frogbellyratbone_, avatar

that’s the piracy sub… the userbase was pissed at the idiot mods taking the sub down for the API protest, which reddit was obviously super happy about the pirate sub closing down.

i’m pretty sure they regularly railed against the idiot mods to the point that the mods said fuck this and left

TheGreenGolem, (edited ) avatar

That’s basically the whole reason an entire instance popped up dedicated to the topic (db0) AND its main community is the 10th largest in the lemmyverse.

The main mods and a whole lot of people came here.

This is one of the success stories of a major sub migrating here.

Draconic_NEO, avatar

I guess this is how they’ll learn about the effects of ruining the experience for moderators and content creators, a majority of Reddit’s scabs are consumers so naturally when creators and mods leave quality goes in the toilet.

which reddit was obviously super happy about the pirate sub closing down.

Oddly it wouldn’t seem entirely like that since when it shut down they basically forced it to reopen. Which is funny since they dislike it so much, guess the traffic and ad revenue is more important to them.

frogbellyratbone_, (edited ) avatar

Oddly it wouldn’t seem entirely like that since when it shut down they basically forced it to reopen.

completely right i overlooked that rather important detail. chain/mass emailing all mods at once without really thinking it through maybe?


Who cares about mods tbh

If i couldn’t use infinity, i couldn’t use reddit

Draconic_NEO, avatar

That is very true, Reddit without Infinity is a miserable experience.


The mods closed the pirate sub and Reddit reopened it, so now Reddit is liable for it.

jsalvador, avatar

Considering I found this comment on Reddit, I guess so.

jsalvador, avatar



thcdenton’s just finding that comment from a mod amusing - or perhaps it’s meant to be ironic since “ur mom gay” maybe isn’t quite top “Sensible Chuckle” material

p03locke, avatar

Why am I seeing this sort of 5000x too-large-embedded thing not on a HexBear account? On of all instances?

Banzai51, avatar

News reports have Reddit making the IPO push this year. Get ready for more DRAMA!

Zuberi, avatar

Will be really sad when the ransomware files get leaked on the IPO date lol

kratoz29, avatar

Wait, what ransomware files lol.


The stuff BlackCat stole and haven’t released yet.

kratoz29, avatar

God, I forgot about that 🤣

Zuberi, avatar

If you follow the… “correct” channels for stuff like this, the user is going to release the info the moment that Reddit IPOs :).

Info about them (likely spying on their users) might really spook the insta-normie-scroll-on-the-reddit-app dorks.

If anything, it’s going to be a shit show even if BlackCat decides to hold on to it for a bit.

Maybe there is a place you could ask them about it specifically? I personally wouldn’t know.

Tbh I have no idea what a dark web even is 😏


Even if there was a “dark” web, you’d have to know which onions to tie on your belt to find the information you’re looking for.


Tor i pretty well organized lately, it’s really not hard to find anything


That’s been said for the last 3 years.


Don’t they understand the mods leaving is a consequence of that “tantrum”?

Eezyville, avatar

They’re clearly using shaming tactics. By calling it a “tantrum” they try to make those mods look childish. In reality the mods demanded something to make their jobs easier, the company refused, so they parted ways.

baseless_discourse, (edited )

Not “job”, these are “volunteering contributions”, that are not only time consuming, mentally consuming, and unpaid as well.

meep_launcher, (edited )

Hello, I’m meep_launcher, and I’m a recovering moderator.

Not only did my tools get taken, after the mass exedus, my mod queue exploded. There were so many more racist reports than before, and I was mod of a political satire subreddit.

Turns out the exedus took all the left leaning redditors leaving behind real pieces of work.

Glad I made the switch, and I set up cartographyanarchy here, so maybe I can get back to doing what I love, shitposting maps.

Shitpost maps with me!

One more edit, I want to get this community up and running, so if you post in the next 24 hours I will write your map a song and post the link in the comments.

Oh also DM if you want to be a mod! Definitely looking for folks skilled in the art of Lemmy, coding, or just being all around wholesome.


