Disney is gouging customers with a near doubling of subscription costs.

Disney is raking its customers over the coals with a 75% price hike for their annual subscription (originally $80.) People wonder why piracy is on the rise.Multiple commenters are saying I’m off base about the 75% price increase. My payment less than a year ago was $79.99. Here’s the proof.


Disney’s desperation is showing—just look at their stock price the past 2 years… down 50%

I’m honestly surprised they didn’t raise their subscription fees sooner. Unfortunately for them it’s a double edged sword, which will cause a lot of people to cancel and quite possibly harm them in the long run.


Disney has for the last few decades positioned itself as a premium product at a premium price (think the entry costs for theme parks, cruises, etc.) much the same way Apple has. They clearly think their content is worth the premium, so they’re going for it.

Also, a lot of their best films are going public domain in the coming years, so they need to maintain and grow their revenue stream somehow.

Shedding ABC, eliminating physical media, and increasing streaming prices makes total sense if you think the way they do.


Meh, might not hurt them, obviously their suits don’t think so.

What they’re trying to do is convert or lose low-value customers and make high-value customers and save bandwidth at the same time. Fewer high-value customers also has an impact on support costs.

I did the same with my little computer support business. Doubled prices and kept the solid customers.

I straight steal my media, so I don’t have a dog in this fight. Actually, I’m a little stunned that anyone pays for this bullshit in the first place.


I did the same with my little computer support business. Doubled prices and kept the solid customers.

Who may now seek cheaper alternatives.


And they are free to do so! Why do I want small-time, bitchy customers who won’t, or can’t, pay? Let someone else coming up in the world take them on. I did my time, they can do theirs.

Pick one:

  • A restaurant that charges $10 per burger, at a cost of $3 per burger.
  • A restaurant that charges $5 per burger, at a cost of $3 per burger.

Capitalism is common sense!

CAVEAT: When decoupled from a sense of the greater good. Which is sometimes called morality.


Anyone who calls any customer “bitchy” for not staying after raising prices deserves to jump off a cliff.

pivot_root, (edited )

If he meant exactly what you said, I agree. But, there is an alternate interpretation of what the guy was saying:

You tend to get different kinds of customers with different price ranges. The ones who can afford to spend money generally don’t give a crap about what you’re billing them for, and they just want the work done properly.

The ones who aim to get a “good deal” tend to be less hands-off and more critical about the work done/supplies used and billed for. Frugal customers take extra time and sanity to field questions/suggestions, and sometimes, it’s just not worth dealing with.

If raising his fee filters out the latter category, it’s hard to blame him. I wouldn’t want to deal with penny-pinchers either, and simply being more expensive than the competition is an effective deterrent.


^ This is exactly what I meant.

@neo@lemmy.comfysnug.space avatar

Frugal customers take extra time and sanity to field questions/suggestions, and sometimes, it’s just not worth dealing with.

And if this is a problem for you, maybe you don’t deserve to be in business.


Or raise prices and don’t deal with them. Guy didn’t say he was hurting from raising prices. Man some of you guys seem to think everything should be free, wonder if you practice what you preach and work for free.

@neo@lemmy.comfysnug.space avatar

a raise in price should correspond to an increase in value being provided


All businesses have cheap customers that you bend over backwards for but they still leave a bad review. Those types hurt businesses and force strategies to not have cheap customers.

@XiELEd@lemmy.world avatar

The 2nd option, as a consumer lol.

BlackSkinnedJew, (edited )

What in the actual flying fuck…


Double the price and if fewer than half unsubscribe, there is a net gain in revenue.


And a drop in costs too since their system has to support less users.


The lowest common denominators dictate the market, Netflix has best sales in recent years for hiking and consumers couldn’t live without it and now Disney is wanting a taste, and I’d imagine it’ll work out well for them.

@pomodoro_longbreak@sh.itjust.works avatar

Disney especially has all but totally captured their target demographics, and not many working parents are likely to put the time into setting up a Plex and torrenting movies for their kid(s). Sadly, it’s easier to shell over an unreasonably large fee, and let their kids have at it.


I really don’t think $11.67 a month counts as an unreasonably large fee.

Zedstrian, (edited )

It’s unreasonable in the context that while streaming services were intended to be an affordable alternative to cable without sacrificing content variety, having the same level of variety now requires four or five subscriptions. Not an issue unique to Disney, but they and other movie studios have hiked movie rental costs, along with maintaining unreasonable pricing for BluRay releases, as a means of inflating the valuation of their IP catalog.

