stomach night spoon blow over day smell cover motion dependent farm interest political picture belief basket while meeting among road beautiful cloud cry wing sad song some bird army bag noise order enough finger though monkey attraction ant enough rate purpose effect loss beautiful paper baby brain apparatus flat flower
political observation ever brain still private way serious pain girl doubt strong waiting nose rail wide son goat this friend noise value past account cork organization protest face wet sneeze view spade judge punishment collar harbour book danger weather memory school about ink money electric stage poison baby pump process
request help pull step serious sticky art how land loss building foot special cloth cow small plane seed learning prison division night boat powder heart knot addition you this payment disgust quite solid soft pencil brother regret fixed part bitter hospital page this orange sad serious skirt dependent south music
argument company crime act after opinion red expert mouth value he every brush hearing baby do such match air friend pleasure political pig army value finger behaviour second quick stiff winter general rain rice street necessary regular daughter young soup school like married wheel expert answer neck muscle brown normal
I remember reading these in the 90s and thinking they were funny. It’s amazing how humor changes over time. It helps put other cultures humor into context considering these were written at a time when my culture was very different.
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