro transactions too.


Everyone gets a lootbox.

The lootbox contains one poor quality item.

You get it two years after launch.


What a concise way of saying you’ve never read Marx.


The thing is: If everyone hated it, it would not work. But sadly it DOES work.

DrJenkem, avatar

Lootboxes are legalized gambling for minors. So yeah, no shit it works. Just because a thing is profitable doesn’t make it good. The opioid epidemic proved very profitable, but just like gambling for kids, doesn’t make it a thing we should accept or want for our society.


I did not say or try to imply that it’s good. I said sadly it works. With emphasis on SADLY.

DrJenkem, avatar

Fair enough, I’m certainly not about to disagree on the profitability of gambling (for the house specifically).


It certainly brings in Profit. It doesn’t “work” as in provide value to society, but it certainly works in making profit.

Its part of why the Profit motive is fundamentally flawed and encourages manipulation, addiction, and general bullshittery.

this, avatar

Well, theres “working” and theres “working well”. Capitalism is not working so well anymore and its likely going to work worse as time goes on. more things will become automated, wealth inequality (and therefore a gap in political power) will grow, and companies will keep expecting increased growth in a world of limited(and in some cases, decreasing) resources. Capitalism currently “works” in the sense that its making resources move around, but thats about all its doing for regular, non rich, non well off people(and often is not doing even that much for them). It’s simply not sustainable when unregulated, thats why we need a well regulated economy.


“The love of money is the root of all kinds of enshitification.” --Jesus Christ (Probably)


Pretty much.

"No one can serve two masters. Either you will hate the one and love the other, or you will be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve both God and money” (Matthew 6:24).


Republicans: I’m gonna serve money to god


God I’d love some money.


Everything is inherently political when you really boil it down.

Justas, avatar

Politics is a branch of philosophy about how societies should be governed. If you want to make a social commentary that is non political, you would have to avoid mentioning how society is or should be run. Also, how people should organise together.

Empricorn, (edited )


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  • GrammatonCleric, avatar

    I really tried to like it for years. Bought it on suggestion from a friend. Couldn’t enjoy a game that has a timer constantly dictating what I do and how I do it, had the same problem with Bully. Great game, if I was given free reign of my own actions instead of a time-limited version.

    Also, I’m getting a bit tired of pixel graphics, been looking at them for the better part of 30 years. Time to move on.


    If you bought it on PC, you can mod it to change the length of day settings. Made cave exploring much more enjoyable for me.

    GrammatonCleric, avatar

    Can I mod better graphics in?

    ThunderWhiskers, avatar

    What about it?


    It’s great! But seriously, meant to reply to another comment…

    bernieecclestoned, (edited )

    Bollocks, any decent game needs a fuck ton of capital to develop

    Please share all the greatest communist games

    Agree that loot boxes suck, they are gambling, not gaming

    Edit. Yes, Tetris. One game made in 1985. Brilliant example Tankards.

    So the score so far for games made:

    Communism - 1

    Capitalism - 831,000


    Stardew Valley

    Gradually_Adjusting, avatar

    Disco Elysium


    That’s like saying only Disney can make movies. Cause they have capital.


    Anyone can make a movie, but you can’t make a big budget movie without a big budget.


    Movies need smaller budgets to be good again. Same with games.

    alsaaas, (edited ) avatar

    not rly, you don’t have studio level funding if you don’t optimize (the content) for revenue. same with large/aaa level games

    edit: according to George Lucas, filmmakers in the USSR had more artistic freedom than he had when making Star Wars


    Sure but does it need that money when it’s released or is it simply there because of publisher greed?


    Because capitalism was the first time money existed lol


    What? Are you saying the video game industry predates capitalism? Lol



    Edit because I thought of a real one. Tetris.


    Cave Story


    Tetris enters the chat


    Which was only successful because it got licensed to Western software companies.