The fact that — in contrast to having four or five subscriptions over the span of two years— it’s economical to run one’s own 16TB or 32TB capacity media server (and even subsequently pay for replacement hard drives as needed) demonstrates that the subscription platforms, able to run such servers far more economically per user than anyone can do themselves, are retaining excessively high profit margins in contrast to the compensation paid to the people actually involved in producing content.


I don’t think you can fault streaming services for people not properly managing their finances. That’s more on the public schools not actually teaching any helpful life skills.


Death by a thousand cuts though. I had to sit a co-worker down and go over his finances because he never learnt at home or school. The amount of €10-25 monthly subscriptions this guy had meant he spent about €500 per month on those. On top of buying everything on payments because he never has any savings.

It’s another example of making use of the flawed human psyche which can’t keep track of the little things.


Weird. My monthly rate is going up by $2. 75%???


The previous rate was $80/year, now moving to $140. That’s a 75% increase.


Per the email, their current monthly rate was $10=>x<11, so that’s only a jump of $20 a year.


You’ve misread the email. They said 12 months for the price of 10 months, not dollars.


Ah, they made that pretty ambiguous by putting the asterisk where they did.

@StopSpazzing@lemmy.world avatar

Originally, yeah but it was priced hiked to 109.99 before new price hike so it’s a difference of +$30 or 20%*

*For the annual price.


If that’s the case it’s even worse. I paid 80 bucks less than a year ago. I

@nakura@lemmy.world avatar

Stuff like this is the reason I built a NAS a few years ago.


…and now I’m paying for power, usenet, search, hardware upgrades, and so on.

I regret nothing - I’m in control now.


I’m sure it’s cheaper to maintain overall too, not including the one-time costs of hardware. Plus as you said, control is very valuable - and you get privacy, too! Nobody selling your usage data.


TBH, it would depend on how many services I’m theoretically replacing, and whether you count the people I’ve shared my library with. Before I went down the rabbit hole, cost was the motivation, but I’m long past that.

Between the usenet subs, paid search engines, power for a 24 bay server running 24x7, and adding a new drive every few months, I can’t really defend it on a cost basis for my own use (though that’s not to say it can’t be done considerably cheaper).

Similarly, I’m giving my data to a handful of usenet search engines and 2 usenet providers my data (though I trust all of them more than the likes of Disney and Netflix)

With all that said, I’ve never looked back. It’s a hobby project for me, I have total control, can help out my friends and family, and use the server for other stuff like private cloud hosting, home automation, network ad-blocking, etc…


Yep, looking at doing the exact same thing myself, albeit smaller scale to start with. I’m glad to hear you’re enjoying the ride despite the cost, because I know I’m headed down the same path, lol. Cheers.


Welcome to the fun!

If you need any guidance from this idiot, feel free to reach out.

The best general advice I can give is if you want something reasonably large and flexible is to start with Unraid from the outset - I mucked around with a good number of alternatives, with all the hassle that involves before finding this straightforward, super-flexible solution. Otherwise, maybe look at a synology-type appliance for something smaller-scale and less versatile.


Thanks! If I can be candid, I almost asked for your best piece of advice in my previous comment, so I appreciate it. I’ve heard great things about both - Synology especially people always seem to have good things to say. Still doing the research and deciding the best hardware path for the use case at the moment, so I’ll be sure to keep you in mind and pick your brain sometime!


No worries!

The upside of synology (and I say this without having used them) is simplicity, and low power usage at the cost of flexibility.

On unraid, I can toss in extra drives when I like (or remove them with slightly more hassle), and spin far more up, including VMs.

Feel free to check in whenever though.


How does NAS help with that?

@Darkassassin07@lemmy.ca avatar

But you don’t need NAS for that. Why do you want to store stuff that you watch once? Just stream it.

Darkassassin07, (edited )
@Darkassassin07@lemmy.ca avatar

A) I often rewatch things, especially shows like Family Guy just to make noise while I do something else.

B) there’s lots difficult to find media like the 1960s Dr Who series or the entire works of Buster Keaton that can’t just be streamed whenever.

C) I share with several friends and family, just because I’ve seen it doesn’t mean they have.

D) Control/security over my collection. When I want to watch a piece of media, I know its there and available. It hasn’t disappeared from whatever service (free or paid) had it last I looked.

And finally

E) No internet access required. If my internet is out, or I want to go somewhere I won’t have internet: I still have full access to my media. (files can be freely moved to mobile devices that won’t have network whenever I feel like it)

/edit. As a side note; I’ve also automated media acquisition via radarr+sonarr. I just open a self-hosted web page, search for a title, click ‘add+search’ and 20min later it’s been found, downloaded and is available to watch. My users can even request media via Ombi without having to ask me. I don’t have to spend any time looking for media ever (be that a streaming link or a torrent).


