As someone with a bladder over 40 yrs old now (ugh), I think intermissions ought to be mandatory in anything over 2.5 hrs.
If studios want cinema to survive (and at this point I’m not sure they do), they need to stop trying to cater exclusively to the 29-35 yr-old demo.
My parents used to go to movies often. Now they find it a daunting chore because of the online reserved seating. So they just don’t go anymore. I don’t imagine they’re alone in that.
Patrick Stewart, Brent Spiner, Rene Auberjonois, Robert Picardo, and Anthony Montgomery all appeared on Frasier. And it goes deeper than that. This post barely scratches the surface.
And this right here is why I don’t do Xitter or Tumblr. Getting this worked up over esoteric personal details of C-list podcast hosts is just not worth my time or mental energy. I’m glad there are people like you to keep things straight like you did here, but my god, these keyboard warriors have way too much time on their hands.
Litigating a stranger’s legal troubles isn’t their job. There’s literally a system for that already.
People keep saying this, so as someone who has only watched half of the first season, when does it get to this point?
I mean it’s amusing enough, but it’s just a pastiche of cliches and obvious gags. People keep saying that it distills Trek down to its essence or something like that, but to me it seems like “watered down” would be more accurate.