You can’t really torrent it, the game version gets downloaded when you start it, so you’d either have to torrent every version you want to download or download everything at once, which would take way too much space. The thing is, you don’t even need to. You can make an account without buying the game and you can still play it. There’s dedicated launchers for playing the game with an account that doesn’t own it.
Also, Veloren is not similar to Minecraft at all, even if it’s still a very good game. There’s Minetest tho, which is also open source and it has a gamemode as a mod, which tries to be a copy of Minecraft.
If the outlook account is only tied to the minecraft account and Microsoft doesn’t know who made the outlook account, isn’t that pretty safely private? Ofc microsoft can read the emails, but they won’t contain any personal info of OP.
I wanted the old mo creatures mod with the joust ostritches. If only I could get some time of work not spent cooking or cleaning or getting hounded by friends to join whatever game they are into at the time. I should bring my laptop to work and do it on break I guess.
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