Well, I use Russian streaming services. All the media imaginable is instantly available to me and I can download it for offline use if I need it. No need for NAS at all.

@Darkassassin07@lemmy.ca avatar

If that works for you, cool.

I will not support a Russian service, nor will it accommodate my needs.

The biggest reason for this route is that, once setup, finding/watching whatever I or my family wants is as close to effortless as It can be. I don’t have to deal with shady services, nor am I at their mercy (referring to access and content availability). This is particularly important when sharing with friends/family that are not tech savvy. If they have an issue, I can actually do something about it and don’t have to hold their hand through some shady third party site or worry that they’ve gotten themselves into trouble. Once it’s been downloaded, everyone I’ve shared with can access it at anytime hassle and worry free. I (and the rest of my users) don’t have to use caution browsing or streaming from my platform, while I do with random sketchy services. A problem made much worse with alcohol.


It’s not effortless, you have to search for content somewhere and download it. Instead of going to a known service which has everything for you in one place at all times. This is particularly important for non tech savvy people - you just tell them streaming service address and login/password and they can watch anything they want without waiting for you to download stuff.

@Darkassassin07@lemmy.ca avatar

No I don’t. Now that my server is setup (which it has been for 7+ years), I spend 0 time or effort searching for media files or sources for them.

As I said, I open my own self-hosted web page, search for a title (results from IMDB, The TVDB, and TheMovieDB), and click ‘add’. The software does all the rest: from finding a download link to actually downloading the files, to renaming and sorting them into my media library, even grabbing all the metadata like synopsis, cast, ratings, posters, and a trailer to present it in a netflix-style interface.

My users can also open a webpage hosted by me and request media with the same lack of effort, to be acquired automatically, typically ready to watch in under 15min.

Half the time we don’t even have to do that as the software is also monitoring various lists from IMDB, automatically adding media that gets added to those lists, as well as grabbing every new episode of every show in my library as they release.

My library literally builds/expands itself. Most of the time whatever we wanted to watch has already been grabbed, and the few times it hasn’t, it’ll be available in as little as 3min once requested. (note: just because it’s been downloaded, doesn’t mean it’s gotta be kept forever. Some stuff does get rotated out.)

Instead of going to a known service which has everything for you in one place at all times. This is particularly important for non tech savvy people

I am the known service my users come to. They don’t have to trust a third party, deal with their restrictions/whims, or worry at all.

That third party could at anytime remove your access, disappear/go offline, decide to (intentionally or accidentally) host malware, fall prey to the law, remove the content you wanted, or any other plethora of problems with dealing with third parties.

As long as I’ve got power; I’ve got literal years (played back to back, no breaks) of content to entertain me and my family. I’m dependant on nobody in that aspect.

has everything for you in one place at all times.

Unless all you ever watch is newly released mainstream media this is blatantly false. I have never ever encountered a streaming service with anything close to the range of media my cricle enjoys.

Ontop of all this; my server will also transcode between formats and quality settings on the fly so users with poor connections or device’s that can’t directly play the stored format can still stream without buffering. I’ve never known a service outside the big name streaming platforms to do this (YouTube, Netflix, Hulu, etc). Several of my users have garbage internet, but will happily watch media in a reduced quality to avoid buffering. Awesome for mobile data too; I regularly watch media on my bus ride home from work.


typically ready to watch in under 15min.

Lol ok

Unless all you ever watch is newly released mainstream media this is blatantly false. I have never ever encountered a streaming service with anything close to the range of media my cricle enjoys.

That’s because you don’t know where to look. I watched all of the original Doctor Who without any issues. It’s not Netflix, lol.

Darkassassin07, (edited )
@Darkassassin07@lemmy.ca avatar

That’s the power of usenet. My downloads are limited by disk speed, not my connection. Didn’t believe it myself until I had it running. I used to use torrents which were slow af.

That’s because you don’t know where to look.

Exactly the damn problem; you have to look for, depend on, and trust some other service to have it available to stream when you want to stream it.

I just throw names at my server whenever I happen to hear of something interesting to watch (often while I am at work) and it finds it for me. I can then watch and share it with as many people as I like without involving anyone or anything else whenever I want to.

/edit: for the record, I’m not the one downvoting you.


Why would anyone pay for Disney? All their content is shit.


I love how everyone is jumping down your throat, you’ve just as much right to have the opinion of Disney being shit as the next for having pure admiration for Disney. I also don’t see what people like about Disney, I think its shit and this is a valid criticism


IMHO admiring Disney is one of the most cringe things an adult can do. It’s even worse than admiring apple because apple does toys for adults but to love Disney one has to be brainwashed as a child and never manage to get out of it. Fortunately I grew up in a communist country so I didn’t see any Disney as a child and when I finally did I was like ‘meh’. People follow Disney and Marvel because the content is simple and there’s a lot of it so there’s always something to consume. It’s like McDonalds: there’s no real value in it but it fills in the void inside you. The fact that Disney and Marvel have such a huge following show how empty our society had become. People don’t think any more, they just consume.


