These guys are dodgy as fuck. They said they just wanted water but then when I came back later the water jug was replaced with wine! We don’t allow BYO, I swear some people just think the rules don’t apply to them.
That checks out, once you check that task off I’ll send your check, just make sure you check it before depositing it.
EDIT: ChatGPT did a better job at this than I did.
In a game of chess, the king was in check, so the player paused to check his phone, where he received a check for his latest freelance project, after which he decided to check off his to-do list and check his coat at the restaurant’s check-in counter.
I don’t personally find this funny therefore I do not consider it a meme. No wonder Lemmy is such a ghost town when even the meme coomunities get such off topic content…smh…
I can imagine people having fun getting lost in the flow of playing a competitive sport. I’ve also heard some people experience a post-workout high. But does anyone actually feel pleasure in the moment while lifting weights, jogging, cycling, etc?...
I had to drag myself out of the house for strength training once a week at first. It took a while but I actually started enjoying it to the point that I go to the gym almost every day now. I think it helps a lot that the gym is like a 2 minute walk though.
NVIDIA 550 Linux Beta Driver Released With Many Fixes, VR Displays & Better (X)Wayland (
Star-struck (
aboutme.pdf (
Dumbo is violating the laws of physics. Where are the cops? How shall i report him? (
Jesus: Table for 26, please (
Host: Sir, there’s only 13 of you....
My one true love (
I can hardly see him (
God why did I say yes (
The more you know (
It's a new era. (
Sdrawkcab suseJ (
Very brave girl (
Frogs (
Shouldn't have messed with Thomas the train. (
Pop Off Popper (
Fuck the moon (
A tweet from “Fuck the moon”:...
When you set your alarm every 5 minutes in the morning. (
Super easy, barely an inconvenience (
any low hanging fruit? (
Which one are you? (
Does anyone actually enjoy working out?
I can imagine people having fun getting lost in the flow of playing a competitive sport. I’ve also heard some people experience a post-workout high. But does anyone actually feel pleasure in the moment while lifting weights, jogging, cycling, etc?...