I had a hard enough time just clicking this link and remaining optimistic that this project wouldn’t be embarrassing and uh, this just killed that feeling. Toss it in the video game movie pile along with Prince of Persia and Assassin’s Creed…
Gen Z have an inability to engage with challenging adult material. They have been groomed by Marvel to just watch children’s material for their entire lives.
Sex is normal and healthy. Not every scene in everything serves to advance plot, scenes can flesh out character relationships and scenes can just be plain fun to watch.
We have an entire generation of people who are basing all of their knowledge of sex with porn. This leads them to believe that all intimacy is shameful and pornographic. It’s leading to a revival of puritanical conservative values in a generation who brands themselves as progressive despite having a habit of wanting everything they personally are challenged by to be censored. Whether that be views on social media, famous individuals they disagree with or even the art we consume.
Do yourself a favour and watch some high class cinema that has good sex scenes. Watch some David Lynch instead of Iron Man or Hunger Games.
I grew up during the time when sex scenes on HBO and Cinemax were the closest thing to porn on tv. I can’t think of a worse sex scene than The Specialist, with Sly Stallone. It was silly and unnecessary. I even found it weird as a teen. That says a lot. There were many scenes like this in many films.
You can include sex without dramatizing / showcasing it. I don’t blame young people for finding these old tropes to be a digression. See my other comment about sex in The Sopranos to confirm that I’m not anti-sex in media.
It’s far lamer to shoehorn in a long sex scene that doesn’t make sense. See sex in Sopranos, as I mentioned. It’s not overdone. It happens and we move on.
To me they just sound exactly like the conservatives in days gone past, outraged at the prospect of sexual content. Media is better when people let creatives do their thing and people stop worrying about every damn thing being done “correctly” I.e following their formula or prescription.
With the amount of choice we have now, why anybody chooses to watch things they don’t want to consume to then complain about it online is absolutely beyond me.
What a load of elitist bullshit. Being progressive does not mean one likes watching random people having sex, especially if it doesn’t fit the tone of the move/show and especially especially if it’s horribly directed, as they usually are.
It used to be the bible bashing conservatives who complained about sex and violence on television. Now it’s the young people who pride themselves on being progressives, when in reality they lose their shit when anybody says or does anything they don’t personally agree with in much the same way. They aren’t progressive, they’re extremely intolerant and want to push their opinions on everyone else. I can’t wait for culture to inevitably swing back round in backlash and for people to stop giving a fuck like in the 90s.
This is exactly the problem right here. We have a generation of people that think sex is just about getting themselves off and nothing deeper or more meaningful than that. Just a bodily function with one purpose, disposable and void of meaning.
Your comment is typical of a subset of progressives that have no acceptance for people who do not share the same values as them. Dare I say, that is not very progressive of you? What is wrong with having “puritanical conservative values” when it comes to relationships? Must one forcibly engage in orgies with strangers to be a “proper” progressive?
I just don’t think defining yourself in opposition to everything makes you a progressive. I’m clearly on the libertarian end of the axis here. I’m not the one advocating for art to only be done in a specific way that caters to my personal sensibilities and weirdness over sex.
Fuck that noise, I just don’t think we need smooching, sex and all that shit in every goddamn movie. Shit’s not needed, breaks the flow and is basically there only because everyone else does that. Fuck that noise. And no, these scenes do fuck all in most movies to fleshing out character, quite often they actually make it more shallow by being either uncharacteristic or feeling shoed in, dammit.
And if anything, from what I see around people are hella more open about sex. Thanks to overabundance of porn and all, sex became normalized. At least a lot more than when I was a child.
Being from a generation that was exposed to porn early doesn’t make you more open with sex. It makes you have a warped relationship with sex, to the point where you find smooching disgusting.
It’s really not in every goddamn movie for starters and when it is it’s extremely toned down: no penetration, no vulva, no boners.
The biggest movies of this year had basically no sex bar Oppenheimer. Barbie, Guardians of the Galaxy, Avatar. Culture is already tame as hell and antiseptic compared to the past I literally don’t even understand where the criticism is coming from.
I have a standing wager with my friends that there has never been a filmed or written sex scene that needed to be included in the media. Talk about it, allude to it, show the ramifications of it, but there has never been one that needed to be there. Sex scenes are there to sell TnA, not to move the plot forward.
For an example of a close call. In A History of Violence, Viggo rapes his wife. This is about as close as you could come to a needed scene because it shows a wild character development, but if you were to cut the scene out entirely, you’d still get all of the character development that he gets from the scene, anyway, rendering it useless.
This seems unlikely considering the massive number of popular teen romance shows happening, such as Heartstopper. It's just that any sex scenes need to have actual depth behind them when they happen, not just random sex out of nowhere.