Let us know when it is setup. I would appreciate some shitty map in my day.


Looks like its here: !cartographyanarchy

Took some poking before it fully showed up for me so I’m guessing I’m the first person on my instance to try to view that community.

CosmicCleric, (edited ) avatar

Tried clicking on that link, got this error…

The server returned this error: FetchError: invalid json response body at [Redacted]. This may be useful for admins and developers to diagnose and fix the error

I’m assuming you were trying to link to here?

CallumWells, (edited )

Like Trainguyrom wrote, you’re probably the first user on your instance trying to access it. Try the link again. It’s the proper way to link to communities using Lemmy. Your link doesn’t give people on other instances the easy option to subscribe to the community.

EDIT: Interestingly enough it looks like someone went through the first page of my profile and downvoted each comment of mine. Hmmm, how very strange ;P

CosmicCleric, (edited ) avatar

Try the link again. It’s the proper way to link to communities using Lemmy.

I’ll try the link, and if it works, it works. If it doesn’t, I move on. It’s not my job to try to make it work, it’s supposed to “just work”.

Your link doesn’t give people on other instances the easy option to subscribe to the community.

I’m aware, I was just trying to give a pointer to the forum (assuming the link doesn’t work for others as well), so people can manually subscribe if they wanted to, as a community service.


That is how Lemmy works. Not my fault if you didn’t know that.

CosmicCleric, (edited ) avatar

That is how Lemmy works. Not my fault if you didn’t know that.

But, I did know that. I literally click on a link, if it works, it works, if it doesn’t, if I get an error message, then oh well, and I move on to the next thing.

I’m not attacking Lemmy, I’m saying this for any website and any web link.


So you’re saying you did know that Lemmy has the thing where if you’re the first one to ask to get community data from another instance the link will give you an error and you must click it again (or reload) to get the instanced version of that community for your instance, and then say that it doesn’t work?

That doesn’t sound to me like you knew how Lemmy works. I can agree that it should be more hands-off for the user and the server should silently just do the thing to get the instanced community before sending data back to the client, but that’s a different argument.


it should be more hands-off for the user and the server should silently just do the thing to get the instanced community before sending data back to the client

Understanding how much data it might be potentially requesting, I’d even accept a “please wait while we load this community” screen that then redirects to the community once its been loaded onto your instance

CosmicCleric, avatar

Understanding how much data it might be potentially requesting, I’d even accept a “please wait while we load this community” screen that then redirects to the community once its been loaded onto your instance

This would be closer to my and others expectations on how a web link should work.


Yeah, that would work as well. I’m sure there are times when there isn’t a community that someone made such a link to, and at those times it should show an error screen, obviously.

CosmicCleric, (edited ) avatar

So you’re saying you did know that Lemmy has the thing where if you’re the first one to ask to get community data from another instance the link will give you an error and you must click it again (or reload) to get the instanced version of that community for your instance, and then say that it doesn’t work?

Yes, I did, and that’s bad design, bad programming, and goes against the expectation of every last freaking human being on the Internet as to how a link should work. And I’m saying that as someone who was a software developer for their whole career, and uses Lemmy on a daily basis, prolifically.

Edit: forgot to mention, I tried reloading twice, went back and re-clicked a couple of times, as well as when I did my reply I embedded that original link into the reply and then I tried it again from there, so I tried to resolve the link a bunch of times over a seven-minute period.

CallumWells, (edited )

Sound’s like you’re just being obstinate, then. It works, just not how you would prefer (well, I would also prefer that it didn’t give an error screen like that, but that’s besides the point). This is still early days of an open source project, and for that one should have a bit more understanding than for corporate products. A lot of other services also started out very unpolished and took time to get better.

The good thing is that you should be able to contribute and make it so that it doesn’t do that since you wrote you were a software developer for your whole career.

EDIT: nice angry downvote, Cosmic Cleric…

CosmicCleric, (edited ) avatar

Sound’s like you’re just being obstinate, then. It works, just not how you would prefer (well, I would also prefer that it didn’t give an error screen like that,

The WTF are you calling me obstinate then?

but that’s besides the point).

