The onshore tax havens Delaware, Wyoming, and Nevada are vastly worse in scope than any offshore country. They push the narrative about those “terrible foreign countries” to distract us from this fact.
The problem is US tax code, not offshore financial centers.
Seeing the other post here about YouTuber that went downhill and seeing content creators I am familiar with makes me sad. But how about those that still makes great, high quality content?
Practical Engineering - in depth presentations of civil engineering feats, concepts, problems, solutions
Joe Scott - just simple, entertaining discussions of interesting topics
Philosophy Tube - longer format, intensely well-cited presentations on philosophy related to current events (with theatrical costumes!)
Ryan Hall - who knew that a weather forecast could be so fun? Regularly updated weather forecasts for the entire United States with detailed coverage and livestreams of events like tornado outbreaks, hurricanes, and large snowstorms. With charity drives to provide supplies to people on the ground
PBS Spacetime, PBS Eons, all the PBS channels really
Plainly Difficult - consistent quality, often hilarious presentations of various disasters. I particularly like his entire series on radiological accidents, often involving lost radioactive sources that random members of the public stumble onto, which is terrifying.
I’m born and raised in Appalachia, my daddy worked in the coal mines and drove an 18 wheeler. Certified redneck enough that I confuse the shit out of my New England neighbors.
I went out and marched with striking nurses when Bernie put out the call, and I’ve never voted Republican in my entire fucking life.
Also, why isn’t there a slide cover to physically cover the camera, and why can’t I turn off the mic and camera separately? So I just use one of those black foam stickers to cover the camera.
All of the Apollo missions, actually, including 13. In fact, Apollo 13 marks the farthest distance human beings have ever been from Earth because of the modified trajectory they had to use in order to get back to Earth faster with their damaged spacecraft.
But Apollo 13 also is the only moon mission where there was never a single individual alone in the ship when it went dark behind the moon. (On all other missions, the Command Module Pilot remained in the ship while the other two landed on the surface, so for the duration of that time, they were doing solo orbits that took them through the silent shadow of the moon.
To me, it’s all about rational return on investment providing economic incentives to achieve what we want to achieve.
My favorite example to explain what I mean is my own personal health insurance. I have a chronic medical condition that requires constant medication, frequent visits to specialists, and expensive medical tests and procedures. There is simply zero chance that I will ever pay enough in a monthly premium to cover what I cost. Meaning I am always a net financial loss for a private, for-profit insurance company.
This gives a private company every incentive in the world to obstruct and deny my care in hopes that I’ll get frustrated and give up, or maybe even die and get off their books forever.
The government, on the other hand, has a positive financial incentive to keep me healthy. If I am healthy, I am working, paying taxes, buying goods and services that contribute to the economy, and hopefully contributing something beneficial to my community. Only the government (acting as a proxy for “society”) naturally profits from insuring my healthcare.
This is why I believe we should have fully socialized medical care. Because there are some specific things that only the government has natural positive economic incentives that align with what is beneficial for the general public.
Whatever those things are, they should be socialized. And generally those things are basic life sustaining things like food, housing, medicine, education, utilities.
I’m fine with privatized capitalism in a very restricted, heavily regulated niche form. But all the basic necessities should be socialized.
Lmao, I’m your age and literally inhaled a bag of Werther’s while I had Covid because Paxlovid tastes so bad. And I’m about to buy a cane for those days when it would be very helpful to make my invisible disability more visible to all those people trying to rush around me in the grocery store. I old.
EDIT: Let’s cool it with the downvotes, dudes. We’re not out to cut funding to your black hole detection chamber or revoke the degrees of chiropractors just because a couple of us don’t believe in it, okay? Chill out, participate with the prompt and continue with having a nice day. I’m sure almost everybody has something...
Even Crohn’s has different subtypes that are suspected to explain why different Crohn’s patients respond differently to the same treatments. Much like the comment about lupus. Crohn’s also is much more complicated than the general public is aware.
For example, it is well established that there is a subset of people with Crohn’s disease who go into remission while taking an antidepressant called bupropion and we have no idea why. No one believes this is because these people’s Crohn’s was caused by a psychological problem, but rather that the bupropion appears to have effects on the immune system that aren’t well understood. And this appears to only work in certain people. Do those people have a different “kind” of Crohn’s? Different underlying genetic response to bupropion? Those questions aren’t as easy to answer as you might think.
But that’s literally true and fully acknowledged by the physics and astronomy fields. It’s why those things received the names “dark.” Because currently we can’t see what’s causing those effects. And there are currently physicists and astronomers who spend their time researching these effects in hopes of publishing that exact “Hey! I figured out what it is” paper. Then we’ll praise that person, add their name to the pantheon and fail to acknowledge the hoards of other people who contributed to the foundational research that allowed them to finally figure it out.
The first was an exchange student from Ecuador who attended my high school. She actually cried. The other time she told me she cried was when she started dreaming in English instead of Spanish.
The second was a girl I knew in college who had moved up from Florida to attend Ohio State. The first snow that year was that dry snow that blows around, but there was enough of it that everything was covered.
Walking back to our dorm, she kept gathering up handfuls, trying to make a snowball, and she asked if we could make a snowman. We told her it wouldn’t work because this is not snowman snow, and she was mystified. “There’s snowman snow??”
First time we had that good, heavy, wet, sticky snow, we took her out and made a 7-foot-tall snowman haha
I completely disagree with the sentiment here. My 40s have been great because they marked the point in my life when I finally lost my last fuck to give.
The freedom that provides is worth not being able to drink the way I used to in my 30s. Enjoy that achievement.
Derived from chamomile flowers (and other plant sources), I’ve found this to be more successful in treating my chronic insomnia than any of the pharmaceutical options. (And believe me, I’ve tried them all.)
Sheepsquatch (
Presidential fitness test (
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Ripping off a post I just saw in the Isaac Arthur subreddit. Imagining we work out the technical ability. Examples they suggested were:...
Which YouTuber still creates high-quality videos to this day?
Seeing the other post here about YouTuber that went downhill and seeing content creators I am familiar with makes me sad. But how about those that still makes great, high quality content?
They’re the same (
Lies, deception! (
My one true love (
"Moon Goes Hard" by Shenx Comic (
Source: Nitter - RSS...
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For example: being able to turn anything into food but anything can include living things such as humans
What do you like about socialism?
Merry Christmas (
#christmas #unions
All in the Memery (
What is Something Scientific that you just don't believe in at all?
EDIT: Let’s cool it with the downvotes, dudes. We’re not out to cut funding to your black hole detection chamber or revoke the degrees of chiropractors just because a couple of us don’t believe in it, okay? Chill out, participate with the prompt and continue with having a nice day. I’m sure almost everybody has something...
Do you have a story about when you saw snow for the first time? (
Care to share it with us?
I should be celebrating turning 40 (
[EXPERIMENTAL] What are your hidden gem medications/drugs/substances and what makes them ideal for your usecase [**Bolded Substance Name (Brand/Street Name)** + New Paragraph folks]
Generic name (Brand/street name)...