We’re very aligned, good to meet you. I also don’t do fandom’s and avoid mindless consumption, brands and general marketing. Honestly struggle to witness people slowly falling for the trap though, like watching rodents fling themselves into the mouse trap. But we’re nearing the end of capitalism, moving to tech feudalism. Fun time ahead


Maybe if they had said , “i think its shit,” instead of saying “its shit” and then spending multiple days arguing with me that their opinion is objective fact, then there wouldn’t be a problem.


In they’re opinion its objectively shit


If its their opinion, then it is subjective. You can’t have an opinion on something’s objectivity.

I could have an opinion of how much i like an objective fact, but i can’t dispute it being a fact.

Read some of rhe conversation that followed between them and myself if you want proof.

They are trying to argue that their opinion is an objective fact. When it is, in fact, objectively their opinion.


Because different people like dofferent things and all “art” is subjective. You are not an immutable objective font or source of truth. Therefore, whilst you might believe it’s shit, any many will agree. You are simultaneously correct and incorrect in your assessment.

Or in short.

Not everyone likes what you like, so they pay for disney if thats what makes them happy.


Nah, it’s objectively shit.


If that’s how you judge Disney+ I guess you say the same of all streaming services except the Criterion channel?


He’s a man of finer taste with an extensive collection of fedoras


No, other services have some good stuff. Disney+ is only a good option if you have kids and you don’t want them to be very smart when then grow up.


Ah yes of course, National Geographic are famous for making kids stupid, that’s why those shows are on Disney+. Futurama is a cartoon so must be a kids show.

! /s !<


I guess you’re right. Not all content on the platform is shit, only all content made by Disney is. But I highly doubt a lot of people pay for Disney+ to watch non-Disney content.


Maybe you should read what they offer? Depends where you draw the line on what is “Disney content” (just kids animated films and shows?), but they have all Star Wars and most Marvel content.

Depending where you draw the line, I subscribe for only the non-Disney content. Though I may have to re-evaluate my sub soon…


I definitely include all star wars and marvel content in the shit Disney content category.


Ah okay. I’m glad you’re informed on the breadth of content you’re calling shit!


Of course I am. I’m arrogant, not ignorant.


Well, At least i know who im talking to now and dont need to waste any more time with it. Have fun in your bubble.


What me being in a bubble has to do with anything? I know there are people who like this shit. I personally know people who absolutely love this shit. Doesn’t make it any less shitty.


Yes, subjectively, it does. Art is not objective. It literally can’t be by its very nature. If you know people who like it, then you are admitting that you understand this.

If so then you are not in a bubble.

If you still try to claim that it is all objectively shit (which is quite a broad statement considering how much content there is on the platform, widely considered to be excellent) then you are in a bubble.


That’s not what being in a bubble means. Being in a bubble means I only have contact with some specific content and I’m not aware of the reviews and revenue Disney content gets. Knowing that people like it and still saying it’s shit just means I’m smarter than most people and can judge this content better than the masses.


It’s actually quite a versatile term. Being in a bubble simply means living in your own world. This can mean many things, such as rejecting views that dont line up with your own. Which is exactly what you are doing. I laid down a straight fact that art is subjective, and you said no. You are wrong, but you would rather live in your bubble where you are right than accept that you are wrong.

You are even wrong about what being in a bubble means. In that, you think its meaning is strictly one thing. When in fact, it’s really quite subjective…

Edit. Oh god, did you just say you are smarter than most people? Thats so bad. What are you? Like 12 years old?


So every time you have an argument with someone they ‘live in a bubble’? Every time someone disagrees with you they are “living in their own world”? I don’t think this is how it works. ive in a bubble

  1. To remain physically or socially isolated from some threat.
  2. To live life completely absorbed in or insulated by one’s limited reality or life experience.
  3. To ignore, avoid, or deny reality.

No, it does not mean “reject views”. Reject views is completely different from denying reality. What we’re talking about are opinions and interpretations. Not agreeing with you about it is not ‘being in a bubble’. You’re simply using this term wrong.

But moving on. It’s easy to say ‘art is subjective’ and pretend it’s closes the topic but obviously there are better and worse movies. You have movies that explore interesting ideas in creative and daring ways and than you have Marvel type movies which are just pure entertainment without anything original or novel in them. These are no more ‘art’ than a ride on a roller coaster is. It’s fun but empty. There’s nothing subjective to it. People liking something does not make it art.