    Yeah it being an incredibly addictive universally approachable game has nothing to do with it being widely played for over 40 years… 🙄


    You know that copyright export was illegal under the Soviets though yeah? So it only got released because a UK software sales guy faxed them a contract and they didn’t realise it was binding

    Robert Stein, an international software salesman for the London-based firm Andromeda Software, saw the game’s commercial potential during a visit to Hungary in June 1986.[18]: 302 [25]: 11 min After an indifferent response from the Academy,[25]: 12 min Stein contacted Pajitnov and Brjabrin by fax to obtain the license rights.[25]: 11 min The researchers expressed interest in forming an agreement with Stein via fax, but they were unaware that this fax communication could be considered a legal contract in the Western world;[26] Stein began to approach other companies to produce the game.[17]: 89–90

    Stein approached publishers at the 1987 Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas. Gary Carlston, co-founder of Broderbund, retrieved a copy and brought it to California. Despite enthusiasm amongst its employees, Broderbund remained skeptical because of the game’s Soviet origins. Likewise, Mastertronic co-founder Martin Alper declared that “no Soviet product will ever work in the Western world”.[17]: 90

    Stein ultimately signed two agreements: he sold the European rights to the publisher Mirrorsoft,[17]: 90 [27] and the American rights to sister company Spectrum HoloByte.[28] The latter obtained the rights after a visit to Mirrorsoft by Spectrum HoloByte president Phil Adam in which he played Tetris for two hours.[17]: 90 [25]: 15 min At that time, Stein had not yet signed a contract with the Soviet Union.[27] Nevertheless, he sold the rights to the two companies for £3,000 and a royalty of 7.5 to 15% on sales

    Would be kind of hard to play a game that didn’t get published by the evil capitalist lol


    No it wouldn’t. Tetris was going to get played by millions whether someone licensed it or not. That’s why there was such a mad scramble to land a deal.


    Please explain copyright export licensing under Soviet Union rules


    You don’t need licensing to copy that floppy. That’s what your mind can’t grasp.


    The Soviet Union owned all copyright, there was no licensing let alone individual copyright.

    Where are you getting floppies from? Where are you getting your computer from?


    Computers and floppies existed outside of the USSR, as did Tetris.


    The floppy, invented by IBM, one of the biggest capitalist companies ever??


    I think you have me confused for someone else.


    Computers and floppies existed outside of the USSR, as did Tetris.

    TimeSquirrel, (edited ) avatar

    Would be kind of hard to play a game that didn’t get published by the evil capitalist lol

    I've played about a dozen versions of Tetris over the last 30 years, a lot of which were written by just one dude and released to the world without the expectation of compensation. There are literally hundreds of ports/clones that run on everything from a Nokia phone to a Unix/Linux text mode interface.

    Were it not for western publishers, I'm pretty sure it would have spread anyway just due to its addictive nature and it being an excellent time sink. Just like chess and checkers didn't need a capitalist to spread around the globe.

    I'm literally using an entire operating system right now that not one capitalist controls. It runs most of the internet's infrastructure. Sure, the capitalists can use it and even contribute, but they don't get to dictate how you run your system.


    How about your hardware? And the fibre that enables us to communicate? And the electricity?

    1. You moved the goalposts
    2. How did the soviets make Tetris if technology only exists under capitalism?
    TimeSquirrel, (edited ) avatar

    Oh, funny you mention that, because in my country, my government paid to have fiber laid but the useless bloodsucking capitalist ISPs didn't do absolutely jack shit with the money and pocketed it. That's why were having to do stupid shit like Starlink now to connect the people out in the sticks.

    My electricity is also provided by a co-op.


    Psst. Almost 40 years. Tetris was released in 1985 not 1983

    This comment brought to you by an old fuck that doesn’t need to be artificially aged to be even older

    MxM111, avatar

    That’s only because in the West there was no way for the game to reach customers at the time. The game was popular in the “Soviet Block” just fine, because distribution model was different.

    Today, it would spread through internet like fire.

    bernieecclestoned, (edited )

    Sure, I’m always playing Vietnamese and Cuban games. They’re grrrreat!

    And Tetris was only successful because of licencing, let’s not create an alternative history here

    DrJenkem, avatar

    No, games require labor to develop.


    The capital pays for the labour, unless you have people who can work for free.

    DrJenkem, avatar

    Within the confines of capitalism I would probably agree. But under socialism, production happens independently of capital accumulation.


    Yeah right. Capital accumulation just comes via bribes instead. Corruption was rife in communist countries


    corruption is rife in countries



    But moreso where there’s no opportunity to make money


    That’s a pretty drastic statement to make without evidence


    Clearly demonstrates that market socialist and hardcore capitalist countries like Denmark, Switzerland and Singapore are the least corrupt.

