I’d still consider the 30 year old crowd to be my peers. I am still technically 30, I just look 10. The only downside to this is like that time I saw a dwarf being accosted by an elderly woman when she saw him light up a cigarette from behind and incorrectly assumed it was a child.
I remember doing the presidential fitness tests; but my school didn’t have any equipment for it… My school didn’t even fund a rich asshole?! We just did it for funsies?!
Still a dragon tho, right? (I’m not familiar with the anime character but I know enough about anime that she could very well be a 50,000 year old dragon in human form).
I can read sheet music, like… I know what the symbols mean and the scale and timing etc… I can’t hear it when I am reading it though. I’ve sometimes wondered if that’s common or if I am a freak.
Black widows are so common where I am, I don’t even need to see that hourglass to know it’s one. I can even identify males, which don’t look very similar to the iconic females.
They also do sometimes have red markings on their back. Just do an image search for black widows; many of them have a whole band of red that goes from the belly up the back. Can’t say I’ve seen any like that IRL, though.