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LemmyIsFantastic, (edited ) in Betrayal

Pretty sure you’d have seen a shit show for anyone who chose not to sign. Especially in like 5th grade when you got this stuff. Most 10 years olds are scared shitless by cops.


Alcohol is the gateway drug


Meh, seems to be both. Don’t get me wrong, alcohol is way worse overall. But in my experience the biggest gateway drug to harder stuff is music festivals and learned household behavior from kids in shitty situations.

ericbomb, (edited )

So funny story about that, because I decided I hated going to school I went to an “alternate” high school that was also where kids who were kicked out of traditional school went.

They’d be like “you get this candy bar if you pledge not to do drugs or drink underage!” And some teens would straight up say “nah I’m good” and I just appreciate the honesty of those kids.

teft, in Billions must fry avatar

/checks post time



If it happens we won’t know about it for 8 minutes until it reaches us.

lettruthout, in Billions must fry

Oh, from the title it looked like this was a statement by the oil industry - defending it’s profiteering in the face of climate change.


I was skimming and thought the sun baby was saying “billionaires”, and I was like, right on comrade sun baby. Right on.

gnomesaiyan, in Betrayal avatar

I don’t do drugs, I just smoke weed.

Ultragramps, avatar

It’s a Plant, mon! From da ert!


Yeah they were right about shit like heroin and meth, I knew enough people who threw their lives away to that shit. But my stoner friends were successful and chill. It’s the only drug I care for. I know about benefits of psychedelics but it isn’t for me.

son_named_bort, in Betrayal

Do they know that Drugs Are Really Expensive?


They told me people would hand out drugs for free to get me hooked. Where are all these free drugs?


They’re in Halloween candy.


More accurate than the BS acronym the program uses. I cannot believe it’s still around…

moody, in Betrayal

I don’t touch the devil’s lettuce. I’m more of a jazz cabbage man.


ive always called it gods green gift (not religious anymore)

Chefdano3, in Sentence mining so hard the OSMRE had to send an inspector into my Anki decks avatar

Which is exactly why I can’t learn foreign languages. No amount of brute force will make my vocab any better. I can’t remember shit. If I could, this comment would be much more witty and funny.


It’s so sad you’ve had to go through life only knowing those fifteen words


for languages you can already competently speak, reading is probably the best way to improve your vocab

Wogi, in Betrayal

I was one of the very small number of children that bought that bullshit, that all drugs are bad and what have you, but even I thought signing that pledge was kinda fucked up. Like you were required to sign it, we didn’t have a choice.


I thought the same thing, we had to sign it or we failed 5th grade (or that’s what I was told).


Like you were required to sign it, we didn’t have a choice.

Only years later with exposure to contract law did we learn about that pledge lacking “equal consideration” rendering the document null and void.


Does “duress” not enter into it as well?

killeronthecorner, avatar

Then sprinkle on some child abuse and, voila!


Sprinkle on some crack and book em, Lou.

CileTheSane, in Stupid brain avatar

The brain is not a singular thing or impulse. Different neurons fire causing desire for different things at the same time (ie. I want to eat candy, I want to lose weight, I want to sit down, I want my house clean).
Some part of the brain calls itself the decision maker and calls itself you, but that doesn’t mean the brain is in agreement or that the decision maker controls the rest of it.

gAlienLifeform, (edited ) avatar

Sure, but I think about studies of traumatic brain injuries and neuroplasticity that have shown that different brains can use different physical parts for creating the same functions of mind, and all the wonderfully atypical brains out there that just work a bit differently but have nothing wrong with them,

And all that makes me think, because we all create that decision-maker (ourselves) a bit differently, we do in fact create that decision maker for ourselves, and that decision maker, in certain limited circumstances, has some independence from the brain that created it

e; I just want to emphasize the “in certain limited circumstances” part, because on second though I’m realizing that this could be read as a “just think your way out of your schizophrenia bro, you’re responsible for it” argument, and that’s definitely not what I want to say. So let’s just say the relationship between brain and mind is really complicated and maybe a bit of a two way street sometimes.

rimjob_rainer, in So that's it, huh? We're some kind of Suicide Squad?

Somehow Palpatine returned


You know I’ve seen every other mainline Star Wars and several of the one-offs and TV shows but I never got around to this one and I haven’t really felt like I missed out.


Same. I read about it in memes mostly and at some point I was like ‘alright that’s enough of that’.


You’re right.

SpaceCowboy, avatar

This thing again. Palpatine is in a room full of cloning tanks talking about having unnatural powers. Next scene characters mention cloning and dark powers. It’s just Poe doesn’t know how it happened (he’s not omniscient) and doesn’t much care. Fascism returned and he’s going to fight against it, that’s all he needs to know.