No, that’s exactly the point. You even agreed, responding to me as well as responding to others, that’s not working as what most would consider as normal, with a preference on what a more normal response to clicking on the link should be.

The good thing is that you should be able to contribute and make it so that it doesn’t do that since you wrote you were a software developer for your whole career.

I’ve contributed to open source projects before, so I’ve already done my bit for “King and Country”. I’m recently retired. But since you care so much about it, I’m sure you can contribute.

You should take a step back and realize I’m not attacking Lemmy, I use it, and I support it. I am just calling out a design and implementation point that needs refinement, as like you mentioned, is what’s done in early open source projects.

CallumWells, (edited )

Who said I can program?

EDIT: If I could do the work to make it work better I would.

ob·​sti·​nate ˈäb-stə-nət : stubbornly adhering to an opinion, purpose, or course in spite of reason, arguments, or persuasion

CosmicCleric, (edited ) avatar

Who said I can program?

Wow, so you bypass everything I said just to come back with a five worded single sentence that avoids the overall context of what I said.

Why are we arguing, why are you attacking me? It doesn’t help gatekeeping, it preventing input to improve a product.

CallumWells, (edited )

I’m not attacking you, I’m attacking your words.

And the reason I said you were obstinate were because you were. You refused to accept that it works since it doesn’t do it in the way you want it to. And now you’re rage-downvoting. You should probably take a few minutes off.

EDIT: No, you didn’t state that it didn’t work after seven minutes and multiple routs of attempting to get the link to resolve. I see that you have edited that in later, in one of the later comments. It worked on the reload for me. And no, it’s not preventing input to improve a product, it’s asking you to be less absolutist in your comments. “It doesn’t work as well as it should” compared to your “it doesn’t work”. When it obviously does work, albeit could work better.

Edit: No ;P

CosmicCleric, (edited ) avatar

I’m not attacking you, I’m attacking your words.

And the reason I said you were obstinate were because you were. You refused to accept that it works since it doesn’t do it in the way you want it to. And now you’re rage-downvoting. You should probably take a few minutes off.

You’re not being intellectually honest.

I specifically stated that it didn’t work after seven minutes and multiple routes of attempting to get the link to resolve. It never worked, it never resolved.

CosmicCleric, avatar

And no, it’s not preventing input to improve a product, it’s asking you to be less absolutist in your comments. “It doesn’t work as well as it should” compared to your “it doesn’t work”. When it obviously does work, albeit could work better.

Can you please stop editing your previous comments to add a new point that can be responded to, and reply instead?

To your point that I quoted above, which is your second edit, they didn’t work for me, at all.

I’m not going to say it doesn’t work well when it doesn’t work at all, I’m going to say it doesn’t work at all.

Seven plus attempts is more than enough for any human being to try to get a link to work, and honestly, links are supposed to work on the first try, or or maybe even the second try if the server is being slammed.

CosmicCleric, (edited ) avatar

EDIT: No, you didn’t state that it didn’t work after seven minutes and multiple routs of attempting to get the link to resolve. I see that you have edited that in later, in one of the later comments.

I stated in my origional comment (link, or see below) that it didn’t work for me. After having read one of your comments about refreshing, I went back and added (and stated in the edit that I forgot to mention the steps / how many times I tried) for others who would read later more detail about it. I clarified on how many times I tried, and did not add something new from scratch to make a point.

You’re being intellectually dishonest.

What I added in…

Edit: forgot to mention, I tried reloading twice, went back and re-clicked a couple of times, as well as when I did my reply I embedded that original link into the reply and then I tried it again from there, so I tried to resolve the link a bunch of times over a seven-minute period.


I just made it a few weeks ago and finally am getting around to sort of starting things up!

Thank you so much for joining! It makes my day :)

root_beer, (edited )

Psh, nice shameless plug for your community bro

…to which I’ll subscribe as soon as I can

shootwhatsmyname, avatar

I can get back to doing what I love, shitposting maps.

