What else am i supposed to do? Sleep and fail at literally everything i am doing and that’s of any worth in my life just because i don’t want to be tired the next day?
Hopefully the one hour sleeper is empathizing, and just letting them know they understand as they only slept an hour but can’t articulate it (to save energy).
Literally the capitalist mindset. Go to sleep late and wake up early, so you have more time to work (“grind” or “hustle”). Every day I hate capitalism more and more
I'd say that's still unhealthy because it helps perpetuate the myth that less sleep is a thing to admire. Maybe instead we should start bragging about how much sleep we are getting. As a dad of an 18 month old, I already regularly brag about that to my coworkers who also have little kids.
So fucking true, a lot people take so much pride in not getting enough sleep it is scary, and then they actually start judging if you sleep more than 6 hours
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