You replied to some other comments, conceding that there was good quality content on disney+. So you contradict there your entire argument here.

I didn’t say art being subjective closes the argument. I said it counters yours. You said it’s all shit. I said that’s a matter of opinion, and you said it isn’t. That’s you avoiding or denying reality.

You are factually wrong about that statement. It is, in fact, a matter of opinion. What makes art or media “good” is a collective agreement on what “good” is. What standards we all agree upon. This means that if you say it’s shit thats you opinion, ita not an objective fact. Its subjective. What is it they say? beauty is in the eye of the beholder. One mans trash is another mans treasure.

Tour bubble is your refusal to accept the possibility that you might be wrong.

But i suppose its as good a hill as any to die on.

None of this really matters. At least not to me.


What makes art or media “good” is a collective agreement on what “good” is. What standards we all agree upon. This means that if you say it’s shit thats you opinion, ita not an objective fact. Its subjective. What is it they say? beauty is in the eye of the beholder. One mans trash is another mans treasure.

That doesn’t make a lot of sense. You claim that it’s about “collective agreement” and each person’s individual opinion at the same time. Those are two different things. If it’s about personal opinion than collective agreement doesn’t matter. If it’s about collective agreement than my individual opinion doesn’t matter. Which one is it?

And I just gave you different meanings of ‘being in a bubble’. You’re simply using it wrong. But the fact that you refuse to accept that doesn’t mean that you’re in a bubble because it’s not what it means.

And yes, what is or isn’t good art or even what is or isn’t art over all is a matter of personal philosophy. You could argue that anything man made is art. You could say that every mass produced plastic toilet plunger is a work of art as long as one person in the world finds it beautiful. And my only argument against it would be my personal philosophy that there’s more to art than opinion of few individuals and that art and especially good art needs to fulfill higher standards than that. In my opinion you can objectively tell how creative, original and well executed a work of art is and by that you can judge how good it is.


Art is inherently subjective, and what is considered “good” or “bad” varies from person to person. While there are commonly accepted principles and techniques in art, such as composition and colour theory, the interpretation and emotional response to art are highly personal. What one person sees as a masterpiece, another may see as unimpressive. So, art is not objectively good or bad; it’s a matter of individual taste and perception

I would say i have expressed my point poorly in the text you quoted. Where use “good”, im using quotation marks to mean this is not objective. It’s the opinion of the majority of people.

So where you say art has to fulfil higher standards and you can tell how creative or original a work of art is , that’s just the general consensus of “good,” but it’s all based on opinion.

Even if 99% of people agreed something is “good,” it is still subjective and, therefore, not objective fact.

An objective fact would be something like “the earth is (roughly) a sphere” even though there are flat eathers out there who would disagree, they are objectively wrong as it can be measured and proven and doesnt change based on who measures it. Unlike art, which will look different to each person viewing/experiencing it.

To go back to the original point again.

You said everything on disney+ is shit. Putting aside that you admitted in other comments that you dont actually believe that. It is your opinion and not objective fact. Like i said right at the start of this whole debate, everyone like different things.

To speak on the bubble thing again. I would say that my use of the term is a bit loose but not inaccurate. Your refusal to accept the differences between subjectivity and objectivity, as well as your belief that art can be seen objectively can be described as you living in a bubble. In that you are rejecting the information i am giving as it doesnt align with your view on the matter.

Maybe that bubble only surrounds this one aspect of your person, and not the whole, but you are being very stubborn about something that is entirely subjective in claiming there can be any objectivity.

So not a perfect usage of the term but not an invalid one. Subjectively speaking.


Morning! :)

Yes, I get what you mean. That’s a very common take. “One person likes this painting, another one doesn’t. We can´t say if it’s good, it’s subjective”. I guess I’m bad at articulating my objection to this take. I think what I misses is that a lot of people are stupid and simply wrong. A lot of people don’t have proper education and never went to a museum. They simply haven’t been exposed to proper art and now even when they see it they don’t understand it. So should we say that for example Marvel movies are good art because some schmucks that never saw a good movie in their lifes like it? I don’t think so. It can be “good” to them but we can objectively say they don’t know shit. And I’m not saying all “high” art is good and all “popular” art is shit. So called experts are also often wrong and some famous artists are overhyped. How you seen the things Marina Abramovic was doing? It’s shit but she fooled a lot of “experts” and now you can’t say it’s shit because she’s famous. And I’m also not saying only the things I like are good art. I don’t like a lot of things that are not bad, just not in my taste. But I can also tell the difference between good art and empty entertainment even if I do enjoy it. A lot of people can’t. And they are wrong.


