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WhisperingEye, in Uhhh... no thanks

The trick is to stop going somewhere and go elsewhere


But then everybody would go elsewhere.

MacNCheezus, (edited ) avatar

Well, then you just go back to the first place and enjoy it without people

PP_BOY_, in Chonk chart avatar

A fine girl

Animal abuse

Animal abuse

Animal abuse

Animal abuse

Animal abuse


Is 1 under fed? Usually these charts show extremes in both directions.


1 is actually mislabeled, that would be your cat from 8 to 20 points, depending on your cat, the smaller the cat the lower the healthy weight is obviously.

If your cat is a healthy weight you will see the silhouette of their ribs when they stand, if your cat is ovular when they stand they are a little overweight, if your cat is more round, your cat is obese, which is not healthy for your cat. Anything above that is incredibly unhealthy.


Not a cat owner, just curious passerby. Where would you mark the difference between healthy and underweight? Or is it more of a thing you notice if they start behaving differently? Or is it something that just never happens?

My sister’s cat used to always go outside and eat a mouse or something if she wanted more food than what they gave her (and sometimes just instead of eating her food, lol), so I wondered if maybe most cats are like that and so you don’t have to worry about underfeeding them.


Most experts recommend you don’t let your cats outside unless it’s in a closed off yard and you’re supervising. It is super bad for your car to just eat random things outside, that’s how they get diseases and die

On underweight cats the ribcage will be very visible, and the stomach will be too small


it’s more common to see obese cats than underfed ones, especially on the internet. Without the stupid ‘chonker’ names, this chart could be an actual wake-up call for some owners browsing the internet, I’d hope.


But he’s hungy…

candyman337, (edited )

A fully grown house cat is between 8 and 20 pounds, unless your cat is bone structurally very large, 20 points is already overweight. But sometimes it’s hormones or lethargy that can cause a cat to gain weight. I have our cats on scheduled eating times and they don’t get more food after their two meals aside from occasional treats. I have 3 cats that are the right weight and one that’s overweight. He’s overweight because he’s a fixed boy and in their older age they gain weight because of lower testosterone. He is, however, only 14 pounds. That being said, there are circumstances where being over 20 pounds is not always the owner’s fault like in the case of a thyroid problem

partial_accumen, in Aint no way I'm giving some website my real phone number

When Blizzard shut down Overwatch 1 they required a real phone number to transfer your items and log into Overwatch 2. Tried a Google Voice number, nope, they require your real phone number. There is never going to be a situation where I want Blizzard contacting me on my phone.

…and that is why when they finally turned off the Overwatch 1 servers, I stopped playing Overwatch at all.


and that is why when they finally turned off the Overwatch 1 servers, I stopped playing Overwatch at all.


Annoyed_Crabby, in Mommy's Choice

Did anti-abortion camp really think abortion is killing infant?


If it’s talking to you, it’s a toddler. And all the fucking guns are killing most of those.

anarchy79, avatar

People talk to me all the time. I can’t make sense of what they’re saying. Are they toddlers?


Speaking only for myself, yes.


Believe it or not, they apparently do. No idea how they could reach that conclusion lol there’s a reason we track birthdays not conception days!


In the same way they believe the civil war was about states’ rights.

They’re lying to make their position seem less outrageous.

Sterile_Technique, avatar

Some of them, yeah. A lot of them are just dumb as rocks, and have been duped into thinking that what they’re doing is moral.


Right wing in general is full of the easily deceived and hateful.

2 main tactics used is to either convince the stupid people you’re on their side helping them with their ideals, or that the things they hate are a threat and you’re the only one who can save them.

It’s a shame it’s turned into this, and that right wing went so crazy that left wing is now just about not letting them destroy the world.


Seriously. It’s just so easy to be duped into a high moral character these days. Doesn’t make it any less shameful


They constantly talk about how people want to extend abortions into the entire pregnancy like that’s actually a thing. Maybe the first person is doing it on purpose fucking with the fact that any sane person would let an invalid/lethal pregnancy go to save the mother’s life but the goons who listen to that crap don’t check.