Nature is so strange and beautiful.



post it with the proper syntax so we can subscribe, fellow pirate!


Lol I’m a newb

I’ll edit my comment!


Thanks buddy! I am subscribed!


You know what? Okay! I’m in.

Trainguyrom, (edited )

Dude the name alone sounds awesome

edit: I want to post this map but its complaining that the content type isn’t html. I don’t really see the purpose of linking a webpage when linking directly to the image will allow it to properly embed? Not sure if that’s an instance limitation or a community limitation but it seems like not the right choice for meme communities

baseless_discourse, (edited )

Finally, the rail system U.S. deserves, old, loud, slow, never on time, and is under maintenance EVERY! F**KING! WEEKEND!


I’ve just been uploading to imgur and then posting the direct link. won’t allow direct image uploads, so we kinda need to Jerry rig it for the time being. ¯⁠\⁠⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠⁠/⁠¯


After Reddit, Xitter, and Duolingo, I start to feel like hosting our work on a proprietary and profit-driven service is not a great idea.


Agreed, what’s a good alternative I can advertise on my community?


I see some people use , but I dont know a lot about them.

Vanth, avatar

Yes, same on the explosion to mod queue. I modded a sub for a traditionally male-dominated hobby but we had a really positive environment (mostly) for the few women members and any who happened to pop their heads in with a newbie question.

That turned quick, and women were being flooded with “well if you don’t like it, you don’t belong here”, “you should carry a gun at all times to protect yourself or just stay home” victim blaming type stuff. One of many reasons I peaced out, as did so many of the long-time members (men and women) who no longer saw the community they had built.


Asking anyone who didn’t leave reddit to “understand” anything is an exercise in futility. Their brain lack the wrinkles, because they only eat eucalyptus leaves.

Draconic_NEO, avatar

Probably not, I doubt they even understand what the fuss was even about and are now wondering why quality has gone down so much and why subs are becoming full of spam and reposes.


Piracy mods are few of the mods with a backbone that actually left reddit because of all the bullshit.


They probably realized the same skillset that set up their *arr config could be used to host a lemmy instance

Zuberi, avatar

If I had to guess ;)

potvanherb, avatar

Seems about right


I mean, even a lot of the bigger lemmy instances are of mixed thought on whether to federate with “piracy” instances (I want to say federated and defederated a couple times?).

Reddit Corporate is trying to go public. The piracy subs were going to be purged sooner than later and The Exodus was an opportunity to move the community en masse.

antonim, (edited )

AFAIK, only blocked !piracy community, not the whole instance, and unblocked it a few months afterwards.


A lot of the sports sub mods I frequent put up a hard fight and many just walked away. The change in those communities has been noticable. Especially since they can no longer use API to import clips as they happen, engagement and content is way down. There used to be highlights for days, just automatically.


Oh I didn’t even think of the auto content that could be generated with the API


Shout-out to the /r/Sysadmin mods who decided subreddit uptime was too important to partake in the blackout. Man that place just had a really toxic tone and really made me strongly want to avoid the Sysadmin career track


You have probably already seen this:

Anyway, people are mostly not like that anymore.


At least here I don’t have to read /u/crankysysadmin telling everyone they’re entitled and need to do better work and ignore their personal problems in every thread


It was pretty funny when push came to shove and they all pulled their heads in. “Well if I don’t do what they’re saying they might remove me so I have to do what they say for the good of the community”. That’s… not how that works.


Hehe, that’s my quote. It’s from my comment on a Louis Rossmann video.


“If you don’t like spez decision, then just open up the sub and leave!”

Mods left

“Where is all the mods?”

“They’re just butthurt they didn’t get any support hue hue hue”

Internet is a funni place.

db0, (edited ) avatar

Love how they bellyache about the mods not doing a good enough job when they spent the final weeks of the June protest harassing the existing mods and and basically dismissing and disrespecting all the work we were doing for the past decade. They just expected things to go back to business as usual and the mods should just shut up and continue doing unpaid janitorial duties for the benefit of spez out of sheer momentum I guess? The scale of their entitlement is unreal.


