Risa Quiz ... Who is this man
For all those Trek fans, Risa Fans, new fans, old fans and oscillating fans out there … let’s test your Trek knowledge.
Who is this man? And What does he do?
For all those Trek fans, Risa Fans, new fans, old fans and oscillating fans out there … let’s test your Trek knowledge.
Who is this man? And What does he do?
IvyRaven, O’Brian and he’s here to suffer. I mean transporter work. And suffering.
ininewcrow, A good observation that is often overlooked when it comes to St O’Brien, the Star Trek patron saint of pain and suffering, lesser known as the patron that protects against transporter malfunctions … eh, or causes them, I forget which one it is.
JWBananas, First one, then the other.
I hate temporal mechanics!
jackoneill, That’s O’Brien at work. His work is mostly suffering
OmgItBurns, That is Smiles O’Breen and he’s a servant of Holy Terra.
tacotroubles, Thats John Risa he’s the guy who treks all the stars
scrubbles, To boldly go… and fix any random transporter accident
chronicledmonocle, (edited ) That right there is the most important engineer in Starfleet.
BaronVonBort, That’s The most important man in Starfleet.
MelodiousFunk, That right there is a union man. He transports strikebreakers to strange new walls.
ininewcrow, Good to see Risa hasn’t lost sight of Trek history
Decoy321, That’s Agent Malloy! He was a huge asset that one time a bunch of convicts hijacked an airplane. Drove a fucking spectacular Corvette, too.
Jesus_666, That’s Miles. His main job is to ensure that both the strongness and sweetness of correctly ordered raktajino are precisely double. In his spare time he ensures fair play at the dart board at Quark’s.
Haus, That's Smiley, and he suffers.
CarlsIII, Shelly Kelly, RIP
SHOW_ME_YOUR_ASSHOLE, He’s the cheese monster who taught Charlie the magic gibberish language.
superpill, This is the correct answer. Damn banshee curse…
spicysoup, that’s MIIIIIILESSSS!
Lumidaub, Translate for Europeans?
TheMongoose, 1.6 kilometeeeeeers!
thebardingreen, That’s Montgomery Scott, and he runs the transporters on the Enterprise.
Moof_Kenubi, Or, as he’s known to his crewmates, “Monty.”
thebardingreen, Beam me up Monty.
Moof_Kenubi, Instructions unclear, have transported angry anthropomorphic gator rockstar robot to your location
Che_Donkey, Don’t remember his name, but his accent is the same as all the great starship engineers: Akron, Ohio.
stoy, That is the Falcon, dangerous man, sometimes allied with Dr. Hippocrates Noah.
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