    DrJenkem, avatar

    While certainly capitalist, Denmark and Sweden use the nordic model which tends to lean pretty social-democrat/welfare-state.

    Not to mention, much of bribery under capitalist states is legalized and codified. For example, I’m guessing their study didn’t consider Super-PACs as a form of corruption or bribery. Even though that’s clearly what they are.


    Okay but the bottom 5 are all capitalist countries.

    Even if that wasn’t the case, just linking a corruption index doesn’t prove your original statement:

    corruption is more common where there’s no opportunity to make money

    Edit: since you’ve edited and added words, let me add:

    I would even go as far as to say that your evidence in fact suggests rather the opposite trend: countries where wealth is more equitably distributed have lower rates of corruption


    Are you aware that this is an article about how the poorly managed transition to capitalism allowed highly concentrated wealth and power, and thus corruption?

    postcommunist Europe’s economic transition and institutional vacuum provided ideal opportunities for state capture. The most attractive jobs sought by corrupt officials were associated with the privatization process, institutions that regulated business and the customs bureau


    Yeah the “postcommunist” is a very difficult word and the guy couldn’t understand the meaning. He thought that it might have something to do with the post office

    DrJenkem, avatar

    Lol, there’s plenty of opportunity to make money under socialism. You just have to do the labor. Under capitalism, however, there exists opportunity to derive money from other people’s surplus labor value, for example, I can pay a worker $4 to make a thing that requires $1 in supplies and sell that for $10. That difference of $5 is stolen surplus value from the laborer. Socialists seek to abolish this parasitic relationship.

    DrJenkem, avatar

    Even if we suppose that’s true, you’re still failing to illustrate how capital is necessary for production under socialism.


    Maybe we should start with what you mean by capital

    DrJenkem, avatar

    Given the context of the meme being a picture of Karl Marx, I was using the Marxist definition of capital. provides a pretty digestible definition:


    Ok good. So capital is required for capex and opex.

    As you start with 0 sales you need to get capital from investors to fund you until sales >1

    DrJenkem, avatar

    Yes, that is how it works under capitalism.

    Under socialism however, the state funds labor based on needs and/or desires for the output of that labor (the commodity). In this case, the money isn’t used for the goal of making more money, therefore, this isn’t capital at all. And yet, the labor happens and the commodity created. Therefore, the production is independent of the capital.


    Capital doesn’t cease to exist under communism, guy. It just stops being controlled by one person.


    Yes, it gets mismanaged by central government



    Why does labeling management “government” suddenly make the tools shittier? Is there a mystical quality to Capitalist managers of Capital?


    Using everything that happened in the 20th century as evidence, no mystery. There’s good governance and bad management. Just one is more effective overall.


    How? Mind elaborating, or are you deadass just saying it’s purely vibes? Explain.

    culprit, avatar

    Capital is dead labor, which, vampire-like, lives only by sucking living labor, and lives the more, the more labor it sucks


    You can get that money back by making a good game and charge for it, no need for dark pattern and lootboxes.




    Astrox Imperium (this is a single player version of EvE Online, so definitely not for everyone)

    Dyson Sphere Program


    UFO:AI (admittedly this is a FOSS XCOM game that started as a clone of XCOM Apocalypse, and morphed into something bigger)

    All developed by either a single person, or tiny teams with basically no start up capital. I’m sure I can find more, since the FOSS list of games is enormous.

    Labor develops society. Capital enshittifies society.


    Add Dead Cells, from Motion Twin, an Anarcho-Syndicalist worker co-op.


    If you’re not trolling you’re stupid af

    alsaaas, avatar

    A few (good and one time buy) games off the top of my head (is that how you use the expression/idiom?):

    Obviously commie games:

    • Disco Elysium
    • Cruelty Squad

    Might or might not be commie, but definitely progressive:

    • Bioshock series

    honourable mentions:

    • Vitoria 3 (who would have thought that a democratically controlled and publicly owned economy would be meta? does have a nasty dlc policy tho)
    • Partisans 1941 (you play the story of soviet partisans on the eastern front, what more is there to say?)
    • everything from the studio “Kremlingames” (they make political sims about eastern block countries, without glorifying them)
    • Workers & Resources: Soviet Republic (eastern block “City: Skylines”)
    • VA-11 Hall-A (good vn in a cyberpunk dystopia, does not rly have a political theme tho iirc)

    Missing Tetris!

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