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Bougie_Birdie, in Billions must fry avatar

I often see memes about world events before I see a headline, they’re on to something here.

I also just had to go look out the window to make sure the sun wasn’t blowing up, because you never know

The_Picard_Maneuver, avatar

Don’t worry, I’ll DM you a meme if it happens.

jerrythegenius, avatar

Can you send it to me as well please?

BmeBenji, in Billions must fry

While I agree with the sentiment here, any sudden event happening with the Sun is is the only kind of event that could not be communicated by memes. It would require someone to witness the light of the supernova, create a meme, and post it from the section of the Earth experiencing noon, and for someone experiencing midnight to read the same meme at the same exact moment the supernova reaches them. Internet doesn’t travel faster than light, and the knowledge of a supernova happening requires being hit with the light generated by it.

Lux, (edited )

that was the joke

oce, (edited ) avatar

Our sun will not explode, it will become a red giant, progressively grill us, pulse and contract to a white dwarf. Got a couple hundreds of millions of years before the intensity becomes unbearable, that’s a thousand times the age of our species. Hopefully we have figured interstellar travel by then, if we don’t have already destroyed ourselves.


I’m hoping we figure out starlifting before then. With a bit of help, our sun could last much longer.


Yeah let’s just ignore alien memes


Alien memes can’t get to Earth any faster than a light can



littlebluespark, in Sentence mining so hard the OSMRE had to send an inspector into my Anki decks avatar


renzev, (edited )

Thanks! Ironic that I didn’t include spelling as one of the skills in this meme…

littlebluespark, avatar

Vocabulary includes spelling.

Chickenstalker, in Betrayal

How is it that we have socially ostracisized tobacco smoking but smoking weed is ok?


Geez I don’t know, maybe it’s because tobacco is wildly more toxic and carcinogenic. Maybe it’s because tobacco causes hundreds of thousands of deaths every year. Or perhaps it’s because tobacco is loaded with thousands of equally as toxic additives. Just spit balling here.


Wasn’t it the other way around?

TheWorstMailman, in Accio gasolina

This is some boomer nonsense. I can’t find 2 sources that seem to agree on specific numbers, but several sources, and my personal experience, agree that gas prices peaked in 2008 after the one two punch of Katrina and the housing market collapse

I started driving in 2006 and bought my first car in 2008 and I can confidently say that I’m paying less for gas now than I was when I started driving and I’m not even talking about adjusting for inflation. Are prices too high? Yeah, probably. But this “then vs now” shit just ain’t true


Mfw other contries exist


True. Damn you other countries and early adoption of electric vehicles and smaller more fuel efficient cars

TheWorstMailman, (edited )

Fair. But isn’t complaining about gas prices America’s largest export?

Just checked some other countries and it seems like Canada is the only one that breaks this general pattern, though it’s obviously not rigorous research

Edit: Also, I don’t really care. I was just venting some frustration to The Internet


You’ve got some of the cheapest gas prices in the US, so I’m not sure anyone needs to import your complaints…

For reference, here in Germany, it currently costs around 1.70€ per liter, which is $6.97 per gallon.


1.7 to 1.9 € and changes almost everyday.


finland checking in at 1,9 €/L. which isn’t even that bad, half a year ago it was 2,3. that’s $9.43 per gallon.

spicytuna62, (edited ) avatar

The fed subsidizes the shit out of our fuel because the car industry is lobbying it to because the car industry knows that if Americans pay what the rest of the modern world does for gas, then chugga chugga choo choo motherfuckers, we’re finally building some goddamned trains.

That, or they won’t get to sell their huge, overly marked up trucks to middle class suburbanites anymore.

Either of those things would be good for everyone.

I’d also support regulation that bans modifying the ride height of a vehicle. All bumpers should align as a factory spec. We made 70s cars ugly because they required 5 mph bumpers, but we won’t tell Cletus he can’t make his truck bumper sit at neck level so that he doesn’t wipe out a family of four in a Toyota Corolla when he blows through a red light? Horseshit.


What the fuck are you on about? What a weird response to a dumb meme.

Frame 1. Op is a kid - enjoys magic and fantasy, lack of responsibility Frame 2. Op is an adult - needs to pay for stuff and be responsible for things

Undearius, (edited ) avatar

I can confidently say the cheapest price I ever saw gas was in 2008. Gas is currently twice as much as that, and two years ago it was almost 4 times as much.