“Clean it up janny!” Good on you for getting out

Corgana, avatar

I always laughed when someone called us a “janitor” after we banned them. Like you understand in this analogy you are the trash being taken out, right?

lukini, avatar

It’s probably just because janitor is the term for a low level mod on 4chan.


“They do it for free!”

Not anymore, fucko. Have fun selling your ungovernable site.

KairuByte, avatar

Yeah, that was part of the reason I decided to leave. I mean, it wasn’t the only reason by far, but just another item to snowball into the “fuck this platform” that pushed me to leave.

The number of people that actively told me I was dumb, abusing power, and my moderating could be done by anyone was crazy.

Then they bitched about the moderation quality going down when 50% of the moderation actions walked out the door.

sqgl, (edited )

I got banned this week from r/aboringdystopia for “spreading misinformation” by sharing a france24 link (credible established newspaper) debunking thegrayzone (whatever that is).


Here is the url I was trying to share.


The r/piracy wiki died when I stopped updating it which is a shame, I used to recommend it to everyone. Now I pass them onto FMHY or awesome.

db0, (edited ) avatar

We do have our own piracy wiki here BTW!


Never heard of FMHY or awesome before, what are they? Could you point me there too? Thanks!



Shakil-Shahadat’s awesome-piracy fork


These are the most comprehensive lists of resources I’ve ever seen, thank you!

iAvicenna, avatar

wonder how mods disappearing and reddit API changes might be related 🤔


That sub and this community has always been like that.


Is like twice a week I see that sentiment on here. What’s OP complaining about? Their mirror?


Wasn’t reddit always like that? Or was this particular sub okay?

Excrubulent, (edited ) avatar

Seems like the way for reddit to “solve” this is to just close bad subs.

But that’s easily exploited, if people migrate to other subs and start protesting the sub closures, those subs get worse and they need to be closed…

Oh no, reddit, did you just discover that you relied on your users to make your site good and by screwing them over you’ve made your entire business unsustainable at scale?

Also, somewhat related, is there a short snappy name for lemmy communities? Some people call them subs out of habit but I don’t wanna do that, and “communities” is four whole syllables, and ain’t nobody got time for that.



to make your site good


I think you’re misunderstanding reddit’s goal. Over the past year, they have been in IPO mode. They don’t care about making the site good or attracting a healthy community. They want to cash out and are burning down any structures that are providing any resistance to that.


They don’t care about making the site good or attracting a healthy community.

They never cared about the “healthy” part either, just “big”. Reddit has been a cesspool for years and years and years, largely thanks to the moderators.

DebatableRaccoon, (edited )

Hopefully it costs them dearly. Kinda like the whole Tumblr censorship fiasco and drastic fall in value but before they sell it. Put in the poor house


Why do you care how it turns out financially for reddit? The outcome I’d wish for is that more people come to lemmy

DebatableRaccoon, (edited )

Because I was generally enjoying Reddit before being forced out by the API crap. I’m a creature of habit so tend to dislike change and as much as I’m generally liking Lemmy, I’m having to force myself to not check the app every time I get bored because I’ll just see the same posts 20 times in a day thanks to the relatively low level of interaction on the platform currently. Whenever I go looking for tech support online, it’s nearly always a reddit post from 2-8 years ago that has the answer but I don’t want to spend any amount of time on the site, particularly if I’m on my phone at the time since it means doing that annoying step of having to manually change “www” to “old” to make the site functional and readable. I guess I’m just feeling vengeful at yet another good (or some approximation of) thing ruined by yet another money-grubbing, power-hungry, self-important tosser.

Though I see what you’re saying… ish. I think at this point, we aren’t going to see a massive influx of users without the death of competing platforms like Reddit since there are enough people either happy to keep taking the punches or think sunshine shines out of Spez’s asshole. Frankly, we can do without the second kind of person but the first won’t do anything without a certain amount of persuasion and I reckon the sinking of the ol’ Reddit ship would be just enough of a toe-capped-boot up the nether regions to persuade.

