Capitalism is capitalism. What you are really saying is that there are other factors at play that actually make the difference. I guess it’s the fact that in europe (and germany) the goverment governs the free market more. In the united states there is more of a free market and more ‘lobbied’ politicians keeping it that way (the dragon).
Cause at least democrats tell you that you’re valid while rejecting your claims and rights, it’s just those darn rascals the republicans in the way, and if they aren’t… we have to appeal to the moderates for next cycle ofc
I mean Democrats aren’t telling 10 year old rape victims that they have to give birth and they aren’t arresting women who have miscarriages nor are they trying to erase the lgbtq community. They also arnt letting women die while pregnant with a fetus that is just going to die a very painful death when it is born. So ya I think the dems arnt the best but they sure as fuck are 1000 times better than the other hateful turds.
you aren’t wrong but I wish the metric we had wasn’t “does less bad things” I know they aren’t literally satan dancing on your grave playing the fiddle like the “other team” but it would be real great to have a party that actually does some good. I’m sure there are some state governments and local governments that are doing good things, but I unfortunately remain trapped in a red state where all I can see is the tire fire of republican rule and the occasional federal crop up of, we’re still committing imperialism and aren’t fighting for workers rights but at least we aren’t actively taking away women’s rights and sexual/identity protections, yet, democrats.
The fact they aren’t actively taking away protections is great, but… do they actually do anything to improve things? No, if they don’t fight for us or make things better than they are a stop on the way down, they are hardly less bad. They are just the other side of the ball rolling down the hill.
Eh, I think it’s just semantics. People hear universal healthcare and recoil but Medicare and Medicaid are what help their parents get the help they need. I think it’s pretty powerful to already have programs ready to go. Those programs just need some better marketing and more access.
In this case words matter, and universal is not synonymous with government run. Universal healthcare means available for everyone. If it isn't available for everyone, it is not universal.
Government implemented universal single payer is the best implementation based on every civilized country.
Yeah, you’re right. I just don’t think perfection should be the enemy of good enough. Although, like others have said, Medicare and Medicaid are nowhere near even good enough. But they are programs that exists, and providers and insurers already have to, by law, negotiate with them. The laws need major reform, but it might be easier to make incremental changes rather than a total overhaul.
Plus the US does have many disparate laws guaranteeing some basic treatment. For example, hospitals have to provide stabilizing care for anyone, regardless of ability to pay. Incremental reform could gradually bring all those laws under Medicare/Medicaid, giving everyone time to adjust.
Medicare is hugely broken and barely works even for those who are eligible. You still need to get private insurance (called gap insurance) for many, many things.
When I had to switch from BCN to Medicare after I became fully disabled, one of my prescriptions went from $200 a month to $3500, and I started getting denied for routine tests. I was denied a heart cath my cardiologist ordered. I’ve had to stop 4 of my prescriptions because of cost, which of course has made me even more sick.
Even in some utopian daydream, that’s nowhere near ‘universal healthcare’, and expanding that broken system is not a solution.
eta: The US needs actual universal healthcare that’s not inexorably tied to privatisation.
Actually the Netherlands has a system that is quite similar to the US healthcare system, with private insurance and insurance subsidies for low incomes and basically privately run hospitals. The difference is that the government sorta acts like a single-payer. They set price lists for how much hospitals can charge for health care if they want to get paid by the insurance companies. And they negotiate with big pharma to purchase expensive medicines at a lower price.
Yeah, and it's not going great. Prices are rising fast and many things aren't covered anymore, or only in expensive extra packages. Healthcare insurance works better the more people you spread it over. We should reinstate the central Ziekenfonds. It's cheaper for everyone.
What do you mean, NOT going great? The owners of the private hospitals are raking in sooo much cash on the backs of the victims patients they get to fleece, it’s awesome! Well, for them, anyway, but that’s what counts, right?
Same in Canada because everyone in power would rather spend all their time energy and expertise dismantling the health care system and privatize it than in actually making it work the way it should.
The only incentive to privatization is that a small group of people can make a lot of money.
Keeping things public doesn’t make many people wealthy and it only provides equal benefits to everyone, which everyone takes for granted and never appreciate until those benefits are gone.
I was convinced by the end of 2020 that the COVID pandemic would put popular opinion strong enough in favor that we might finally make some significant movement in the right direction. But instead I learned that at least 30% of the population would protest for their right to be eaten by zombies in the apocalypse and we should retire the phrase “avoid it like the plague.”
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