It’s explained but the hot take internet reactions missed it. And then memes were created to brag about being to stupid to understand something that happened in a Star Wars movie that a child could understand.

Somehow you don’t understand what things mean in a Star Wars movie. Congratulations!

rimjob_rainer, (edited )

Somehow all efforts from episode 4-6 were in vain and Anakin wasn’t the chosen one again because throwing Palpatine into the death star core didn’t have any impact on anything. Somehow they made everything Luke, Leia und Han achived pointless. Somehow cloning was easily achievable with some dark powers and somehow Palpatine cloned himself and chilled for a few dozen years. Somehow Palpatine was a father and somehow Rei was his granddaughter.

SpaceCowboy, avatar

Yes just like my Grandfather fought in WWII in vain because fascism has returned to our world.

Except the fact that evil can return doesn’t actually mean opposing evil is in vain.

Also, you may be slightly not getting the point of Star Wars if you think that we’re supposed to believe Anakin is the chosen one and everyone is supposed to respect his greatness. Yes this is what Anakin believed of himself, but how did that go for him?

Luke was meant to kill his evil father (or rule at his side), it was his destiny. Luke refused that destiny, how did that work out for him? Pretty good until the real evil Empire (the Disney Corporation) came along.

Star Wars isn’t really about making prophecies come true. It’s about rejecting them and finding a better way.

You’re a Star Wars fan, you’re meant to reject the fascist ideals of past greatness, not conform to them! Have a balanced take on Star Wars, not leave it in darkness!

I know from your point of view JJ Abrams is evil, But only a Sith deals in absolutes.


Counterpoint: several flashy videos on the Internet told me that space samurai wisard films are bad now because there is a mean woman there and no kinky costumes.

RememberTheApollo_, in So that's it, huh? We're some kind of Suicide Squad?

TV show with really interesting premise that is well written, well acted, with great sets:

Streaming service cancels it after the first season and doesn’t renew it.


RIP ‘Night Sky’ with JK Simmons. What could have been.


I was enjoying the heck out of The Peripheral. RIP.

ThePowerOfGeek, avatar

I was just thinking about that show last night and wondering if/when season 2 was coming out, as it had good reviews, great cast, a good plot, and the dialogue was pretty good too.

Went to the Wikipedia page and found out Amazon cancelled it two months after it’s debut. Two months! They didn’t even give it a chance.


I watched with my SO and googled it right after we finished it to see when Season 2 was coming, thinking it would be a joke “haha only 2 years to wait for the next season” and it had already been cancelled. Rough.


Well that really sucks. I don’t even have a guess to what’s going on with that ending.


RIP Carnival Row. I thought it was a pretty damn good show, with excellent actors and good character building.

It hasn’t been “officially” cancelled, but it may as well be at this point.

pastaPersona, in Chonk chart

The uwu-fication of animal obesity these past ten years or so has been pretty disturbing to witness.

Tracks as a “cute” way for pet owners to avert feeling guilty/responsible for their animals being dangerously overweight.

“Oh no Mr. Wiggles isn’t obese he’s just a heckin’ chonkerino wholesome chungus” meanwhile the cat wheezes trying to go up and down the stairs.

glowie, avatar

I mean that’s sorta happened with people too

Kolanaki, (edited ) in Dissociative Daze avatar

Happens 100% of the time if you are dysphoric. The person greeting you in the mirror is never the same as what’s inside your head in that case


Notably, this didn’t happen to me yesterday. I saw my reflection for a moment in a window while at work and was surprised to see myself. The person I am inside my head never had a face; the image I saw in the mirror was like a mask I’d always been wearing and couldnt take off.

I don’t know why it happened exactly when it did, I’ve been transitioning for over a year now, but it’s really fucking satisfying to finally take the “mask” off and see myself.

It’s honestly similar to how it felt when I changed my name. Like this barrier between my ‘self’ and the physical world being torn down. Like taking a full breath for the first time.

Dysphoria is real and it sucks, and I wish that nobody had to experience it. What made the biggest difference for me, even before I could socially or medically transition, was just finally allowing me to address my own self as a boy, just in my own thoughts or in writing or art. That was the hardest thing for me, but also the most freeing.

I dunno where I’m going with this, just rambling at this point. But just in case it needs to be said, you are real and fucking resilient, you matter, and you’re not alone. ⁠♡


I’m glad you feel like rambling. I’m glad you are moving towards a better place in life. Let’s hope it keeps going in this direction for the rest of your life. 🙂

jubilationtcornpone, in Uhhh... no thanks

🎶Sometimes you want to go, where everynobody knows your name else is.🎶

MacNCheezus, avatar

🎶 So we don’t we go somewhere only we know 🎶

Engywuck, in Uhhh... no thanks

I’m in this meme and I like it

MacNCheezus, avatar

You’re welcome.

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