@Stamets@lemmy.world avatar



Gay | 30s | Trekkie | Canadian


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@Stamets@lemmy.world avatar

If it’s for firefox then I’m gonna need the name of said extension

@Stamets@lemmy.world avatar

Neither do I. I’ve heard so much from so many people about it being a ‘better’ extension in all these ways but I mean… it just comes off like audiophile-style conversations about how this specific record player with x speaker set allows for the warmth better than this other set that costs the same amount of money. That amount being your blood, various organs, and the life energies of everything in a 50 mile radius.

How is it better when no one fucking supports it?!

@Stamets@lemmy.world avatar

I love you

@Stamets@lemmy.world avatar

Where I’m from, a frigid corner of the 9th circle of hell, both the United States Dollar and Tears of the Innocent are used interchangeably.

@Stamets@lemmy.world avatar

You’re not the only person to share that sentiment. I post a lot. Few reasons.

  1. To try and help build Lemmy. Need to have an influx of new material consistently or things get stale and drop off.
  2. To make other people sick of me so they start posting themselves which just goes back to point 1.
  3. Because I am suicidally depressed and the constant posting/reacting to notifications distracts me from my own problems long enough that I get to breathe without hating the fact that I am.
  4. I have been stockpiling stuff for years for seemingly no reason. By posting, I can justify my past memegoblin behavior.
  5. It’s fun
@Stamets@lemmy.world avatar

Star Trek directed by someone who doesn’t like Star Trek. There were a lot of people on those movies who really loved Star Trek and it showed through. They’re not the best, that’s for sure, but I still like them for what they are. However I will say that Beyond is definitely my favorite. Might have something to do with JJ not directing it at all and it feeling like an interesting mix of a TOS episode and Kelvin timeline action/adventure.

Also Idris Elba.

@Stamets@lemmy.world avatar

All the exact same arguments that were made against TNG, DS9, VOY and ENT.

But way to look at the description of my post and say “Nah, positivity? Fuck that.”

Thanks for that.

@Stamets@lemmy.world avatar

And there’s plenty to like as well. But once again, thanks for looking at this posts description about positivity and flagrantly ignore it to give throwaway negative comments. You did the same thing over on another post earlier of someone saying they like Discovery. I’m so tired of this hatefilled focus on Discovery. So many people here are able to share their opinions about not liking Discovery respectfully and without randomly throwing it in everyones faces. Why do people like you have to always double down and drill in that hatred everytime it’s even mentioned? You’re just… exhausting.

Stamets, (edited )
@Stamets@lemmy.world avatar

For real. Everytime someone says “I like Discovery!” You’ve always got to have someone with this type of arrogance go “But it sucks though” and pretend like their opinion is fact.

Two comments I’ve seen from this person on two posts within an hour and both having the same negative energy. I’m just going to go ahead and hit the block button because it doesn’t look like they’re going to provide anything other than negative energy and i’m tired of it.

@Stamets@lemmy.world avatar

Don’t forget the fact that he was aggressively homophobic and refused Gene’s wishes to depict the HIV/AIDS crisis in multiple episodes or even have a gay character on the show, including blacklisting a script about the crisis titled Blood and Fire. Not to mention shooting down the Garak/Bashir connection that both actors actively wanted and refusing to allow Malcom in Enterprise to be gay despite his actor also specifically playing him as gay.

Then there’s the fact that he aggressively tore Denise Crosby’s badge off of her shirt on her last day then lied about it on Twitter saying that she ‘gave it to him’. Or the fact that he’s the SOLE reason that Tasha Yar’s legacy is being forced into sexual slavery for a high ranking Romulan. Or that he constantly fought with Marina Sirtis about her contract as well. Or that he forced himself on a ton of writing credits just on the off chance that someone might potentially sue him. Or the fact that he was micromanaging everything to do with DS9 and only got worse with Enterprise. Or the fact that he fucking breathed this morning.

Fuck him.

Unfortunately, the article also says Brent Spiner is a big defender of Berman.

Data wasn’t perfect. Why should Brent Spiner be. That being said, that’s a hell of a character flaw…

@Stamets@lemmy.world avatar

I meant to add that and it just passed over my head in the fit of rage I was having while typing that.

@Stamets@lemmy.world avatar

I try not to hate people anymore. It’s just too exhausting. I did before, a lot of people, and I’m just so tired.

But that man?

I could be on my deathbed and would still put on a Grandpa Joe type display if I found out that scum-covered amalgamation of used condoms had finally fucking died.

@Stamets@lemmy.world avatar

Oh no I get what you mean, it’s clarification. I wasn’t super clear there. I didn’t mean the actor was gay but that the actor had definitely played the character as gay.

Stamets, (edited )
@Stamets@lemmy.world avatar

This is… troublesome and really demonstrates a massive lack of understanding of what happened behind the scenes. I think you need to watch this. It’ll lay out a lot of things that you don’t seem to be aware of. You’re giving Rick Berman a lot of credit for things he just simply never did.

He had some interesting ideas, a somewhat positive outlook on the future,

This outright false. Rick Berman said on numerous occasions that he didn’t believe that the future could be a utopia or anything like it but that when you’re making Star Trek you have to believe it. He did not have a positive outlook on the future.

I don’t think Berman had quite the “this backstory sounds absurd even for fiction” life before Trek that Roddenberry had, but they both sucked in similar ways when it came to Trek.

Berman had literally no life before Trek. The only thing he had done in TV was a childrens show. Also gonna need you to elaborate on how you think Gene sucked here because I see no similarities between that abhorrent pile of filth and Gene.