How do we determine which is “good” art and which is “bad” art? Is it all based on the skill of the artist? Their mastery of techniques? Their creative use of different styles? Maybe their method of combining elements from multiple styles?

Or do we look at which art invokes the strongest emotional response? Which art make people feel the most happy or sad, or strikes them with awe and wonder. Art which leaves people staring at it for hours, always finding something new to enjoy about it?

Who decides which of these factors are the best or which ones make the art “good” or “bad”?

The answer is the individual.

I realised this a long time ago when I think about it in terms of music.

Im a musician, and as i grew and learned more about it, i began to hold a very elitist view on what merited “good” music and what was “bad”

I was certain about this. It made sense. It was clear in my head.

The good music is the stuff that is technically superior, the music that makes my jaw drop at its complexity and its craftsmanship. I outright rejected pop music and most basic music.

But i realised that when it comes down to it, good music is different for everyone. When i saw people dancing away and enjoying themselves, feeling elation whilst listening to so.ething i deemed terrible and basic, i realised. They are having as much fun as i do when i listen to the complex stuff. They are getting the same thing as me, except they get to dance and bounce around too, which, if anything, puts them above me on enjoyment levels.

I now find im able to appreciate the “dumb” music as much as the “smart” music and hold both in high regard. Because whilst i might be able to listen to and appreciate the likes of schubert, mozart, chopin, rachmaninov or jacob collier, louis cole, miles davis or herbie hancock. Muse, radiohead, the beatles etc Now i can listen to and enjoy pop artists like dua lipa, billie eilish and the like.

I know which i like more, but letting go of that gate keeping mentalility was exceptionally freeing. I recommend you do the same. Calling people dumb is not a good take. Accepting people differences and making them your equal is a much brighter path.


But you cannot (or shouldn’t) jump from one extreme to another. There’s gate keeping like “I’m the one deciding what’s good, everyone else is stupid” (which I’m not doing, other people can like different things, that’s fine) but on the other side of the spectrum is the “everyone is equally competent to judge what’s good” which is just as wrong. Because of course not everyone is. For example if a lot of drunk/high people enjoy a silly song at a party and are having fun in the very moment, does it make the song “good” even if they wouldn’t listen to it sober? Of course not. Drunk people are not competent to judge art. There’s no “art for drunk people”, there’s just drunk people enjoying anything you show them. Not having proper knowledge or exposure to real art is similar to being drunk. You can get affected by simpler things, it’s easier to manipulate you, you don’t appreciate as much detail. Is pro Wrestling as good art as Shakespeare? Of course not. Pro Wrestling is as simplistic as it gets, it’s theatre dumbed down to it’s simple audience. It’s designed to affect people on a very basic level just like some music is designed to affect drunk and high people. It’s more simple entertainment than art. It’s really like putting someone on the roller coaster and saying that it’s as good art and the Exorcist because they got equally scared. Just because simple people enjoy simple movies and music doesn’t mean it’s good art.

@Dsklnsadog@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

You are the kind of guy who is so over himself that can’t even see how cringe it looks from outside. Man, I love Futurama, is that shit too? Please don’t hurt my feelings. Your objective opinion is everything to me.


First couple seasons were great. The movies were shit. Later seasons were shit.

@Dsklnsadog@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

I mean, you could just stop with the movies if it is that bad. Aaahh everyone is a critic.


Guess I got lucky that I get it free with my family phone plan.


It ain’t free my dude. You’re paying 100% of it. You just don’t have a choice.


Yeah, imagine how much his plan would cost without this “freebie”


Well if they were to remove it now - which they will eventually do. The price sure as shit isn’t going down. Numbers only go up.


Yeah, it’s only a matter of time before they pull it. Disney must extract every penny.


Okay, fair enough my guy. Makes sense, yeah.


Just built a 50TB Plex server, get fucked mouse


Do you use ECC RAM? Wonder if I should upgrade my hardware so I can use it.


When I built my latest Plex server, I chose to put ECC RAM into it. But it was a pain getting all the hardware, due to the silly rules AMD has for ECC support and iGPU support in its chips.

@roofuskit@kbin.social avatar

What? Unless you're running an actual commercial scale website, no, nobody needs ECC.


If you are planning to use zfs its worth a few extra bucks for ecc.

@roofuskit@kbin.social avatar

It can be far more than "a few extra bucks." It's not just buying more expensive ram, but you need a compatible motherboard and processor as well.


It can be. It doesn’t have to be. If ECC is too expensive I recommend avoiding ZFS.

@roofuskit@kbin.social avatar

Like ECC there's little to no benefit for the average user to use ZFS.


