MudMan, avatar

Eh... what the hell is that link? The recommended videos on that place are WILD.

I had heard some rumblings about Rossmann being on some weird alt-right focused service, but I had honestly forgotten and I wasn't expecting to get a faceful of it by accident. Yikes.

thomcat, avatar

Fucking hell. Why did they steal the thumbnail format from those kids channels.


Gaza HQ


It’s odysee, a frontend to lbry, a sort-of decentralized alternative to Youtube. Which seems very enticing, because an alternative to Youtube is badly needed.

Unfortunately, at the moment it is completely overrun by religious nutjobs, Nazis and other assorted scum. It is not by its nature an alt-right service, but it does attract all those who would be banned anywhere else.

Excrubulent, (edited ) avatar

Unfortunately alt-right crypto weirdos have coopted the term “decentralised”, and so it is with this site. It’s a crypto-based… video… hosting… platform? I cannot for the life of me figure out how it works other than that it mines crypto in the background while you have the site open and if you have an account, you get a cut of the crypto you mined.

I have tried looking into it, but they don’t explain anywhere in their promo materials, it’s literally just “earn while you watch!”, which… yeah no thanks. I’ve been on the internet and paying attention for more than 5 minutes, I know that grift when I see it.

“Decentralised” isn’t enough, you need a way to ban people that is also decentralised, and that’s where federation comes in.

I don’t know if they’re eventually going to coopt “federation”. I wonder if that’s the ultimate test of a social technology - if it can be coopted by reactionaries. The less able they are to do so, the better it is.

parpol, (edited )

It doesn’t mine crypto in the background. The hosts mine the crypto, and you get some rewards from watching. If you collect enough, you can donate it to your favorite channel which earns them money. It is like Reddit gold but actually useful.

Also, it is somewhat federated. The underlying blockchain containing video metadata is decentralized and used as thread between federated instances. Odysee is one of those instances, and they can block and ban users and videos from showing up on their instance, just like Lemmy.

In other words, you can make an Odysee alternative with the same videos but filtered to your liking.

Excrubulent, avatar

That really doesn’t explain how it works. So… the host mines crypto as well as sending you videos? What is the economy supposed to work like? What does the blockchain actually achieve here? Why do people host in that case? Where do they explain this?

Anyway, I’m still not interested in crypto anything. The moment I saw it was blockchain based I noped out pretty fast. I’m guessing a lot of people do and that’s part of why it’s such a reactionary cesspit.

Like we don’t need blockchain for this; regular federation already works.

parpol, (edited )

The blockchain is a requirement because without it, your video can be taken down entirely by the platform. Like for example Louis Rossmann’s video about Grayjay which google falsly claims violated YouTube ToS when it clearly doesn’t, or when people get false copyright strikes and lose monetization.

With the LBRY blockchain, Odysee can hide your video and ban you from their platform, but your video will still be up and visible on other platforms, and monetization still works, everything you’ve earned is not lost. It is your video, not the platform’s video.

If it was only federated, whichever instance you uploaded to will have the ability to take down your video entirely which can be an issue if you are a critic of the instance itself or if you are a whistleblower, not to mention that video hosting is incredibly expensive, and adding federation on top of that is downright monetarily impossible. The p2p aspect of LBRY solvea this by distributing hosting costs to uploaders and other “seeders.”

The blockchain itself acts as a public record of uploaded videos and where to download them, like a torrent tracker, and records cannot be deleted, so the blockchain doesn’t host the videos themselves. The video itself can be taken down from the original source but since it is also p2p, the video can remain in circulation.

Another thing about blockchain technology in general is that it provides you with a way to identify yourself and authenticate transactions without providing your real name, email or credit card. You need neither of these on Odysee yet can still earn money.

Excrubulent, (edited ) avatar

Peertube is also p2p, so the videos can be hosted apart from the host instance, and there’s nothing stopping peertube instances from maintaining a distributed ledger of references to videos without the blockchain.

Everything you say blockchain does can be achieved via distributed plaintext ledgers. It is solving a problem that doesn’t exist.

As for the earning money part, eventually you do have to connect your personal details in order to transfer crypto to a usable currency, so that problem isn’t really solved either.


