Same. I got his book as an ebook and read it. It offers some decent if simple advice and draws some really weird and false conclusions in other places. But overall it isn’t a bad book and I never felt like he argued on bad faith. But eventually I decided I don’t agree with his views overall.
Later he went a bit weird eating only meat and making weird arguments so idk. But before that I totally understood how he could suck people into the right wing bubble.
Most people who think of themselves as ugly aren’t nearly as ugly as they think imo.
Often they are average looking or slightly below average looking. And that’s only in regards to the conventional beauty standards. We just easily get a false sense of what normal people look like these days.
Hey black mirror had this where they had to watch an ad and looking away was illegal. We’re getting there with Google and their recent and announced YouTube and Chrome changes.
Most people who want to not have kids I know IRL just want to keep their freedom to do what they want and keep the freetime they currently have. Or for financial reasons.
But childfree on the web is often simply hating on kids or moreso their parents really.
Also just go to adult only restaurants, hotels, etc. That’s what those are for right. When we have a night out without the kids that’s what we do even. Nothing worse than getting the kids to grandma to then be screamed at by kids during dinner.
Only if the website is part of the product. Like if to use the product I have to login on the website or am forced to regularly use it or whatever. Then if it is advertised as 100% open source I’d probably be like ‘is it though?’.