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  • LemmysMum,

    Someone should slap your father for not having the common decency to wipe you on the curtains.


    How rude!


    Yes, you are.


    But I called you it first, tho


    My wife’s born again idiot ex-friend who came to visit her and tell her she’s a baby killer (never had an abortion, but is pro-choice) insisted people are aborting babies at 9 months.


    Removing the baby at 9 months is just called giving birth.


    Spawn kill 😎


    Yeah, that’s what I told my mom. She tried to tell me I don’t know what I’m talking about. They wouldn’t just deliver the baby and let someone adopt it if the birth parents don’t want it. No, they’ll kill the baby mid-delivery. I hate that it’s my mom, but some people can’t be reasoned with.

    Transporter_Room_3, avatar

    I started asking for examples of when that happened.

    It’s funny how angry people get when you ask them for proof of their ridiculous claim. Especially when they start insisting they have the proof, they just don’t feel like sharing “because of your attitude” and when it gets to that point I just openly start laughing at them.


    That’s the problem with cultists. They believe everything without proof to the point they believe proof is wrong somehow. Like the only valid beliefs are ones that are taken on faith and run counter to all logic and reason.

    After all, if everything you believe isn’t totally bullshit, how can you claim you have faith?

    Transporter_Room_3, avatar

    My mother STILL believes that “partial birth abortion” is a thing. Like, at one point she literally believed doctors would use a reflex-testing mallet to smash in a baby’s skull as it was being born. I heard these words come out of her mouth when I was a child.

    Now she just thinks they use a surgical hose to suck the brain out as it’s coming out.

    My mother in law also threatened to not come to the wedding because I made a pro-choice post on social media. It was literally my only post of the year, because I only keep the account for messaging family. She insisted I’m a baby killer. She also thinks someday she and her family will be dragged out in the street and executed for being christian.




    They do think abortion is killing babies, just unborn babies. That’s what half the argument comes down to. One side thinks it’s “should it be legal to kill unborn babies?” and the other side thinks it’s “should it be legal to end your pregnancy before it’s a baby?” And it’s hard to find a middle ground because the former thinks they’re babies as soon as they’re conceived and the latter thinks it’s a good way later down the road.

    pewgar_seemsimandroid, (edited )

    abortion should only be allowed for special cases

    edit: or a license


    Please tell me you’re not actually serious.


    I agree. Special cases should include a person being pregnant and not wanting to carry the pregnancy to term.

    FlyingSquid, avatar

    I completely disagree with you, but please explain in which cases you feel fetuses deserve rights and in which ones you feel don’t and why only some fetuses deserve rights.


    Personally, I just don’t think pregnant women need legal restrictions here. I imagine, ultra-conservatives think that more liberal women just have tons of unprotected sex and gladly risk getting pregnant, because they can just get an abortion.

    But I’ve never seen that actually being a thing. Women will generally use some form of contraception to avoid getting pregnant in the first place. And if they do get pregnant, I have never heard of any woman, who took the decision to get an abortion lightly.

    I believe that no woman will apply a lower moral standard to her unborn baby (or not-yet-baby, whatever) than our moral standards for human life in general.

    Outright prohibiting abortion is not a higher moral standard, because you’ll have many cases where the outcome is worse for everyone involved, e.g. when the baby is already dead, but cannot be removed.


    Women will generally use some form of contraception to avoid getting pregnant in the first place.

    Hence why some people are talking about targeting contraception.


    This is so worthwhile talking about. I used to struggle with this stuff quite a bit until realising what you’ve said here. The right frequently seems to mischaracterise pro-choice as pro-abortion, and that is completely wrong. No one likes abortion. And yet, it happens. Conservatives should do some introspection on those two facts.

    oce, avatar

    And now the hard question, when does it become a baby?


    At some point between conception and birth, range inclusive.

