I was pretending to be a monster and started chasing my toddler around the apartment as she giggled. She ran into a room and as I ran after her, I stubbed my toes on the door frame. Instant break of the two outer toes, hurt like hell and had to go to the hospital. That was a decade ago and during fall and winter, I still get a lot of throbbing, dull pain on my toes.
Wife an I met and got married when I was 25 and she was 19. We had some life experience and knew what we wanted. 15 years later, it’s still amazing, we’re still best friends and inseparable. When I met her I got this weird feeling, like I met someone I had somehow known all my life. It felt like I met my wife in a past life, and was immediately like “oh there you are!” When I met her in this one.
I’m in Canada. 25 years ago my parents bought a home for $130k, they sold it 15 years ago for $500k, it’s now listed for $1.1 million. We are so fucked.
The issue is that they get used interchangeably so often that there’s really no difference these days. My wife is Jewish, Canadian and has zero interest in politics, Israel or the middle east, which she has never been to. She still gets called out for Israel’s bullshit as if she cares or has anything to do with it
When I first saw the droids in commercials or posters, I kinda thought they would just sound like imperial probe droids, which would be much creepier. Even as a kid, I really hated the voice they gave them
Bullshit. I’m allergic to cats and it gives you a natural dislike for them. Also I’m convinced that cats are creatures from another dimension or planet, they’re toxic, demon creatures
I’m in Canada, when I order pizza for my family of 3 it comes out to like $65+ with tax and delivery, it’s insane. Took them to burger king the other day, we got 3 meals and a couple of apple turnovers and it came out to $50+, shit is insane.
It would be like when I grew up and saw a George Carlin special on tv and was like “oh that’s Mister conductor from Thomas! He does comedy? I have to see this…” And was instantly traumatized in a good way
Wait why is an IP or copyright bad? If I, a nobody make a great character or film, you’re saying that should belong to everyone and I should get nothing out of it? Bullshit, why even bother then?
Nobody wants Israel to deal with Hamas, but nobody else steps up to do it either. Not only that, but nobody hates Palestinians more than other Arabs such as Egyptians. None of the Arab nations want to step up or take in refugees, same with Europe, all that talk from Europe but nobody will commit to taking in Palestinian refugees or sending in their own troops to weed out Hamas