21Cabbage, I’m glad to see that none of that was new to me.
metaStatic, class of 00 and I'm shocked at some of this shit. American schools must be the worst.
I had nosebleeds a lot and it was always common knowledge you never tilt your head back, like what the actual fuck.
Khanzarate, I had nosebleeds a lot too and everyone always told me that it lets the blood clot better. I’d always tell them I’d rather it just bleed then. So I thought it was true, I just didn’t care, it was uncomfortable.
Justchilling, It’s not just America.
spoilerWhen I was younger i suffered from a lot of nose bleeds and my parents argued with my schools nurse to not get me to tilt my head backwards because the blood kept on getting stuck in my throat.
metaStatic, Yes, all schools are shit because we aren't in 18th century Prussia anymore.
There was just a lot of America centric facts. but most that could be considered universal didn't hold true for me.
Justchilling, You’re lucky, good for you.
octoperson, Did anyone else learn that eggs are dairy products? (Meaning, the word ‘dairy’ encompasses both eggs and milk. Not that eggs are somehow produced by cows)
NikkiNikkiNikki, Yes, and for some odd reason a lot of folks I know who are lactose intolerant are also slightly allergic to eggs..
Vacationlandgirl, Yes! Never really thought to question it though… now I’m re-thinking everything I thought I knew about food clarification!
ThisIsNotHim, I had attributed that to our fuzzy food categories. Some of which are due to how ingredient usage doesn’t map well to botany, some is just marketing.
I suspect the perception of eggs as dairy could have shifted for practical reasons: lactose intolerance became more visible, and we needed a short way to say milk and milk products, without using the word milk.
Selmafudd, The drop downlist for me is white text on white background, Android using Connect for Lemmy. It’s fine when I try in browser.
captainlezbian, I’m very grateful that everything in there got debunked by my high school teachers
nucleative, Strange. The site doesn’t quite work properly for me. I set my decade, then changed it so I could see my parents and all the myths were the same.
Then I clicked around and they are the same for every decade that I selected.
MiraLazine, That’s odd, thanks for pointing it out. I’ll see if I can’t make a fix
Chef, Same for me.
Browser is Safari on iPhone 15 Pro Max.
eoddc5, Same
I close the tab and repopen. Same results. It’s like it’s cached and stuck
HandwovenConsensus, I think it’s possible that people are simply confused because the answers are the same for most decades. But one thing I would try maybe is setting the “value” of the different options, since that’s what you’re reading.
As I understand it, if no value is set, the browser should return the name instead, so the way you have it should work, but that may vary depending on browser.
EDIT: I tried to give an example, but lemmy keeps filtering out my explanation even if I enclose it in code tags. Hopefully you know what I mean.
MiraLazine, I have a hunch this is it. I’ll try your method and see if it works
MyDearWatson616, Same for me. Everything on the list was stuff I already learned was bs so I went back a couple decades and it was the exact same list.
musicmind333, @MiraLazine love this!! any chance you can add a submission box? (With a section for source cited ofc :p). I'm sure there's a bunch out there that people might think of and want to add.
MiraLazine, That’s a good idea, thanks! I do have an email listed for now but I know not everyone would want to email someone random so I’ll look into adding that in a bit
musicmind333, @MiraLazine also there's the possibility -- you may be at risk of getting flooded with submissions :p
seaQueue, I remember my little brother coming home from DARE convinced that my dad was an alcoholic for having a single beer after work then said little brother breaking down in tears over it. Good times.
sin_free_for_00_days, LOL, I cracked a beer open one night and my kid laughed, pointed, and yelled out,"You are a Homer!!"
EDIT: I also remember when DARE came to my school and this cop had a big baggie of weed on his table. I said,“Damn! That’s a lot of weed!”
Then the cop replied, very seriously,“THAT’S ENOUGH MARIJUANA TO KILL YOU!!”
My friends and I just laughed and walked away.
ElderWendigo, It just listed a bunch of myths and old wive’s tales that no one at the time thought were very credible anyway. Literally all of the “facts” they list were common chain letter/email memes that everyone trotted out at parties to sound smart and hip. Nobody ever believed what DARE told us, we always knew Christopher Columbus was an asshole, and every first aid class I’ve taken recommended against the whole tilt you head back thing.
MiraLazine, Any suggestions for more widely spread myths? Wanna incorporate more but had trouble finding them as being definitely taught in schools
ElderWendigo, widely spread myths
That’s your problem. You can’t seriously argue that these myths were being taught as fact in school because they weren’t. They’re all myths spread by common idiots through word of mouth. Common public misconception on the facts can and does happen very independently of actual education, as evidenced by antivaccers lately. The only things you could honestly add to a list like this would be some scientific theory that has been definitively disproven or amended. Maybe something like changing training about CPR would qualify also.
But those kinds of things are boring. It’s much spicier to claim that people were taught that Columbus’s contemporaries thought the world was flat even though that was just an over simplified story told to 5 year olds to explain why they got out of school on Columbus Day. Meanwhile anyone that didn’t sleep through trigonometry should learn that Eratosthenes showed the world was round about 1700 years before Columbus. I would believe that there are some lazy educators out there that would teach such myths as fact, but to claim that it was at all universal is silly. The whole premise of “old generations dumb, look what they believed” is just so smug and offensive. I must be getting old.
joel_feila, Well DARE was taught in schools and that program did spread myths about drugs
tigeruppercut, You can’t seriously argue that these myths were being taught as fact in school because they weren’t.
One of my elementary teachers taught us the taste bud map myth.
pinkdrunkenelephants, They were. Most of the history we were taught was nothing more than pro-America propaganda.
