Wifi pretty much excludes k*s and I assume that swarm and Nomad would be impacted by blips in the wireless connectivity. You can try how things work out with a load balancer / reverse proxy on a wired connection, which then checks the downstream services and routes the request to available instances.
Please look into Wifi-specific issues related to the various orchestration platforms before deciding to try one out. Hypervisor is usually a win win, until you try to do failover.
I can’t speak on moonlight specifically on the pi 4, but it running steamlink on wasn’t bad on it, so I can’t imagine it’s would be any worse than that for moonlight.
Wired Nvidia shield TV has been my best experience when it comes to both moonlight and steam link out of all of the devices I’ve tried it with.
The tool is for budgeting so I would say use what is readable for you. Using IBAN for payee sounds like an overkill. You can still manage your payees and merge them later differently.
I’m running domoticz with an rflink interface for my rf433 devices. No clue if they support ESPHome, but you can check. It runs confined to my network.
You can do it. I use a powered USB hub and a raspberry pi, and 5 hard drives.
It is a mess of cables but was simple enough.
I also sprang for a UPS because most filesystem’s I tried like zfs and btrfs didn’t appreciate random brownouts from running 4 drives off the pi itself.
Right now they’re xfs and used for a minio install and torrent storage
+1 for Nomad. Ive used k8s a lot and still use it, but i prefer Nomad for home purposes. You dont even need a consul cluster to run it anymore so it’s pretty simple to start.
I sat up a nomad cluster in my home lab just a few days ago, on top of instances in proxmox. Works really well and is simple to maintain and understand.
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