Maybe the true Oscar is the joy you bring and the friendships you make along the way.
Have you ever been so happy to see an international internet superstar that you reply to your own post instead of replying to the international internet superstar?
New World capuchin monkeys are well-known by their ability to solve problems using stone tools that have the characteristics and morphology of some human-made stone tools.
I knew chimps etc used sticks but was unaware of actual stone tool use by monkeys
The development of the earliest cities in Mesopotamia and the Middle East led to a substantial increase in violence between inhabitants. Laws, centralized administration, trade and culture then caused the ratio of violent deaths to fall back again in the Early and Middle Bronze Age (3,300 to 1,500 BCE). This is the conclusion of...
I have young kids and I feel like I’ve pretty much become isolated from my friends. The ones that have kids live out of state. My best friends don’t have kids so they usually come to me, but they also have their own lives so I don’t want to bother them. And I can’t really do my hobbies. I knew it would be hard with young...
Instead of focusing too much on all of the things that are currently wrong, could you please help paint a picture of what a future utopian society could look like?...
Pretty much just Australia if it perfected itself to its potential, equalised out a bit better and stopped trying to be a mini America. Maybe a few less spiders.
Me posting something on Lemmy then immediately checking the upvotes (
It really be like that sometimes
The die is cast (
*Crickets* (
Pronouns. (
Why not? (
What's a sci-fi or fantasy book or series that you want to see adapted as a movie/television series?
I didn’t read this series when I was a kid, but I finally got around to reading Roger Zelazny’s Chronicles of Amber....
Can you describe Lemmy in one picture? (
nom nom (
Check out my AI generated movie poster of Custer's Revenge! (
Where we're going, we don't need roads! (
What's a secret that you're keeping from your partner/significant other that you're taking to the grave with you?
It doesn’t have to be anything bad btw
The 1st Americans were not who we thought they were (
Research finds dramatic increase in cranial traumas as the first cities were being built, suggesting a rise in violence (
The development of the earliest cities in Mesopotamia and the Middle East led to a substantial increase in violence between inhabitants. Laws, centralized administration, trade and culture then caused the ratio of violent deaths to fall back again in the Early and Middle Bronze Age (3,300 to 1,500 BCE). This is the conclusion of...
Any dads here lonely?
I have young kids and I feel like I’ve pretty much become isolated from my friends. The ones that have kids live out of state. My best friends don’t have kids so they usually come to me, but they also have their own lives so I don’t want to bother them. And I can’t really do my hobbies. I knew it would be hard with young...
An Unloved English Field Restored to Beautiful Brook as Part of a Large Project to Glorify the River Ise (
India succeeds in reducing emissions rate by 33% over 14 years (
What does an ideal world look like to you?
Instead of focusing too much on all of the things that are currently wrong, could you please help paint a picture of what a future utopian society could look like?...