dantheclamman, Penicillium roqueforti is our friend! Unless it’s in grain, then it makes toxic compounds and causes spoilage. So it’s our frenemy.
LolaCat, Reminds me of this classic:
Aragaren, Blue cheese mold is a banger!
pastaPersona, Mfw downing shots of apple cider vinegar for “health benefits”
Crackhappy, But there are health benefits. I mean, not as big as some people claim, for sure, but they do exist: …clevelandclinic.org/exploring-the-health-benefit…
pomodoro_longbreak, Yeah but it’s always about some rapid wait loss hack with these fads
FluffyPotato, Pretty much anything containing some form bread, like pastries, pizza and well bread, is commonly made with yeast which is also a fungus just like mold.
Ainiriand, And beer!
Ainiriand, And wine!
nyctre, I assume you also find disgusting alcohol and all the other products obtained through fermentation? Or is stuff eaten by bacteria somehow better than fungi?
FishFace, Alcohol is made by fungi, as is bread, and mushrooms are literal fungi.
squiblet, Blue cheese culture is literal fungi as well.
FishFace, Yes, that’s why I mentioned mushrooms.
dejected_warp_core, That’s nothing. There are even https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Casu_martzu cheeses out there.
Also aspergillus is used in the production of ricewine and sake. Moldy food is all over the place.
dantheclamman, I had forgotten that the larvae jump. For some reason that makes it so, so much worse to me. If I were to eat an arthropod-originating cheese I would probably prefer to try mite cheese.
Sanyanov, (edited ) To all of you cheese lovers: this is your Penicillium roqueforti, blue cheese mold, in a microbiology lab. Bon appetit
rustydrd, Not really the same thing, though. I also wouldn’t lick bacteria out of a petri dish, but I’ll happily eat yoghurt and sourdough bread.
kSPvhmTOlwvMd7Y7E, I am totally licking it.
Enk1, Wait til you hear what’s in the pills they give you when you’ve got a bacterial infection. It’s gonna blow your mind
Sanyanov, Most of simple antibiotics are of fungal nature, yes
Using life against itself.
Kolgeirr, Hell yeah that looks delicious, throw that on a steak and lets eat.
marx2k, Stop. I can only get so hard.
MudMan, You didn't need to go to all the trouble, if you let some bread out in a humid place you'll get it all over it as well.
Still delicious.
Sanyanov, Yeah, moldy bread will do (though it can contain some more nasty stuff as well)
dangblingus, You can’t eat a big bite of it. That’s a rookie move. Just a little bit on a triscuit, maybe some mustard or salami with it, fucking mint.
dantheclamman, I am a blue cheese veteran and I would literally eat a big bite. it’s so good. gimme the mold
xuniL, Cranberries are awesome with it
dangblingus, Damnnn. I’m about to go get some stilton and cranberries right after work now.
datelmd5sum, I’ve grown to like a lot of tastes I’ve previously hated. Salted herring, olives, strong cheeses, whiskey… but moldy cheese is never going to happen. My body autonomously removes the piece of moldy food from my mouth and attempts to also empty my stomach just in case.
Chetzemoka, You could actually have an allergy. I met one other person who had a mold allergy that was cross reactive with blue cheeses, and had a similar reaction to them
EatYouWell, That definitely sounds like an allergic reaction to me.
psud, And people are allergic to penicillin, which is that fungus, but super purified (as caffeine pills are to coffee, but more so)
fsxylo, Blue cheese drizzled with honey and topped with pecans is great.
pomodoro_longbreak, Honey and cheese in general – mwah. I like a fresh slice of challah with brie and honey on top.
Psychonaut1969, Wait until you find out about Koji and how soy sauce is made.
Sanyanov, Fun part is, Aspergillus oryzae (fungi used to make koji) can develop into dangerous strains that release heavy toxins able to easily paralyze an adult forever.
Psychonaut1969, This is one if the reasons they say not to try making your own spores and to restart batches with commercially purchased spores. One of the things people do with it is fast age steaks over 24 hours at room temp by growing a layer of it on the steaks surface (moldy steaks). Also isnt Aspirgillus is a mold not a fungi?
Sanyanov, Mold is a structure formed by some fungi. Mold is always fungal.
MudMan, Wine is spoiled grapes, all cheese is just milk you left out for so long it got dry and sausages are what happens when you disembowel a pig and stuff its guts with its own minced ass. Today I ate a thing that looks like the first draft of an Aliens facehugger they rejected for being too spiky.
People buy food so processed they forget we're just gross hungry animals just putting random things in their mouths to see if it keeps them alive for a bit.
Lemjukes, “Cheese is just milk gone off big time styly.” - Stephen Fry
Pipoca, Sausages are also commonly inoculated with mold. The powdery coating on aged salami is Penicillium nalgiovense.
And some of the fanciest, most expensive wines are made from moldy grapes. Botrytis cinerea, when consistently wet and humid, causes “grey rot” which spoils the grapes. When it dries out, though, it becomes the “noble rot” which is prized.
MudMan, Absolutely, if you've ever made the types of sausages for cold cuts at home it's very obvious. People think the white powdery thing is just cool packaging (and to be fair in ultraprocessed crap it can be), but nope, that stuff is transparent when you get started.
Also, the "transparent stuff"? Disemboweled guts. I mean, the mold should be the least of your concerns if you're going by gross-out factor.
guriinii, Blue stilon is amazing
yamanii, Yes, come to the mold cult, it’s worth it.
eezeebee, It’s rare for a meme to make me salivate
teft, I love it so much.
MudMan, It's amazing, but I never peer pressure anybody to try it.
Because it's great when there's a cheese board and you get to hoard the blue cheese because people are "ew, gross, mold".
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