RIP_Cheems, in Betrayal avatar

Well we never had D.A.R.E.


Dont worry

Its comin’ up

stebo02, avatar

what’s DARE??


Drug Abuse Resistance Education

Notably, people who take this course are actually more likely to use drugs and alcohol.

stebo02, avatar

okay but do they use more drugs because they took the course or did they take the course because they knew they would be more likely to use drugs?


It was mandatory in public schools for a while.


Because they would blatantly lie about the drugs so finding out how untrue it was made what “education” that was actually real seem less credible

RIP_Cheems, avatar

Drug abuse resistance education, where the goal was to get kids to not do drugs, join gangs, or be violent by using a pledge.

wetnoodle, in Betrayal avatar

Man I signed that and now I sell weed (legally)


Don’t you DARE smoke it though.

OldManBOMBIN, in Accio gasolina

Here ya go:

MacNCheezus, avatar


feedum_sneedson, in Sentence mining so hard the OSMRE had to send an inspector into my Anki decks

How the hell do I get to the point where comprehensible input is even a valid strategy?


I found it didn’t work for me until i was almost A2.

renzev, (edited )

First: Find easier comprehensible input material. The whole point is to learn new words by guessing their meaning based on context. It aint gonna work if you don’t know enough words to even understand the context. So, content meant for natives will be quite far along your journey. Start first with comprehensible input content meant for learners. And if even that is too difficult, go back to studying the words and grammatical structures that your textbook tells you to.

Second: At least in my experience, there’s no easy way around doing a shitton of flashcard/sentence mining. Set aside time in your weekly (preferably daily) routine to just spam the fuck out of Anki / q*izlet / whatever other app you use and commit to it religiously. Practice makes perfect. Don’t slack off and tell yourself that you’re “not motivated”. Force yourself to study even if you don’t want to. Motivation is a finite resource, Discipline is renewable. Soon enough, you will find that it gets easier and easier to stay motivated. That is the essence of discipline. And, as a bonus, discipline is a universal skill: if you get better at motivating yourself in the context of learning a new language, you will also notice improvements in other areas of your life. Many people start learning a foreign language specifically to train their discipline.

Third: Only do n+1 sentence mining. That means, only make flash cards out of sentences that have only one word or construct that you don’t already know. And if most of the sentences you encounter have more than that, it’s a sign that you have to take a step back and learn the basic vocab sets that your textbook gives you before moving on to comprehensible input and sentence mining.

Fourth: As Stephen Covey said, take time to sharpen the saw. That means put some effort into researching different learning techniques that work for you. Otherwise, you’ll just be wasting time on ineffective strategies. The previous advice I gave may not apply to you specifically, so it’s best to do your own research.

ReverendIrreverence, in Straight hustlin' avatar

They setup outside weed dispensaries too


Yeah the first year of recreational in Colorado there was so many photos of girl scouts selling outside dispensaries.

Probably sold record cookies that year, too


I wish they’d set up outside my weed shop


200 iq move

MacNCheezus, avatar

Can’t be too young to start profiting off the drug trade I guess 🤷🏻‍♂️


They’re providing a service

MacNCheezus, avatar

I’m not denying that.

Nobody, in Betrayal

I was disappointed to find out that people aren’t aggressively offering you free drugs everywhere you go. Those DARE bastards lied to me.

LaunchesKayaks, avatar

The only people who have offered me drugs are friends who were offering to be polite. I always decline, but use the phrase “No thank you” to let them know I appreciate the gesture.


You mean you don’t yell “that’s not cool, man,” and then pull out a skateboard, do a kick flip, and then ride off?!

LaunchesKayaks, avatar

Well, I will from now on. I wanna look that cool


“That was so weird and uncool, he’s never even skated before as far as I know.”

tate, in Billions must fry avatar

I know it’s overly pedantic to say this:

The sun can’t go supernova because it hasn’t finished fusing hydrogen. When it does finish, it will swell up to a red giant. This has to happen before it can explode, and the swelling process will take a very long time (in human terms).


Well, ya see he used that word IF. Admittedly it is doing some heavy lifting here, but… well, thanks for the science fact I guess.


Do you feel better having said it?




Well then I’m happy for you stranger


Secondly, would it even be possible to know in that the sun has exploded?

The meme says “in the 8 minutes it takes for the light to reach us” but that would also be the precise moment in which we learn of the explosion leaving us with no time to make memes.

