guriinii, People shit for 45 mins?
new_guy, I know right?
This shit (literally) will give you hemorrhoids
Octopus1348, (edited ) It should be maximum 10. I do it in like 3-4 mins.
lobut, I just can’t. I think I need to switch my diet up or something. Even when I was doing pure veggie shakes it’s been a chore.
maldivirdragonwitch, Eating salad with seeds (especially lax seeds) with every big meal has helped me tremendously. So has eating soup every second/third day. … Although, so has cutting coffee and cigarettes and switching to tea. 😁
It’s a process. Try different stuff, see how your gut reacts, maybe you don’t have to change as much as you think.
ChihuahuaOfDoom, This is why I like my bidet.
GrammatonCleric, THANKS BIDET
AnonWyo, This joke is a blast.
Like a bidet.
WashedOver, Why not save time and stomp it in the shower?
devfuuu, This is da way
Tedesche, Wafflestomping. Greatest neologism I’ve ever heard.
XbSuper, That one thing should probably be “see a doctor”.
moog, Metamucil time
JustMy2c, 1.poop 2.bidet
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