Plaintext ledgers aren’t immutable, and someone has to distribute and manage them. That’s a single point of failure and vulnerability to censorship, not to mention a real pain to synchronize if it was federated ledgers.

The users will never need to redeem their LBRY tokens, thus not be required to disclose personal information, whereas if you want to donate with any non-crypto service, your credit card, address, name, etc must be disclosed. It is a many times easier to just press “donate” without having to set up anything, and give away tokens to a content creator just like that.

Also, you can purchase mullvad VPN services for example, without ever having to transfer crypto into Fiat or disclosing your name. I would for example never want my credit card linked to a VPN. That defeats the entire purpose of a VPN.

There are a ton of online services, subscriptions, etc that accept cryptocurrency, so it isn’t exactly useless until turned into Fiat.

You can also transfer it all to a Monero wallet and after that the thread ends.

Excrubulent, avatar

Immutability is irrelevant if the point is to maintain a record of posts to prevent censorship. The only thing that matters is that some instances keep the record. Bad actors could try to lie about the posts, but that doesn’t delete the ledger from other instances.

And no, no single instance is responsible, that’s what it means to have a distributed ledger. Distributed ledgers are already a proven technology that is extremely robust against censorship. You may have heard of them, they’re called bittorrents.

In fact, federation is also a kind of distributed ledger since once content federates a record is kept by any instance it is distributed to. It’s a solved problem and not even that hard. Synchronisation consists of, “here’s my latest posts, keep a record of them please”. This is such a basic concept and I don’t know why you called it a “single point of failure”. It is exactly the opposite of a single point of failure.

Privacy is not guaranteed even with Monero, and you’re still getting paid in crypto which is inherently unstable because the only thing it is worth is what you can sell it for, so it goes through boom-bust cycles constantly, and the immutability - when forks aren’t happening - only serves to enable scams. To defeat that crypto people have created banks, defeating the point of a zero-trust system.

There’s no public trust in it and it takes enormous carbon footprints to run, so it’s unsustainable on so many levels. I don’t want to support crypto on any level on principle, so no, I don’t want LBRY tokens. A lot of people feel the same way, and looking at the population of Odysee, a large number of the people who are on board are a bunch of right wing assholes.

Hard no.


It is whoever uses it the most. If it gets overrun by alt right people it is an alt right service.


Cue in the obligatory “This is a Nazi bar now” reference:

Redhotkurt, avatar

Jesus Christ, you weren't kidding. One of the recommended videos for me was "Why the crusades were completely justified!" Yeah, fuck that crazy shit.

Faceman2K23, avatar

odysee is a weird place, lots of “creators” that were forced off youtube and other places for far out views or outright dangerous lies ended up there as they have almost no rules.

There are a lot of non-far-right weirdos that use it, but it is hard to scroll through without seeing some fringe crazy shit.


It is not an alt-right service. It doesn’t show recommendations based on data collected about you, and instead shows subscriptions, and top viewed videos with similar titles to the video you’re watching.

Both videos containing the word “justified” is probably the reason. Odysee is in my opinion what YouTube should have been.

SnotFlickerman, (edited ) avatar

What’s really wild is that people arguing for things like Right-to-Repair would be anywhere near right-wing to begin with.

Like, Louis, you don’t see how the entire conservative ideology undermines ideas like right-to-repair? How can you be like “Yeah, I trust these guys who all would shut down the things I’m arguing for,” and just be oblivious to it?


Repairing things used to be normal. From that point of view, conservatism is perfectly right.

I doubt he is right wing, given what he says and does.

SnotFlickerman, (edited ) avatar

Repairing things used to be normal. From that point of view, conservatism is perfectly right.

Conservatism has only ever existed to keep an aristocracy. Look at history, it’s literally why it developed as an ideology, because a lot of the aristocracy from Europe didn’t actually want the aristocracy to end, so they needed to make up political positions that supported the idea that there should be an untouchable elite to whom laws don’t apply.

It has literally never, ever existed to “conserve” anything like natural resources or the rights of individuals. At it’s core it was about retaining Kings, Queens, Dukes, and Lords without actually keeping those, but instead making it about wealth.