    I don’t know. I’m not an expert, and the only experience I had with it was before I can remember.

    oce, avatar

    I think science cannot answer either, it’s all continuous, so legal limits are rather arbitrary based on what’s socially accepted.

    qooqie, in Presidential fitness test

    Gotta make sure the youth can be good little soldiers if needed


    This is 100% fact. Eisenhower made PE a universal part of education to increase overall fitness in the case of war and conscription.


    I think it was worse than that. It was to test for and increase capability for military life, but the exercises themselves are not a good way to keep a general healthy body so it actually caused physical health to decline in the US.


    it actually caused physical health to decline in the US.

    Wait seriously? Where did you hear that?


    Fuck yeah!

    Phegan, in make smoking great again

    You are forgetting about emphysema and every other smoking related illness.


    My roommate (72 y/o, long-time smoker) had severe COPD. She’d faint without oxygen, she couldn’t leave the house for more than a few hours, which is how long her tanks lasted. I mean, it’s great that she made it to that age, but it sucked that she was sick so often. I knew her for ~6 months and watched her try and try to quit smoking. She did care about her health. And she didn’t want to die or be sick. She loved her life. She died from a sudden heart attack in November. I know that everyone dies and everyone gets sicker when they get old, but she would have been so much better off if she’d never become addicted.

    I never realized how hard it could be to quit cigarettes before meeting her. This was a woman who had been on alcohol and hard drugs for years in the past and had gotten and stayed sober, but cigarettes were way more difficult for her.

    It makes me so fucking angry at the people who profited off of her sickness and her death. Who advertised and lied and actively encouraged her to get addicted. I hate them. Nothing can undo the damage they did and nothing can bring her back. But if I could make them suffer for it, I would.

    ours, in make smoking great again

    It won’t stop smoking from destroying your respiratory and cardiovascular system. Enjoy your early age heart attack.


    Ya my friend had his ligaments rip too easily because of excess smoking and caffeine the doctors think


    I heard that in cases of severing injuries, non smokers are far more likely to be able to have it reattached versus smokers. Something to do with the lividity of the tissues


    Is there any chance you remember where you learned it? This was the only source I was able to find (there may be more out there, and it’s from 2015… which was nine years ago, holy fuck that’s weird) and it doesn’t seem to confirm. Still, there were a bunch of other articles that came up about how smoking causes impaired wound healing (which would make me think it’d make it harder to reattach a finger, so I have no fucking clue lol), and obviously smoking is bad for plenty of other reasons too. TIL about the wound healing though, I didn’t realize how much smoking affects the whole body. Yikes.


    To be clear, I heard this from a friend at an RV factory I work at. I didn’t take it as gospel but it did seem to make sense. I then went on to surmise a possible cause based on that assumption, but it’s probably not the most ethical thing to make it seem like I was speaking from authority.


    Also, it smells like ass, so even if it wasn’t harmful, smokers would still stink up everywhere they go.

    sbv, in Uhhh... no thanks

    The absolute lack of people around was a definite upside of the pandemic.

    Klanky, avatar

    I’m kind of ashamed to admit my wife and I were living our best life during the pandemic, I sort of miss it (not people getting sick and dying, of course!)


    I felt the same and I’m not ashamed at all of missing the absence of anyone else around.

    CptEnder, in Fucking blue ticks

    Sidenote, Anthony Hopkins as Tom Hiddleston delivering that “Oh shit” was so fucking hilarious. Perfectly executed.


    Fuck, I genuinely forgot that wasn’t Tom Hiddleston until you said that. I was just like “no no Tom Hiddleston is just pretending to be Anthony Hopkins, it’s magic, you see…”

    In conclusion, you’re very right, and I’m an idiot who gets too immersed lol


    Naw naw that’s just the magic of Sir Anthony Hopkins, absolutely acceptable to fall for his sorcery.

    sharkfucker420, in Dissociative Daze avatar

    Can’t look in mirrors on acid because this happens instantaneously. That clown is not fucking me and his smile is creepy


    I love that feeling, it’s strange but fascinating to see my face melt and age like that, if you look for long enough you might even feel like your reflection is falling at you

    sharkfucker420, avatar

    Nah he definitely wants to replace me or something and he is evil. Don’t like it.


