There’s so many cliches, but despite them all, Mountain Dew. Not because it makes me feel Xtreme while I’m playing Call of Duty and eating Doritos on my skateboard, it’s just a much better flavor.
I feel like Americans generally “know better”. The bottle says to take two, we know better than to follow the label, we take four. The button says to hold until three quarters full, we know better than to fall for that coffee stealing scheme, we crank that baby till it spills over and then try to add 10 creamers with a name we can’t pronounce. So when we hear that someone died under a bizarre circumstance, we know better.
That’s the thing with ancient wisdom. Over thousands of years, it either stands true and turns into common sense, or is replaced with better modern wisdom.
$500 Million? How long can you rent a Supreme Court Justice for that much? That might be your best chance at positive change.
Now, if we’re looking for Quantity of change over quality of change, you could actually cause the MOST CHANGE by putting that money towards a drone strike on the Capital while Congress is in session.
Just hypothetical answers to a hypothetical question. I’m not advocating anything. No need to put me on any more lists.