I was thinking of Lady Miyako I think. I’m not a super big anime fan, I just remember a friend telling me about that when we saw it during a theater showing. In one of the American dubs, she has a man’s voice.
As of now there are no ties to the 2016 movie shin godzilla but they also don’t know 100% either. If it is related to any it would be that one. If you haven’t seen that one see it now, it was fantastic.
Batman Returns (1992): The scene of the cats congregating around Selina Kyle after Shreck threw her out of the office window (and before she’s reborn as Catwoman) is so iconic. I remember seeing that scene on television when I was a child. Danny DeVito’s performance as The Penguin is also mega.
Blade Runner (1982): My eyes got heavy while watching it because all of the scenes are visually dark, which is certainly intentional. The world-building is amazing.
12 Monkeys (1995): It was interesting to watch this movie after having seen the TV series when it originally aired. The TV series is my second favorite sci-fi show, but I thought the movie was fine.
I think a lot of the pushback that he’s getting from it is mostly to do with the level of snobbery that it was said with.
It’s incorrect anyway, because by what metric are movies judged other than revenue? He might as well have said that book adaptations don’t count either because they’re not original works.
It’s just a bizarre thing to have commented on, what was the point? If he makes a movie and it’s good, and it’s not as if he’s bitter because he’s made plenty of good movies, people will watch it. There was no reason to have a go at Marvel. If you want crap superhero movies look at DC stuff.
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