    I haven’t tried mirrors and acid but have you done mirrors in dreams? Because don’t.

    sharkfucker420, avatar

    I don’t ever remember my dreams for longer than an hour but I do know that they are often incredibly surreal. Afaik I haven’t looked in a mirror but it doesn’t sound pleasant. They’ve always made me uncomfortable even sober. Passing by mirrors at night as a kid was always a very stressful experience

    pseudo, in Bastards. SHARE YOUR TECHNOLOGY avatar

    Where are you from OP? It pretty standard in France as well and some people here call it “open the window italien-style”.


    Qui dit ça ?

    C’est un oscillo-battant, rien d’autre 👀

    pseudo, avatar

    La première fois que je l’ai entendu ça m’a aussi étonné et je ne sais pas si beaucoup de gens le disent. Moi j’entends surtout "ouvrir la fenêtre par le haut. Et oscillo-batant sur les fiches de description de produit.


    Et tu connais l’espagnolette ? Promis, c’est SFW

    pseudo, avatar

    J’en ai à mes volets. Je me demande si c’est commun en Espagne.

    Obi, avatar

    Même ça, moi je me rappelle juste d’appeler ça une fenêtre battante.


    Fenêtre 💪

    IHateFacelessPorn, in It's just a coffee

    Netflix and Spotify actually makes sense to be subscription based. Amazon depends on how often you do online shipping through them since it’s actually free (if you don’t include the fees) to function. I definitely wouldn’t pay for Dropbox but cloud storage and sync pretty much has to be a monthly subscription. If you are going to be against something at least be against to the parts that makes sense to be against of.


    Life worked perfectly fine before Netflix and Spotify, everything was also fine before cloud everything.

    They can suck on my left nut.


    Yes, and life still works fine without them…nobody is forcing you to subscribe to Netflix. Keep paying your monthly cable subscription like the old days.


    I ain’t got no cable, last time we had cable i watched for 2 weeks and after that everything was just repeating what i had already seen in those 2 weeks and loads of nonsense shows.

    I prefer doing things, like learning new skills or doing something active.

    aBundleOfFerrets, in Choose carefully

    A trillion of an SI prefix will always be silly. Just use a bigger prefix!

    spicytuna62, avatar

    While I agree, most people know tera- at this point. Most people probably do not know zetta- yet.


    Most of us aren’t used to “terrawatts” though. Is that like one Earth worth of watts? One watt as measured on Earth? The definition of watt culturally accepted by Earthlings?

    spicytuna62, (edited ) avatar

    You wouldn’t find a terawatt in everyday usage, but a terawatt-hour is pretty commonplace when talking about the energy usage of entire populations.

    This Reuters article states US power demand will climb to “4,027 billion kWh in 2022.” Yeah, just say 4 PWh. Or even 4,027 TWh. It’s a little more easily digested.

    It’s already an incomprehensably high number. No matter which way you state it is going to fly over peoples heads.

    And the entire electricity consumption of the planet is something like 25.5 petawatt-houts.


    I think theperson you’re replying to was making a joke off the misspelling of “terrawatts” in OP.


    Oh that’s super interesting and I did not know that, but I was riffing off the double R in “terrawatt,” instead of “terawatt.”

    Like “tera” describes an order of magnitude, but “terra” means “earth,” as in “terra firma,” “terra nova,” or “terran.”

    So I guess you could say that 25.5 petawatt-hours = 25,500 terawatt-hours = 1 terrawatt-hour.


    And how’re we supposed to learn when y’all keep dumbing shit down?

    TokenBoomer, in It's an addiction at this point

    Upvote for cringe.


    Okay boomer.

    Nomad, in Just tired from putting up decorations

    He seems so excited in the left picture. Is that a flashlight in his pants?


    Lol omg I can’t stop laughing.

    jballs, avatar

    Just proving once again that dad dick is real.


    Looks like a t-handle Allen wrench.

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