Edit: grammar whoopsies

Excrubulent, (edited ) avatar

You’re right, they aren’t trying to make something sustainable. I guess I was giving them too much credit when I said that.

The problem they’re facing here is that if they can’t sustain even the appearance of a functioning site that investors might want to buy, then they fail at that too.

So maybe the best way to fix this is just to ride it out and not close the subs, but if they’re just full of users that have finally clocked why mods are needed and that the place sucks now, that’s also a bad look.

If the search engines start to realise that it’s a cesspit with nothing worth linking to anymore, then that really hits their metrics. I’ve just realised I really need to get onto downloading my posts and deleting them.


Maybe daddy Elon can pay another $50b to buy Reddit and run that into the ground too.

Obi, avatar

I’ve seen “Lemmies”, I’ve also seen “sublemmies” which brings “subs” back on the table imo. Alternatives are /c/s, commus, com’s, etc.

Excrubulent, avatar

I guess “subs” isn’t exactly a reddit specific term. I don’t even know if it started there tbh.

I’ve just realised there’s nothing wrong with taking some of the language they used, we are after all following the basic link aggregator format.


I remember “subforums” back in the day, so it definitely didn’t start with reddit.

imaqtpie, avatar

I like communities and sublemmies.

Coms/commus sounds forced and unnecessary, doubt it’ll catch on.

As for Lemmies, I think that should be a synonym for instances/servers. So, for example, the biggest Lemmy with the most sublemmies would be

And of course, the users are lemmings.


“Communes”, populated by “commies”?


@Obi /c/s is not long (albeit a bit complicated to write, on phone at least) and it could easily be expanded verbally, so you know that /c/s = communities.

On Friendica, everything that is not a person or a page is displayed as a group. As a Facebook alternative, it does make sense, but for you in the Lemmy world I imagine it would sound a bit bland. 😁


db0, avatar



Subs still works in my mind. Subdirectories of all, or subscriptions… whichever way you want to think of it. I never really thought of subs as short for subreddits though, that was just convenient marketing based of those same terms.


Yeah subs and the mods are the doms, which works for my dyslexic, kinky ass.

AceCephalon, avatar

I’m honestly surprised I’ve not seen anyone make that connection for a joke, thanks dyslexia, it’s pretty funny.




Well call them… Cummies


“Any recommendations for good cummies here?”

“I usually start my day just laying in bed and checking out new cummies”

“It’s unfortunate that niche cummies don’t always have the support needed to stick around. I’ve seen great cummies wiped away before they could really build any volume up.”

“It’s so often overlooked, but proper handling of cummies is really what keeps them enjoyable day after day.”

Yep, I see no fault with the naming scheme here. Really rolls off the tongue well too. Very palatable. Definitely not absolutely cursed.

AceCephalon, avatar

Totally not completely cursed, and those example sentences absolutely didn’t make me regret being literate.

x4740N, avatar

What the fuck

x4740N, (edited ) avatar

They are called “lemmy communities” or “communities”

“Sublemmies” is cringe and is some weird portmanteau with subreddit which is stupid because I don’t know why people are still attached the idea of subreddits since this isn’t reddit and “lemmings” which some users like to call lemmy users but I don’t agree with that either and “lemmy users” sounds like a better term to use

So many people here are trying to emulate reddit when this isn’t reddit, yes some features from reddit would be nice like a group collection of subreddits like multireddits did and post flairs but this still isn’t reddit


I mostly call them “cees”, ex “The linux cee on .ml”


You’re saying it out loud? Who in the world to?


Two gamers in one house! I might even get her to install Fedora on her next gaming PC. She’s using me as proof of concept I think…

django, (edited ) avatar

A short name for communities would be groups. I like to call the users fedizens, as it is not specific to one software.

Excrubulent, avatar

I like “group” actually. It’s short and descriptive.

happybadger, avatar

All my subreddits that I moderated went to shit after the protests. I stopped, the replacements stopped, the sudden influx of shitty posts and shady users drove off the normal communities.

