Eat what you like,but if you want a “melt”, go to a restaurant. If you just want a grilled cheese(or toastie),go to the truck. Simple. And damn,why isn’t this a thing? I’d kill for a simple grilled cheese rn
“I still don’t understand…what’s a hooker?” “Ok,its him.” Im glad somebody mentioned D.A.R.Y.L. That and Police Academy 2 were my go tos as a kid,since we lived in bfe.
I’ve said the same thing,same reasoning, but my wife and kids lost their minds when I suggested it. I even suggested planting a tree so they could have a place to consider “me” to be,no dice. So good luck to you and everyone else concerned with saving money or hassle out there.
Medicinal clamshell package. I ain’t even upset about all the excess packaging. I’m pissed at the fact you need a circular saw to open your medicine just to take the daily dose.
Oh I’m positive its an OSHA violation,but it got fixed after a while. A stopgap till the right switch/part arrived. In recent times,at least. In the past however,this would stay till safety came through and made them do it right. And this is a billion dollar company too. Blows my mind.
$1 grilled cheese (
Back in my day (
Put me in the trash can at the park. (
"looks inside, individually packaged" (
it does say that theres only 20 in the label, but im more pissed about the waste. everything couldve been put on 3 trays
Me shitpost (
elevator (
Big Tech be like (
spicy in spicy out (
You can do it! (
It is November. (
Cleaning has begun… (
Dear god... (
We dont talk about the Michigan Vampire (