So yeah, gonna hard disagree on that. Conservatism is the source making laws that deny you the ability to repair, the conservatives aren’t the ones out here fighting for it.


People get old, they do not want this to change. That is where it comes from. Regardless of the persons status. It is also irrelevant where it comes from.

Excrubulent, avatar

I think I just realised that the term “conservative” is just a lie. Just like “pro-life” or whatever other BS they come up with, it’s just a smokescreen to cover their real agenda, which is to dominate others.

neo, avatar

Here’s the conservative angle, at least in my view: “We’ve always had the right to repair our possessions before, and we will conserve that right for future generations.”

Then again, what I consider conservative has never actually matched up with the political party, which is a big part of why I am no longer right wing.


the entire conservative ideology undermines ideas like right-to-repair

Louis’s videos are posted to multiple platforms out of principle, not politics… that means they also get posted on sites with creators that have been kicked out of YouTube, like the one linked here


A person of principle wouldn’t post there. Simple. It walks, quacks and shits like a duck.

SnotFlickerman, (edited ) avatar

My principle is I don’t hang out in fucking Nazi spaces.

Like, I wouldn’t go to a bar that advertised itself as a Nazi bar, and I wouldn’t upload my content to a site like this, that has enough Nazis on it that they’re in the recommended videos for a fucking Louis Rossman video.

If Louis is happy hanging out at Nazi bars, that’s on him and you can hardly hang that on “principles.”


Odysee is not a Nazi space. It is a privacy focused decentralized alternative to YouTube.

The largest group of youtubers on that platform are not the alt-right, but rather, the free and open source software community, privacy and decentralization advocates, and programmers.

SnotFlickerman, (edited ) avatar

And yet the top suggested videos were about how the Crusades were justified and how cop shootings are justified.

I would think if the largest community was programmers, those kind of videos would be suggested, not this shit.

Top suggested videos sadly speaks otherwise about the people on this site.

parpol, (edited )

You have the same garbage on YouTube but their algorithm hides it from you and shows it to the alt-right. Odysee doesn’t have an algorithm.

You can’t really have an algorithm and privacy at the same time, so the best you can do here is downvote and block the video/channel.

With enough downvotes (only around 2 more should be enough ) the video won’t be recommended as much.

You can see it has one green blob thingy. That’s my downvote. It isn’t a huge platform to begin with so it is not like it takes much to drive out the trash.

If it violates site policies or law, you can report the video and have it taken down, though it will only be taken down from Odysee, and not on other instances that use the underlying video hosting technology (LBRY)


Because both videos have the word justified in them


Still a shit site that we’ll never hit main stream.


It doesn’t really need to hit mainstream IMO. It is a good alternative for privacy and decentralization enthusiasts. With an account you’ll mostly be getting videos from channels you subscribe to. It is honestly the first time I found an alt-right video on that platform.

db0, avatar

Dude sounds a lot like a libertarian business owner tbh. I wouldn’t be surprised if they align very well with the right otherwise.

shirro, (edited )

Platforms that offer greater freedom also tend to host visibly more extreme content. My guess is the slightly more advertiser friendly extremism pushed by algorithms on mainstream platforms is far more impactful on society.

Outside of the relatively small number of people engaged with issues like software freedom, privacy, right to repair there is no reason to choose a platform with less views unless your content is banned from the alternatives.

I expect Rossmann’s politics are shaped by his experiences as a small business owner. Many such people desire greater economic and individual freedom and are likely economic liberals but that doesn’t necessarily influence their views on other matters. He is an outspoken advocate for consumer freedoms including right to repair which I respect. I don’t know the guy personally but I would be surprised and disappointed if he endorses far right crazy shit. I am using Lemmy and respect the people who wrote the software but nothing about my politics should be inferred from theirs.


he has some very dubious takes - he’s very correct on how shitty it is to be a consumer but he’s completely blind to any systemic analysis of it, willfully I would imagine.


Every other recommend video had the word “justified” in it. It’s recommending similar videos on the titles alone. I’m not defending it, just pointing out how weird that is.

neo, avatar

“Why posting weird videos is justified”


what the fuck is this?! WHat IS THIS?!

Kir, avatar

What the actual fuck


I’ve never heard anyone compare pixelation size to their cat’s poop before.