I agree. I didn’t realize we were talking about average users. I thought we were talking about people building NAS.

@roofuskit@kbin.social avatar

I'm talking about the average person building a media server to cut out monthly streaming or cable costs. They don't need or even know ZFS.


That’s why I agreed with you. :P


Fuck no

@JustEnoughDucks@feddit.nl avatar

ECC RAM is only necessary for people doing financial-related work.

If a video has a bitflip that is not corrected in software, ooooo 1 pixel will be a slightly different shade or hue or one subtitle letter will be wrong worst case.

Billing, payment processing, virtual currency storage, a flipped bit could be thousands of dollars, but those systems will have multiple verifiable redundancies in place, unlike the 90s when people like to quote that ECC RAM is essential.

Also 100% uptime servers like enterprise storage servers where customer data integrity is high priority.

I have yet to see a single shred of evidence that a memory bit flipping has caused any problems past 2008 or so. Maybe another person has found some case where it has, but when I was researching for my own server, I couldn’t find a single one.

Nearly every problem (1 million times more likely) is caused by software instability and bugs, with some being due to hard drive bit rot or hardware failures which ECC won’t fix anyway.


I have yet to see a single shred of evidence that a memory bit flipping has caused any problems past 2008 or so. Maybe another person has found some case where it has, but when I was researching for my own server, I couldn’t find a single one.

Not server-related, but an instance where an inexplicable bit flip caused a stir is Super Mario 64 speedrunning. There is a level that is notoriously slow to navigate and during a playthrough a community member “discovered” a skip that warps you about halfway through the level. There is a video of it happening on live stream, but to this day someone has yet to reproduce the skip. Fiddling around with the game’s memory showed that the behavior happens when a single bit is flipped. All in all, it was likely a one-off error on the hardware that happened at exactly the right time in exactly the right place. The incident is known as the “TTC upwarp” and there is a $1000 bounty to claim if you can provide a working set of instructions to reproduce it on real hardware.

@JustEnoughDucks@feddit.nl avatar

I mean, that was actually pretty cool to read about! Speedrunning community always does the most crazy things as far as hardware memory dumping and analyzing to drop time in a speed run. 😅 that is passion.

It did happen on a device from 1996 though where in the time, programming and error checking was so barebones and efficient that a single bit could really mess a lot of things up.

That’s why I specified a time period 😉. Originally bug were called bugs because literal bugs would get in the holes of punchcards and make programs not run. Not a problem anymore! In the same way, systems have implemented checksums and error checking such that it really isn’t a big deal for the vast majority of applications.


That’s why I specified a time period 😉

To be completely honest, I kinda did an oopsie because it completely slipped my mind that although it happened in 2020, the technology involved is indeed pre-millenium.

@Semi-Hemi-Demigod@kbin.social avatar

It's before 2008, but a bit flip changed a Belgian election.

This is part of the reason I keep my servers in my basement.


For Plex? No. It’s running on a $150 Amazon minipc lol


What does that 50TB look like? I’m pushing up against 25 at this point but it’s shamefully all usb hdds plugged into a usb strip in a mini pc, and it’s less than ideal.


Amazon has Chinese usb enclosures for $150, that’s what I’m using.

@briongloid@aussie.zone avatar

I ripped out all my portable drives, had to make a cable without the energy management line for inside a PC.

Big ATX case with 8 3.5’ bays, mobo with 6 Sata ports, last two ports will require a SATA-PCIe expansion card.

1x 4TB (shucked)

2x 6TB (shucked)

1x 8TB HDD

1x 16TB Ironwolf Pro

40TB across 5 bays, 1 left without expansion card, 2 more with the card, following that the 4TB will get dropped for a bigger drive.

I’ll likely be buying no less than 12TB per drive going forward, no RAID configuration yet.


That’s filthy


I love it. That works fine but if you want a weekend project consider doing something like this:

Buy a Fractal Define 7XL.

Shuck all those HDDs and put them in the case. Buy one more disk, as large or larger than the largest disk.

Buy 8GB RAM, cheap mobo, cheap Pentium gold CPU, and reasonably reliable power supply. Also buy either a SATA or HBA PCI adapter.

Install unRAID and Plex. Use that extra drive for parity. Now your data is protected if a drive fails. They also won’t get so hot, and speed will be much better. You also have lots of capacity for more drives.


Buy a NAS unit such as a Synology DS923+

Add 4 drives to it of equal size. One drive’s worth of space will be sacrificed for redundancy and they’ll all be combined into a single storage drive.

I have 4x 18TB drives giving me just under 50TB of usable storage. Any single drive can fail with no data loss, and I just replace it and keep going.


