I want it i want it i want it I want it i want it i want it I want it i want it i want it I want it i want it i want I want it i want it i want it I want it i want it i want it I want it i want it i want it I want it i want it i want it I want it i want it i want it I want it i want it i want it I want it i want it i want it I want it i want it i want I want it i want it i want it I want it i want it i want it I want it i want it i want it I want it i want it i want it
Problem is in the US since so much of that is put into private sector hands we’d need to gather data on those costs outside of the taxes to put together a proper picture.
I knew it! I thought it to be impossible that planes can fly that close with each other without affecting each other. The air pressure (or whatever) would be affecting the flight of another plane if they are too close with each other.
Uh what? I mean we can get geochemistry and look for trace elements.
Paleontologists will absolutely look for fossils in sand, they do it all the time. I just sent off a bunch of sand and clay for pollen analysis and I’m not sure how they process it but I know it involves dissolving inorganic material in acid sometimes.
Most of the time no one looks at sand in bulk. It’s…you can imagine, a daunting task. Sometimes people (individuals) will look at sand for some diagnostic purposes - usually in my line of work to note the type and abundance of minerals present, or especially the distribution of particle size and clay/silt content. I know other fields will survey things like diatoms and foraminifera for paleontology but also for I think oil exploration because indicator fossils are important but I don’t do that so I’m not really sure I can speak more to it.
A lot of time people look at sand in the field with a hand lens or drag it back to the lab to look at it with a basic microscope. Or slap it in epoxy and make a thin section. Sending it off for geochemistry is…possible but may not be especially illuminating depending on what you’re trying to learn. People can also date the sand using optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) to get a date of when the sand was last exposed to sunlight (and thus, deposited) if the sand is in the right age bracket (<150ka ish).
Rarely people get more involved with things like XRD/XRF, SEM, microprobe uh… something else, I’m sure. That’s more of a straight academia realm though.
I went off on a tangent but people slap sand in machines and other things to find out stuff all the time.
The only apps are really care about are the ones that were created before or during the great redded debacle. Anything coming out months later, especially ones that charge money. Yeah no. You weren’t here when this began. You’re just coming in after everything’s already been cleaned up. No I’m not saying that people shouldn’t develop apps. They can do that if they want but there’s really no reason to switch when something is already working and it’s been working fine for months.
I think you don’t have in mind that it takes time to develop an app. Some people do it in only their free time so it takes even longer. I think some apps started being developed during the reddit blackouts.
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