Which leads me back to my initial question, how, if at all possible, could we setup an early (seconds/minutes) warning system for such an event?

Possibly some kind of quantum entangled alarm system in a lower orbit around the sun?

Completely tossing around BS of course, just an interesting thought experiment.


Quantum entanglement can’t actually transmit information, it just looks like it can sometimes due to how quantum mechanics can get weird.

Get a red ball and a blue ball, and two boxes. Close your eyes and out one ball in each box. These box-balls are now “entangled”, in that you know that the contents of one is not the content of the other.
Send a box to a different country, and open yours. You instantly know that the other ball is red, since yours is blue, but the holder of the other box knows nothing new.

With the QM, it the same basic setup except both particles are in an indeterminate state, and when you look you’re making it “pick” which state it’s in, and it also makes the other one “pick”.
You can’t force it to collapse one way or the other without breaking the entanglement either, so it’d be like red-blue ball, and when you force it to be red, the other ball now has a 50/50 chance of also being red.

My guess for the only way to get some warning would be if the supernova had some form of initial, not-cataclysmic flash or outgassing shortly beforehand.


Is that not just quantum superpositioning, which I thought was technically a separate, though possibly intertwined, concept?


Superposition is just the “it’s in multiple states at once” part. Entanglement is the property of making how one particle comes out of superposition interrelated with how another one does.


No and yes. If it happened instantaneously then no.

However, scientists are capable of predicting solar flares well in advance. They can do that by looking at what is happening on the surface of the sun. If it was about to explode, there’d likely be some kind of unusual activity there for several days prior to the explosion. The sun is also rather big. So even if aliens decided to blow it up unexpectedly, it’d probably take more than a few minutes for the explosion to engulf the entire sun, meaning that you would have time to send a meme before lights went out.

I’m not really sure what other purpose a warning system could have. There’s no good place to hide if the sun goes out.


it’d probably take more than a few minutes for the explosion to engulf the entire sun, meaning that you would have time to send a meme before lights went out.

Okay, good. That makes me feel better.


What if it happened at night? Then we’d be fine, right?

teft, (edited ) avatar

The sun isn’t big enough to go nova, period. It will swell up in ~5 billion years when it runs out of hydrogen in the core and starts burning helium. Then the sun will start climbing the fusion chain up to iron and there the fusion reaction in the core will die out. When this occurs the outer shell will kind of just slough away leaving a planetary nebula and an extremely hot naked mostly iron core. This core is a white dwarf and will just continue to glow for a few tens of billions of years until it loses all its heat. No fusion is happening in this bad boy it just glows from the residual heat and the heat is so hot it takes longer than the current age of the universe for that heat to dissipate.

Back to the original point though is that the sun won’t explode in a supernova because it lacks the mass to do that. You need a star that is at least 8 times as massive as the sun in order to get a supernova.

Cold_Brew_Enema, in Straight hustlin'

Yep, I’ve watched my weight skyrocket to near inconceivable heights, now give me twelve boxes of thin mints


You gotta order the Thick Mints off the secret menu.


The double mints is really where it’s at. Thin mint Oreo sandwiches, fucking hell it’s like they’re trying to kill us.


Oooh those are great. Had them for the first time at new years. I won’t buy them though. I eat the whole bag.

Che_Donkey, in Billions must fry avatar
The_Picard_Maneuver, avatar

Great now give me a star trek meme about some terrible world event.

I’m thinking an Archer based meme if you got em.

The_Picard_Maneuver, avatar

Hmm… How about this one (not mine) about saving the whales and spam calls?

Fiivemacs, in Straight hustlin'

It’s weight watchers, not weight losers.

MacNCheezus, avatar



I used to have a buddy that would rubber band on weight watchers.

He’d do it for a while, lose an astounding amount of weight, stop, gain every pound back.

I have no idea if he’s still doing this but it was like a 2 year cycle. Spend a few months thinking about going back on, decide it was worth the money, get on, do great for 6 months and then get tired of it, or get a craving for something, and that would be the end of it.

Honestly the system would work if it were manageable long term but from what I’ve seen there’s just no preparation for getting off of it. You’ve gotta get to a point where you can handle gaining a few pounds every now and again, and then lose it again and do maintenance until the next event where you’re going to have something bad. WW seems to expect you to stick to their meal plan permanently and that is frankly too fucking restrictive to last.

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