I find it somewhat interesting that many women in Trek have terrible stories about him, but Kate Mulgrew doesn’t seem to dislike him all that much.

Well, she did, but not as publicly. Why? That’s because Kate Mulgrew and Rick Berman are cut from the same cloth. Kate Mulgrew was bossing people around on the set of Voyager like she was the Queen of it. She was actively referred to as “The Queen of Voyager”. She tried to prevent Jeri Ryan from being able to use the bathroom while on set because “it takes too much time to get in and out of that catsuit.” Jeri Ryan herself commented numerous times on the active torture that she recieved on set from Mulgrew. That whole “Mulgrew liked him!” isn’t the strong take that you think it is when that woman was a fucking nightmare to her co-stars and just a fucking nightmare to people in general. Both Jeri Ryan and Garrett Wang have talked about how toxic she was to work with. Moreover, Kate Mulgrew had difficult times during negotiations herself. Rick Berman would also call to randomly say “You should eat something” because Kate was stressed on set and losing weight. So, once again, negotiations with a woman were an utter nightmare and Rick would call before scenes to taunt the actress.

Who knows what would’ve happened if someone else had taken over the show?

And that matters how? Why should we be happy with the mysognistic homophobic piece of human garbage that we got just because things might have been different?

Berman did manage to turn a heavily criticised sequel (remember, everyone hated TNG when it first came out) into what I consider to be the golden age for Trek.

No he didn’t and to say that is to absolutely ignore the work of everyone else on set and give far too much credit to a misogynistic piece of human filth.

Writers and actors have said on numerous occasions that the success of Star Trek had nothing to do with Rick Berman and was in spite of him. This was demonstrated in Enterprise as he proceeded to have way more of control over it. He was the reason for the decontamination gel, for instance, as well as outright ignoring characters of color and highly sexualizing female stars.

I have to question if any nice, likeable person would’ve been able to please the networks and their execs to make all of that possible.

You wondering about what could potentially be is not a valid reason to accept all the abhorrent things that Rick Berman did while in control of Star Trek.

Discovery and Picard were free to develop independent of him, and they felt so very different.

Yeah. That’s the point. They’re not supposed to feel the same because Star Trek is not a homogenized set of shows like everyone wants to keep pretending they are. You wanna talk about dark? Then we’re going to need to go back to Deep Space 9. A show that was notorious in having to hide stuff like the Dominion war from Rick Berman so it could be shown on screen. That’s right. One of the most beloved arcs, and critically acclaimed arcs, was actively hidden from Rick Berman so he had no involvement. Why? Because the show runner of DS9 knew that Rick Berman would meddle far too much.

They’re so depressing and dark, down to the ship designs.

That is your opinion and I really do not appreciate you trying to inject that in like it’s fact. Discovery and Picard are both dark, sure, but calling the ship design depressing is just flagrant bias which is extremely repugnant when you’re trying to use your own personal opinion to, once again, justify the actions and behavior of an aggressive homophobe and sexist.

but I would’ve taken more Berman-like work over either.

And I prefer the ideals that Gene himself instilled which were darker tones that focused on more harrowing examples of humanity. Rick Berman sanitized the show and turned it into an episodic piece of television that had to struggle behind the scenes and find its own voice despite the immense pressure from an executive who not only hated the concept of Star Trek but also had zero experience in working in this form of television and did not understand what he was doing.


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  • Stamets,
    @Stamets@lemmy.world avatar

    I see it in Star Trek all the time too. My namesake, Stamets, is a character in Star Trek: Discovery who is gay. He’s the first gay main Trek character in the entire history of the series. Honestly it is the only real depiction of homosexuality across all of Star Trek in general. When he was introduced as a character, he was just the science guy. Then two or three episodes in, he breaks his nose and goes to sickbay to get it treated. A Doc, Culber, treats him and is snarky to him. At the end of that episode, you see Culber and Stamets brushing their teeth together in the same bathroom and you realize they’re actually a couple and together. That Culber was being snarky and bitchy because the man he loves injured himself and is being a dick, not because he’s just a dick character himself.

    That was in 2016 and the backlash was white hot and while it’s died down a bit, it’s still there. I constantly see people saying that “Oh why does he need to be gay?” or “Being gay doesn’t add anything to his character” as if being straight does. It always just boils down to “I don’t want to see that because I am made uncomfortable by gay people” 100% of the time.

    Getting real sick of flagrant homophobes trying to pretend that they give a shit about the quality of a TV show and whether something is shoved in or not when there are more unsightly straight romances than there are stars in the sky and no one seems to give a flying fuck.

    @Stamets@lemmy.world avatar

    Oh 100%. Any straight person who isn’t a bigot isn’t going to be upset by this.

    @Stamets@lemmy.world avatar

    Very, very true. I love how Frakes has taken it as a point of pride that the opposite of ‘jumping the shark’ is ‘growing a beard’.

    Stamets, (edited )
    @Stamets@lemmy.world avatar

    I don’t mind the Kelvin movies too much. Actively enjoy them for the most part. But JJ was definitely the worst part of those movies by far and I completely agree with the meme. You can feel the love of everyone bleeding through despite him, not because of him. So many people worked on those movies who were huge fans of Trek and then he has the nerve to openly talk about how he isn’t a fan of Star Trek.

    Beyond is my favorite of the Kelvin movies and, what do you know, JJ didn’t direct it. Funny that.

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