Maybe we were never supposed to protect em lol that’s why the world pop only got above a billion when we started introducing “Hey let’s not let the kids kill themselves” ideas and laws.
The little Jimmy that decided he wanted to pet the Gator didn’t grow up to be Jimothy Bodangles, PHD.
My name is Mud Not to be confused with Bill, or Jack, or Pete, or Dennis My name is Mud, it’s always been 'Cause I’m the most boring sonsabitch you’ve ever seen I dress in blue, yes, navy blue from head to toe I’m rather drab, except my patent shoesI make 'em shine, well, most the time ‘Cept today, my feet are troddin’ on by this friend of mine Six foot two, and rude as hell I got to get him in the ground before he starts to smell My name is Mud
Stayin' Alive (
I cut out AvocadoToast™ and now I'm a millionaire. (
The sequel we never got (
Cope (
Just once I’d like a post where everyone is chill and positive about stuff instead of focusing on negative...
Why not? (
Calculus? Nah, bro, that's easy stuff (
That'd last a day, maybe two... (
Enjoy your Call of Duty (
From my collection of OC Trek memes. Not Princess Bride but close. (
The call of the void is irresistible to toddlers (
I'm going to have to rewatch The Princess Bride now. (
My humble contribution to Princess Bride x Star Trek
My wife, she has a thing for transporter anomalies (
Save your hard-earned Latinum on a long distance subspace carrier you can afford! (
Rule of Acquisition #14: Anything stolen is pure profit. Based on “a comment” by Kolanaki.
Beverly at it again (
I heard we were posting pictures of Mudd now. (
Olé (
Just a trend I've noticed (
I don’t usually post gifs, so I have no idea if this is even going to work....
Quark Twain (credit to YeetPics) (
Star Trek: Canada (