DS920+, not 923+

920+ has an Intel cpu, so has QSV hardware transcoding. 200fps 1080p transcoding on the fly is nice.

(The 923+ is software only)


Good point. I’m personally not doing any transcoding so it doesn’t affect me.


Chulaplex who started this thread was very clear that they were going to be using it for Plex, as such, transcoding is a very important aspect.


I’m using a mini PC for the transcode so the proc in the nas doesn’t matter, it’s just storage. The mini pcs on Amazon are way more powerful than anything you’ll find in a standalone


Thank you :-)

@fbmac@lemmy.fbmac.net avatar

I guess it wasn’t about the price for you then


over time it probably balances out


It’s the principal of the matter. Plus it’s fun. Get fucked mouse!


Same here. So much better than any streaming service. There’s a small initial cost to get started but it’s worth every penny.


I’m still incredibly angry at Disney+ for gutting watch together. I have a Plex server that I use quite a bit that I suppose will be getting even more usage now.


Yeah, what the heck happened to GroupWatch?


Idk if they ever said why they were doing it, but they canned it about a month ago.


Good lord.

What was it? ~$50/yr price a couple years ago?


It launched at 80


What the fuck math are you people doing? It went up from $110/year to 140/year. That’s a 20% increase. Still shit…but where in the fuck are you people getting a 75% increase? Just fucking google it and you’ll see that OP is completely wrong…


@roofuskit@kbin.social avatar

If you look at what OP posted they were paying only $80, which means they raised to $110 so recently that OP hadn't even gotten that price increase before they raised it again.


I had to go double check what I’m paying. £96 for the middle tier (1080 not 4k I think), this is approx $116… So sounds like you guys were previously on a better deal (assuming same library access)

@roofuskit@kbin.social avatar

You can't compare been regions. Most outside of the US get a way more extensive library.

@StopSpazzing@lemmy.world avatar

OP failed at math. Thought same thing was I checked for pricing myself.


Check my edit. I was billed $80 less than a year ago.

@GnuLinuxDude@lemmy.ml avatar

Because the service is now 75% more expensive than what it cost when introduced only four years ago.


Then OP should have said that. OP is making it sound like the latest price hike is 75%. That is misleading.

@GnuLinuxDude@lemmy.ml avatar

I’m just curious, did you downvote me for some reason? Or was that another onlooker?

@GnuLinuxDude@lemmy.ml avatar

did i hit a nerve with disney adults, or something?


No but FreeBSD better

@kamenlady@lemmy.world avatar

I have been using Sync for 6 years now. Sync for Lemmy’s look & feel has no difference from the late Sync for Reddit.

I migrated to Lemmy during fuck u/spez and i genuinely completely forget that this is not Reddit, specially after comment chains like this.


Lemmys users have the same habits as redditors. The same jokes are recycled here for upvotes too. It’s the same site but upvote numbers are divided by 50


See my post edit.



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  • Waldemar_Firehammer,

    My post is objectively true for the year-over-year pricing. See my post edit for proof.


    Whatever, 20% or 75% price increase still is the same $0 increase a year because you wouldn’t give your money to Disney

    Waldemar_Firehammer, (edited )

    I paid $ 79.99 less than a year ago. If they hiked it from 80 to 110, then hiked it again in less than a year that makes their practice even worse. They saw no dip in users so they thought they could go back for another bend over the bar.

    See my edited post to see proof.


    They raised the price a year ago too. I suspect OP is like me and paid for a year right before last year’s increase.

    @CrypticFawn@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

    OP paid $80 for a yearly subscription, not $110.


    I paid $80 last year. I’ve got another month before it expires and it would then be $140. If they have raised the price in multiple increments throughout the year doesn’t change the fact that it’s 75% more expensive for people renewing over last years price.


    I was paying 69.99/year, that’s the math I’m using. Don’t know how you got such a bad deal.

    @nyakojiru@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

    Streeeeeeeeemioooooooooo + debris


    Jellyfin+Sonarr+Radarr+Prowlarr+qbitt (And working and testing it with I2P)


    For all of you that supported the actors and writers streik, this is what happens to the common person. Dont get me wrong im not blaming anyone but the asshole greedy companies, but just so you notice, when a company does something “good” they are not losing, they are taking the money from others.


    Disney has been very cheap to grow its customer base, then will increase prices afterwards, this was always going to happen.


    Found the Disney employee


    Disney Streaming Services / BAMTech / Disney Streaming is their own branch of Disney and this is likely unrelated to said strike.


    Found the disney producer


    The amazing thing is anyone ever paid to stream Disney…Disney adults are creepy and the corporation itself appears to be a child grooming & trafficking operation.

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