Bananas are ridiculously cheap even up here in Canada, and they aren’t grown anywhere near here. Yet a banana can grow, be harvested, be shipped, be stocked, and then be purchased by me for less than it’d cost to mail a letter across town. (Well, if I could buy a single banana maybe…or maybe that’s not the best...
I’m. Not. Slaughtering. Anything. You want to change the system, be my guest. But it’s a matter of biology, not ethics.
Cats are fucking predators and that’s final. People like you feed newborn babies oat milk and then are shocked when it dies. Indeed, clueless. Give vegans a bad name.
Oh yeah? By taking care of my cat and supplying him with food that his body needs I’m an abuser? Because I buy meat based food from a company that buys their meat from a processor that buys their meat from a slaughterhouse that may abuse their animals? I don’t think that’s ironic, I think that’s a stretch.
Black beans and Tapatio will keep you full and is pretty tasty for less than a dollar a meal. Also you can eat it out of the can. That how I lived when I was homeless.
Chicken soup (
What are some food items that cost less than what they "should"?
Bananas are ridiculously cheap even up here in Canada, and they aren’t grown anywhere near here. Yet a banana can grow, be harvested, be shipped, be stocked, and then be purchased by me for less than it’d cost to mail a letter across town. (Well, if I could buy a single banana maybe…or maybe that’s not the best...
"How do you know" by War and Peas (
Source: Website -RSS
What's some amazing technology they have in Japan that's very normal to them but would blow our minds here in the US and western world?
Pudding used to come in cans (
Inspiration (
this plug doesn't have the little holes (
The four houses dads belong to. (
Title (
What are your "poor person" money life hacks?
Let’s get a list going. Like with a Target debit card you can get $40 cash back and it takes 1 to 2 days to be withdraw from your checking.
Survive the zombie apocalypse (
Then and now (
It's so peaceful (
Another! (
What now? (
Lucky me? (
Thanks, Windows, I didn’t want my computer to turn off, anyway (
Meme transcription: Anakin & Padme...