Like for example, the true horrors of slavery aren’t actually commonly known, nor is the true extent of the effects of post-Civil War racist policies like redlining. Or that “crimes” like loitering and trespassing are actually holdovers from fucking Jim Crow laws. Or that American Mixed people originated as the rape babies of slaves.
Or even colonization. Did you know the stupid fucking goddamn Belgian government was the root cause of the Rwandan genocide? They purposefully pitted the Hutus and the Tutsis against each other by giving the Tutsis special privileges and land and shit decades beforehand, playing on their flimsy understanding of the cultural order Hutus and Tutsis already had, enraging the Hutus. And the Belgian government never owned up or took responsibility for it. It wasn’t just France. Macron legit did apologize for the French government’s role but Belgium never did.
Who here was taught about how the U.S. overthrew legit governments in South America and replaced them with dictators?
Or that Libya was bombed to hell and back not because their dictator was a dictator but because he wanted to start selling oil in gold and not U.S. dollars?
Who is ever taught the true nature of any of this shit?
musicmind333, @ElderWendigo @MiraLazine agree to disagree, a lot of those things I was definitely taught - if not in school then at least by adults who thought it common knowledge. Especially the nosebleeds (I had them all the time as a kid, and the amount of blood I ended up swallowing is..... A lot.) and knuckle cracking (my guess - started by teachers annoyed by kids making knuckle-noises during class)
Christopher columbus was definitely taught as an "American hero" up until he wasn't.
ElderWendigo, Pretty much all of these examples were pretty often and commonly debunked by all of my teachers, parents, and adult mentors. But that’s exactly why lists like this are garbage, both of our experiences are anecdotal. You just can’t make blanket claims about things like this about entire generations.
Columbus was more a lie of omission than outright falsehood. That item on the list was probably closest to a universal truth taught across the US, as long as you ignore any school with an indigenous student body. But, most of our teaching about any historical figures in grade school is a near obscene over-simplification of the actual people and events.
atrielienz, Pretty accurate. My mom was very much invested in our education and contradicted a lot of this info when I was growing up so I learned the true facts.
mateomaui, A fun fact about taste for you - there is actually no such thing as a ‘taste map,’ or the idea that different areas of the tongue result in you tasting different things. At most, there’s just different regions of sensitivity to taste!
Always thought this was weird and didn’t make sense to my tongue.
You might’ve been taught that lemmings are known to commit suicide because they’re just that unintelligent. Turns out, this isn’t true - they’re smart enough to stay alive!
I blame the video game.
Zorque, Blame Disney, they're the one who funded the "documentary" about them.
mateomaui, I never saw the documentary, but I killed a lot of virtual lemmings.
nocturne213, The game was made as it was because of the myth perpetuated by the documentary. On Linux, there was no lemmings game, it was called pingus and it was penguins you killed instead (there may have be a lemmings for Linux, but the first version of Linux I installed myself had pingus already installed).
mateomaui, I do understand that, really, I do.
three, i don’t think you do.
hey! somebody post an even longer paragraph including the history of lemmings and at least 3 barely related anecdotes.
mateomaui, I actually do understand the point, my responses now are specifically to annoy know-it-all assholes who insist I don’t get it.
Zorque, You become what you hate most sometimes.
Sucks, doesn't it?
mateomaui, (edited ) Your reply is nonsense. AlI said is that I didn’t see the documentary, and clearly indicated that my long since corrected personal misunderstanding about such a thing was directly due to a childhood video game. If you or others insist on being ignorant douches about that, I can’t stop you.
Justchilling, The theory of a taste map had no scientific basis, i remember funnily enough writing in a school paper that the taste map didn’t exist and got a lower grade for getting my answer wrong even though in hindsight i was the one who was right and i got forced to believe in a medical myth.
mateomaui, Have to wonder how many more of us thought it didn’t make any sense, but didn’t push back because adults said it was so and it was in the textbooks.
Justchilling, I was just far too skeptical for my age and it caused me to have worse exam performance usually having me go from an A to a B- just for defying the teacher. School is more about following authority than anything else I believe.
mateomaui, True. I didn’t openly question things in that class too much for some reason, but I definitely got in trouble for being argumentative in other classes.
Justchilling, I think it’s ridiculous that you can lose a full grade just for being disobedient. I get that school is made for the child to grow up to have a good job but this stops people more inclined to innovate to get far academically.
mateomaui, “Why did I lose a full grade here?”
“You didn’t learn your lesson.”
danielton, I learned that the mitochondria is the powerhouse of the cell. And that busywork and adhering to the rubric is far more important than learning or producing anything useful.
Blamemeta, For most people, yeah. A lot of work is tedious.
captainlezbian, I mean learning to follow a rubric actually was useful for me. Projects have scopes and expectations. Rubrics are those.
danielton, Sure, because a margin being off by a quarter inch should be worth more points than the actual content of the paper.
captainlezbian, It can cost you a government contract as an adult. Also, it’s learning to format in accordance with instructions. It’s stuff like margins early on, but later it’s stuff like section headings and citations in APA or MLA. The margins are free points that you’re leaving on the table
FReddit, This is hilarious. Apparently the program did not pick up on staff grooming and raping young women.
Okalaydokalay, I always thought the holding your head back for a nosebleed was weird. I’d have that awful taste/internal smell of blood in my throat and the occasional gulp of blood clump 🤮
Plus it never seemed to stop it any better than when I’d just hold a tissue to my nose.
Kolanaki, “Probably didn’t know we could map the human genome… but in 2003…”
I graduated high school in 2003, and had already heard the human genome had been mapped before entering high school. It may not have been true at the time, but I never once heard that it wouldn’t be completed due to the complexity. lol
Actually quite a few of these were already being taught at my high school before it was more common knowledge. Like the stuff with Columbus and Edison. Which now makes me think my school was actually more progressive than I initially thought.
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