Yeah I wouldn’t even agree with the depth, it’s not like all the braindead yet-another-american-high-school-dramas with no substance ever went anywhere, no plot, no nothing, just the same regurgitated melodrama and idiocy dressed for yet another generation. Even shows that would be actually great apparently need to have some bullshit drama and gratuitous sex in it for absolutely no reason at all.
I’d be a sucker for meaningful queer sex and romance that actually looks and feels as it does in real life. I just rarely even really relate to the on-screen happenings for most.
Or, hell, even some good and sensual BDSM type play would be probably very welcome. I don’t know if I’ve seen any of that yet.
There’s some BDSM dom/sub kinda stuff in Billions. At least in the first few season, tapered off in the later seasons because of story developments. But it even had a place in the story since the character was a public figure and didn’t want it to be public knowledge.
Iirc isn’t rotten tomatoes where you want to wait for the audience score because the critics are often out of tune with the audience? Not that I’m disinclined to believe the movie’s bad though, like you said DCEU has been pretty abysmal.
Critics are still mad they’re being forced to watch “superman, but underwater”. I get that, I feel for them. But I don’t feel for them enough to actually stop giving money to movies like “superman, but underwater”.
I kinda stopped liking him when the whole beef with the Rock happened because boy did that make him look like an arrogant bitch
That’s also when I learned he made directors shoot scenes with them together in such a way that made them look the same height which is just…how self conscious can you be? You’re Vin Diesel. Nobody gives a shit that you’re “only” 5’11"
He also has a contract term limiting how badly fights can go for him. But apparently that’s common for action stars, so whatever.
I did find it amusing that during his feud with the Rock, they had to count the exact numbers of hits each took while fighting each other on screen so neither would look bad. It’s like, Vin is a D&D nerd who turned his horror franchise into a science fantasy opera and started his own video game company because he was frustrated at bad movie tie-ins (side note: Escape From Butcher Bay is one of, if not the, best prison games ever made). Embrace nerdity, reject this toxic masculinity crap. There’s a massive audience for that thing now - just look at Ryan Reynolds, nobody talks shit about him being a massive nerd.
Though this lawsuit is about events from thirteen years ago, so he was already too far gone early in his career. If it’s true, fuck him. Rapists and sexual assaulters get no sympathy.
Like they said in the article, Homicide Life on the Street is where I remember him from. Lots of good actors and performances in that show, but he was a standout. RIP.
I wonder if some of the directions made to the show were because of Kennedy. They had this issue with Mando and Fav said he was going to leave if they dont leave him alone.
I would disagree that most of the live action is related to the animated series. The one most related (Ahsoka) bombed.
I’d like to know who steered Obi Wan into the rewrite with “baby leia”. Basically turning it into a Mandalorian season one clone. And who fucked up Boba Fett by adding the neon kiddie scooter gang and Mandalorian in the second half. The first half of the season was a beautiful slow burn, but the latter half was horrible.
After hearing Filoni talk so passionately about the original and preques on the Mandalorian S1 behind the scenes, I can think of no better person for the job. The man lives and breathes that universe.
Who asked for this? I also heard they are reshooting the next Capt America, which was almost complete and now moved from 2024 to 2025, to take out a new hero called Sabra, a zionist superhero who works for the Mossad (I am not kidding.) Gosh, I wonder why. Who green-lit this?
This movie was already catching heat because they went with Black Falcon as their next Capt America, instead of, or I don’t know, rebooting Steve Rodgers, the original Capt from decades of comics. This is why we can’t have nice things.
I don’t disagree, there have been more than a few questionable decisions made by Disney execs on the MCU.
I’m pretty sure Sam Wilson has been Captain America in the comics, more than once I think. I don’t think it’s a bad move for them to make this change, especially with how well they wrapped up Steve’s arc in Endgame. Actors age and using canon replacements is a great way to continue a franchise and introduce new stories.
Also: it’s not Black Falcon, it’s just Falcon. Gonna give you the benefit of the doubt that you weren’t being racist about it.
Good on SAG, I hope they got a good deal (and didn’t throw anyone under the bus…)
But, selfishly speaking? I am way more excited for all my favorite media podcasts to get back to watching shows rather than awkwardly finding ways around it.
The other thing about watching at home is the comfort level. Regardless of breaks, if I’m in my big comfy chair with no distractions from other movie-goers, it’s easier to be immersed and watch for longer periods.
That being said, his “unbound genius” needs to get reined the F in. I got flamed on Reddit back in the day for suggesting The Irishman was too damned long, but you could pick any random point in the middle of it and cut 45 minutes and nothing would be lost. If you feel the need as a director to make movies this long and bloated, just make it a miniseries for god’s sake.
At the very least, don’t get pissy when theaters want to give people a stretch/bathroom break.
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