Fuck em. I haven’t felt the urge to post on reddit in months and it’s lovely knowing the people I’m interacting with probably aren’t rabid fascists unless they’re pissbabies.


What subs did you mod? I wanna watch the trainwreck 😂

happybadger, avatar

/r/snackexchange/ - I made it a protest subreddit by embracing Spez’s call for user democracy. Every day every single thing about the subreddit would be reset and users would have to vote for every aspect. The only rules were that you couldn’t abolish democracy and you couldn’t abolish me as the caretaker. /u/Icxcnika was a weird little goober who took it seriously instead of seeing it as a protest meant to derail the subreddit. He voted to make himself mod for a day and then the admins did a mod coup to make him the head, even over the other two mods that had been there for a decade and built all of the third-party tools we relied on to make the subreddit work. He had only posted once, some 8 or 9 years before, and had never moderated. The users and other mods fucking hated him and activity in the subreddit fell off. Now he no longer posts, one of the other mods no longer posts, and the last remaining one is apparently now a bot that sells funko pops.

/r/fifthworldproblems/ - The other mods and I were all on board with the protest. They forced us back open so we refused to do anything. Now it’s restricted and the only link posted since the protest was a Lemmy instance that I didn’t have anything to do with.

/r/modernart - I started rebuilding this one after it was overtaken by spam from people who don’t know what “modern art” actually means. I want to keep the subreddit because there’s good radicalisation potential with it in the right hands, but I stopped posting and only remove the most obnoxious spam days after it’s reported to tank the quality of the subreddit. I’ll be replacing everything with a Lemmy instance link at some point but was always holding out for Hexbear to open up community creation.

I had a few others that I just left or let the admin bot take over.


Oh wow you rock! I definitely followed the snack exchange saga for a while before switching over here

bazingabrain, avatar

i followed the snack exchange subreddit thing from day one, that little piece of shit was so utterly removedish in so many ways. First time i genuinely wanted to doxx someone because YOU KNOW that dork looks like so-true irl

happybadger, avatar

He was weird. In addition to the posts on the daily election threads, he was sending me PMs that were flattering in a way Patrick Bateman would compliment someone. Everything was blatantly manipulative and worded in a way that was simultaneously an interrogation I knew he was feeding to the admins. Then the dog caught his car and had to drive it while everyone else on the road screamed at him. I think he lasted like three days before handing over control to one of the mods who was so offended that they quit the website.

Nothing irks me more than someone who can’t handle positive chaos or slight inconvenience. He was so determined to stop the protest which was only over us not being able to moderate the subreddit without those third-party tools, all to preserve the sanctity of a community he hadn’t interacted with in almost a decade. There’s something deeply pathological about a power grab like that. Like what the fuck.

bazingabrain, avatar

ive never read something so pathetic, in fact im going to PM him on reddit right now to mock him.

voight, avatar

you know I never used that but it always seemed like a useful idea, kudos to you

did people swap anything with countries outside the area?

happybadger, avatar

It was fun at its high point. The problem was like you said, always the same map. Shipping costs run like $20-150+ and that’s a month’s wage in many of the countries that have interesting snacks we aren’t already over-saturated with. Scams were only ever like 5% of trades at most and we never had a poisoning though, so overall a successful prototype of the thing that would work.


How are you viewing this?

As in what app ks that?

kratoz29, avatar

Sync for Reddit patched with Revanced, but not sure if it is worth the hassle though.

Lucidlethargy, (edited )

It’s not. Reddit is a cesspool full of shills, brigading, shitty mods, and bootlicking idiots. I appreciate your use of revanced, though!

Commiejones, avatar

Reddit isn’t worth remembering a 8 character password these days.


I don’t see anything that would need to be moderated here? Or is it just about these comments that are unrelated to the post?


I think they’re complaining about a low effort meme in /r/piracy.


But the sub was always filled with those.


There are many (re)posts with this “if paying isn’t owning…” slogan and also many memes being made about the reposts. The piracy subreddit doesn’t seem to have a whole lot of piracy right now, it’s just, well, this

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