Yeah I was gonna say, that was oddly specific

SnotFlickerman, (edited ) avatar

It’s not just Netflix, it’s every licensing issue in every country.

I love lots of foreign television, but quite a lot of it isn’t immediately available (or ever available) in my country.

If I want to watch those shows or movies, I am literally at the mercy of the piracy community helping me access them, because there’s a good chance that it’s either months or years away from release in my country, or that I’ll be unlucky and it will never release here at all.

It’s a completely broken system, and Gabe Newell called it what it was over a decade ago. Piracy is a service problem, not a pricing problem.

It won’t be solved without massive changes to international copyrights and how shows/movies are bought and sold on an international market.

VaultBoyNewVegas, (edited )

Years ago there was no way to watch one piece in my country. The only option for anime was funimation (which didn’t have a great library) and crunchy roll which had more of the big shows but it would be incomplete. Like a show would only have the second season or last season. Anyway the only way to watch one piece was via an extension to Firefox that spoofed crunchy roll but still required a premium subscription.

The only other way to watch one piece was online with sites like anime paha.

Also it gets real expensive paying for 4-5 services when theres a show on Amazon you want to watch, maybe 2-3 on apple, 1 on Netflix and 4 on Disney + and that’s not even including star trek.

MudMan, avatar

Pricing doesn't hurt.

But yeah, people will pay for convenience. Nobody wants to dig around for pirated links if a simpler option is available.

But yeah, I hear you on international licensing. I try to keep up with Star Trek content and man, I don't know how you can bungle up a licensig deal that much.

The latest bit of genius includes Amazon Prime listing three seasons of Lower Decks, but the third season consisting on a page that tells you they don't have that season available, despite having had it before.

There is a fourth season. It's not available anywhere.

I gave up and pirated it, knowing it will eventually show up in a service I do own. It was all getting spoiled for me in social media anyway.

SnotFlickerman, avatar

It was all getting spoiled for me in social media anyway.

Found the Risa community member.

MudMan, avatar

Hah. Not even. Between Youtube and Mastodon it was doing the job just fine.

Not like I don't see all those posts anyway, this place isn't THAT big yet.


It was all getting spoiled for me in social media anyway.

I thankfully haven’t seen any spoilers for anything since moving to Lemmy… on other sites it’s silly easy to accidentally run into a spoilers for anything remotely popular 😭

Unless you follow ST communities here… then oops I guess spoilers are in your feed for each episode 😳

MudMan, avatar

And you know what? It makes sense. A big part of making a moment of a media launch is to get like-minded people talking about it. It's harder now that media is largely on-demand, so it's great to have a place to go for the discussion afterwards.

Which is why staggered, inconsistent launches make no damn sense in the 21st century. When pirates can deliver a way to join that hype moment and you can't, for the content you're creating on the service your followers are already paying for you have entirely missed the point.


I pretty much only look at All and somehow like a good third of my feed is Star Trek stuff. Mostly memes, and mosty TNG/DS9.

I somewhat enjoy it because I’m not really a big trek fan and it reminds me what it feels like to not be “targeted” by an ad. But ironically, it had the effect of me starting to put on TNG at night.


There’s major issues with copyright/licensings/trademarks etc. It’s fundamentally flawed

radix, avatar

Would it even require massive changes? The framework is already built for music. The idea behind compulsory licensing is that any radio station can play any music, and the royalty rates due to the copyright holder are set in advance. The music industry fought tooth and nail to prevent streaming sites from getting access to their content, but it’s now their biggest revenue source.

A world where Netflix, Disney, Paramount, Max, and all the others could use each others’ (and literally all) content and pay for every stream would practically kill video piracy almost overnight. Make them all compete on their quality of service, instead of the size of their siloed library. And in the end, both customers and rights-holders would almost certainly be better off.

neo, avatar

It would also cause REAL competition as video platforms now have to fight to be the best to use and the best value.


geolocking as a technology is a kick in the throat to humanity and all its cultural and technological achievement


Ther is a reason for it however dumb it is. Differ t rights holders in different regions.

SpaceCadet, avatar

Differ t rights holders in different regions

Just call it greed.

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