I think people in this comment section seem to think people who voted to leave the EU are shaking their fists in rage, why would they be? The diagram also looks sus in terms of legality
I found the proposal - I thought the lines to Ireland were all proposed rail (despite encroaching the incorrect distance by sea) but its a rough diagram and those are water transport routes.
Looms fine to me though, there’s a path into Norway, and there’s a path into the UK.
I never had a problem with this. It’s not like whole movies or long youtube videos are recorded vertically. The kind of content that is recorded vertically is mainly watched on phones, and it’s not like it’s unwatchable on any other screen. Never once have I seen anyone say anything about it that is anything more than mild inconvenience about something they really shouldn’t care that much about. It’s just stereotypical “complaining because you can” bullshit that is so common.
Same. I may not agree with what you say, but I will upvote til dinner your right to say it.
The thing I hate about vertical video is all the footage of rare or historical events that are filmed by someone firehosing their phone back & forth like mad trying to capture the scope of it all, when all they have to do is rotate the phone 90 degrees. Don’t make me watch a tsunami through a keyhole. Frame correctly to capture the event.
That’s what a lot of those dangerous nuclear materials were labeled. Not that it mattered that much because by the time you read that you likely only have a few months to live (radiation kills your immune system)
Finally, someone else who gets it. It’s so weird that so many people think all Jews came from a single tribe at the edge of the desert. That’s not how religions work…
Because it’s both? Jews can be both semites (ethnicity) and followers of Judaism (religion). Not all Jewish people are both. To make things more confusing, not all Jews are zionists, and not all Israelis are zionists.
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